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The Turk-Arab alliance in Defence.

Apr 22, 2013
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The defence tech. and industry ''habitat'' for the bigger picture in the Muslim World against the Western Hegemony starting with the Military suppression and then infiltrating into Economy, Culture, Politics etc. is a must.

Turkey is not only sharing the technology of defence, also literally cooperate to found defence industry in the Muslim world as in SADEC with Saudi Arabia(even despite bilateral problems), BARQ and BMC with Qatar for the bigger picture.

  • BARQ:

  • BMC:


P.S: @cabatli_53 Will you please add this in your circle of info-sharing, thank you in advance for sparing your limited and precious time.
Welcome news. Not sure if there is an alliance but cooperation should always be welcome.

I am quite sure that Ukraine is involved given the close KSA-Ukrainian military ties lately and similarly the close Turkish-Ukrainian military ties.

With hard and dedicated work the sky is the limit.

Let us see what this cooperation will develop into.
Turkey is the only country I'm the Muslim world showing any balls.

Of course when your balls are in american-zionist hands it can be hard to show them.
  • “BMC Power” is also a new institute which is established with Qatarian partners. Government is fully suppporting institutes that Qatarian money involved because This money is used to establish new facilities. Money comes from Qatar and Rest of engineering have been done by Turkish engineers.
BMC Power is the equivalent institute of Germany MTU in terms of the kind of products to be developed. They are working on turbodiesel engines from 400hp to 5000hp to power up from land vehicles to naval ships.

Undersecretariat of Turkish defence industry is officially charged “BMC Power” to develop two special turbodiesel engine + transmission.

-(YNHZMA) 905hp turbodiesel engine and transmission for Next generation 40ton IFV project
-(BATU) 1500hp turbodiesel engine and transmission for Altay MBT

  • “TRMotor” is also a new institute which is established with majority share of BMC along with TEI and SSM pays. TRMotor is the design/development center of Turkish aerospace engines as a partner institute of TF-X project. TEI gave proposal SSM to develop domestic turbofan engine but It is going to be received technology of RR as well for TF-X turbofan having a thrust of 27000lbf. ToT issue is discussed to be done over TRMotor company.

With this way, Qatar money is indirectly involved into big scale Turkish projects like Altay, IFV and TF-X and We will most probably see the name of Qatar as the costumer of such projects housing their money.
The alliance of Turkey and Qatar...

BMC Power released an announcment that Pre-work before YNHZA, the prototype of an engine, called AZRA, with 585 HP and 12.8 lt for civilian market has been produced, and ready for trials.

  • “BMC Power” is also a new institute which is established with Qatarian partners. Government is fully suppporting institutes that Qatarian money involved because This money is used to establish new facilities. Money comes from Qatar and Rest of engineering have been done by Turkish engineers.
BMC Power is the equivalent institute of Germany MTU in terms of the kind of products to be developed. They are working on turbodiesel engines from 400hp to 5000hp to power up from land vehicles to naval ships.

Undersecretariat of Turkish defence industry is officially charged “BMC Power” to develop two special turbodiesel engine + transmission.

-(YNHZMA) 905hp turbodiesel engine and transmission for Next generation 40ton IFV project
-(BATU) 1500hp turbodiesel engine and transmission for Altay MBT
View attachment 482574

  • “TRMotor” is also a new institute which is established with majority share of BMC along with TEI and SSM pays. TRMotor is the design/development center of Turkish aerospace engines as a partner institute of TF-X project. TEI gave proposal SSM to develop domestic turbofan engine but It is going to be received technology of RR as well for TF-X turbofan having a thrust of 27000lbf. ToT issue is discussed to be done over TRMotor company.
View attachment 482582

With this way, Qatar money is indirectly involved into big scale Turkish projects like Altay, IFV and TF-X and We will most probably see the name of Qatar as the costumer of such projects housing their money.
The alliance of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Saudi Arabia, Oman and Turkey.

The Turk-Arab countries will have the opportunity to have modern mechanized vehicles today, and pave the way to develop more techologically superior land defence industry ''habitat'' in the Muslim World for tomorrow.



  • Having delivered 133 ACV-15 vehicles to the UAE, FNSS continues to carry out the maintenance and management of these vehicles through its UAE office.
  • When the Royal Saudi Arabian Armed Forces considered the modernisation of different types of M113 Armoured Personnel Carriers (APC), FNSS not only offered them an effective solution, but also implemented it by assuming the operation of the Al-Kharj maintenance and repair facilities belonging to the Royal Saudi Arabian Armed Forces. Within the scope of successive contracts that involved three phases, FNSS modernised over 1,000 M113’s to the M113A4 level.
  • FNSS forged its first relations with Malaysia through the ACV-15, and under three separate orders Malaysia purchased a total of 267 ACV-15s & ACV-19s in different configurations. The project also involved the transfer of technology and the final assembly of some of these vehicles – designated ADNAN by the end user – in Malaysia.
  • Pleased with its ADNAN tracked armoured vehicles, Malaysia also selected FNSS for the development and local production of wheeled armoured vehicles, purchasing a total of 257 AV8 GEMPITA platforms in 12 configurations, based on FNSS’ PARS family of vehicles. Benefitting from the experience it gained with ADNAN, the Malaysian industry (DEFTECH – DRB-HICOM Defence Technologies) assumed the role of prime contractor in this project.
  • Following the Malaysian example, Oman also selected the PARS product family to meet its wheeled armoured vehicle requirements. Currently preparing to deliver a total of 172 vehicles in 13 configurations to Oman, FNSS will also provide local solutions to the vehicles’ life cycle support and management requirements. While 145 of these vehicles will be PARS III 8x8 platforms, delivered in eight different configurations, the remaining 27 will be PARS III 6x6 platforms, and will be delivered in five different configurations.
  • In line with evolving concepts of warfare, Indonesia identified a requirement for a medium-class tank. FNSS and its local partners jointly developed the KAPLAN MT, which is currently undergoing qualification tests.
The source:http://www.monch.com/mpg/news/land/3523-fnss-euro.html

Arabs don't like turks much.
Don't know why? The old ottoman dream is long gone.
Turks don't really care that much.
But some dream about the old ottoman empire.
Turks have started to realize their power. Took pride in their own culture rather then westernize themselves. They now own Islam proudly and emerges as a greatest Islamic nation.
They are the only nation to have developed enough technology and economy, thar no one in the Muslim world can compare with them.
They really are the leaders of Islamic world.
They get the title singlehandedly.
By hardwork and passion.
Arabs don't like turks much.
Don't know why? The old ottoman dream is long gone.
Turks don't really care that much.
But some dream about the old ottoman empire.
Turks have started to realize their power. Took pride in their own culture rather then westernize themselves. They now own Islam proudly and emerges as a greatest Islamic nation.
They are the only nation to have developed enough technology and economy, thar no one in the Muslim world can compare with them.
They really are the leaders of Islamic world.
They get the title singlehandedly.
By hardwork and passion.

are u writing a poem
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