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And one day in point in time, they all decided to unleash, with all the their skills and abilities!
Try to develop habit of listening to the other side of story too.
What explains their training, military skills and arms supply? almost al of them are located in land locked countries and are surrounding the Islamic states and killing locals.
There is no such thing in Islam.. what they reflect and all of them are openly declared non Muslims.
There objective is to only surround Islamic states and disrupt them and divide them.
Another spewing of conspiracy theories. Get a reality check. Jihadi culture exploited by the Saudis/Pakistanis and others have created a genie that is out of a bottle and cannot be controlled. Always throw blame on the other side instead of looking yourself in the mirror....
I am amazed how much your people can put your head in the sand and continue to deny the problems.
Another spewing of conspiracy theories. Get a reality check. Jihadi culture exploited by the Saudis/Pakistanis and others have created a genie that is out of a bottle and cannot be controlled. Always throw blame on the other side instead of looking yourself in the mirror....
I am amazed how much your people can put your head in the sand and continue to deny the problems.

If you're truly what you say you are then you'd know Barlow wasn't giving an opinion but stating a fact:
"He further added:
“Prisoners have told us that Boko Haram is and has been supplied and supported by ‘Europeans’ who have arrived in their safe areas by helicopter.”

Secondly you'd also know the logistical impossibility of a guerrilla group without local support somehow feeding themselves along with prisoners for extended periods in remote areas. eg,the Chibok girls saga-HTF do you feed 300 girls daily for a year hundreds of km from any regular supply?
Where does BH get their heavy weapons the 23mm AA,RPGs and 14.7 mm Dshkas? Not all these are captured or bought from corrupt NA guys.
The thing is in order for these groups to gain power they need to be funded by a foreign hand. This is common sense. It's not like these guys are rich and fund themselves. We're do u think Isis gets all its money? Eventually these groups will get their own source of income and find themselves. But at the very start a foreign hand must be involved. The only countries that have the money to do this are the western nations and their cronies (UAE, Saudia etc.)
The thing is in order for these groups to gain power they need to be funded by a foreign hand. This is common sense. It's not like these guys are rich and fund themselves. We're do u think Isis gets all its money? Eventually these groups will get their own source of income and find themselves. But at the very start a foreign hand must be involved. The only countries that have the money to do this are the western nations and their cronies (UAE, Saudia etc.)

Exactly! Look at this ISIS convoy:


I read they have 2000 Toyota Tundras! These are from Turkey and a new one is 20k$ though of course there are big discounts for such large purchases. Along with RPGs,HMGs and even light arty. But GASSSSPP!! They've tortured,beheaded and killed fellow Muslims and Christians without even attempting top use their massive firepower to confront Israel,the architect of the ME wrongs for over a half century.
Latest on the BH firepower is that they now have,wait for it-cluster bombs:GASSSPPP!! ”Nigerians living in the northeast and any other parts of the country to be on the lookout for cluster bombs sometimes called scatter bombs as the Nigeria army engineers serving in Adamawa state had recovered some caches of these bombs in the contested areas in recent time."
See The Kind Of Deadly Ammunition Called “Cluster Bombs”, Boko Haram Intends To Use In Causing More Havoc | OLUMO ONLINE

How many of you think they got this off ebay or their supporters found them in a south London garage sale?
He is correct. They supported the ICU because it was a moderate group and has no relation with the terrorist organization and have made intentions to maintain diplomatic relationship with neighboring countries. However, after the Ethiopian invasion, their relationship stopped after ICU was replaced by Al Shabab who became more extreme and declared everyone as enemies if they oppose their rule. They understood the Eritrean government policies toward Eritrean Muslims so they turned away and declared Eritrean government an enemy.

Muslims in Eritrea are banned from practicing their faith because they are under a Marxist dictator who used repressive tactics on them. A Marxist dictator not only ban and suppress them but also have fought Muslim Eritrean Front within for decades and in Eastern Sudan where they have launched an incursion to cramp down rebellion then occupied Southern Djibouti and Yemeni Islands so therefore, this madman is very hostile to Muslims.

Adding the fact that it was the Muslims who have started the revolution in the 1950s whereas this dictator who was a CIA agent back then (under CIA led Richard/Mile Copeland Jnr) fought against them during the 70s with a largely Christian counterpart group who were once pro-Ethiopia and opposed Muslim rule and the US as well due to fears of losing the strategic Bab al Mandeb.

So, referring AlShabab of Islamist would have not been funded by this madman with Marxist views who is paranoid of Muslims because they are too populated surrounded by him. This can be said for the Ethiopian government as well who are also paranoid. Neither of them are supporting AlShabab.

Who remembered when everyone was accusing Assad of supporting ISI back in 2006 just because the borders were open? Today, times have changed. This can be said for the same to Eritrea.

Is the Eritrean government a victim or a sponsor of Islamic extremism and terrorism?

Now who funds AlShabab and where do they get their weapons from?

(1) The Somalis are very loyal to their own clan and its nation only exist on paper meaning the government force is not functioned properly and is ineffective so whenever they have been armed by external powers, they would usually sell them to AlShabab for $$$/profit.

(2) They got their weapons from captured bases in AMISON or government force territories.

(3) They use funds from terrorist organization in Yemen since it is very close to Somalia or elsewhere but simply saying any government support AlShabab is never true at all and is actively fighting them on front line.
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Easier to blame the west than to accept the inherit savagery of religious people, right?
Easier to blame the west than to accept the inherit savagery of religious people, right?

What inherent savagery? These BH/Al Shabaab/ISIS killers are all brainwashed killers and/or mercs! Fyi,I live in Kenya and I'm clued in.
As always happens in this world the truth has finally come out! Guess who was arrested when the Naij army finally captured the BH Sambisa stronghold? A real live Frenchman!

The mysterious white man captured by Nigerian soldiers during last week’s storming of Boko Haram’s headquarters in the Sambisa Forest is a Frenchman and he specializes in repairing and unlocking armoured personnel vehicles and other fighting equipment, Daily Trust learnt from authoritative military sources yesterday. The white man’s identity is being concealed by the Federal Government and military authorities for diplomatic reasons, the sources also said.
Read more at http://www.dailytrust.com.ng/news/g...-repairs-apcs/177947.html#jV7mTfbusXkbMw1x.99

Raise your hand if you think the nigga was a prisoner or an IDP.
one has to be fool enough to believe all these terror outfits erupting out of nowhere by them self, getting armed by them self, even making it them self, printing money by them self. Note this every Indian will deny that mostly because of their hate of Muslims and the fact that their govt has hand in it. Even many Christian/whites in US and Canada believes their govt has hand in it....but find me one Hindu Indian who will say that.
Finally!Burkinabe defmin lays it all out;imo,it helps being a former journo as he ties it all together:“I think there’s a big business behind all these things, that has little to do with religious motivations. These people have a lot of money to recruit youth, to pay them, to pay their families. The Sahel is a big trafficking zone. The traffickers sell cheap cigarettes. They arrive in Benin, or Togo. They go through Burkina Faso or maybe Niger. Then it goes through the desert zone of Mali. Actually the Algerian generals are complicit in this trafficking. Then it goes to Europe…this same network is being used by the drug dealers of Latin America.”

Kids,militia,rebels,bandits etc,etc more often than not are tied in with smugglers,gun runners and other criminals-who organises all these networks? Do you think for a minute the local Fulanis in this 5th world country arranged the contacts and logistics themselves?



He ends asking pertinent questions:“They’ve got maybe 4 000 men in the region, they have all the military and technological resources, so I’m surprised they haven’t been able to eradicate this band of terrorists. We ask ourselves a lot questions: if they really wanted to, they could have beaten them, so do they have another agenda?”

Just 3 days ago the Naij army threw out Action Contre La Faim,Action Against Hunger,a Maiduguri based NGO for aiding Boko Haram.

The Nigerian Army shut down the offices of a humanitarian aid group Action Against Hunger (ACF) in the restive northeast, accusing it of “aiding and abetting terrorists,” in a move the charity said endangered humanitarian assistance to millions of people.

In a release posted on Facebook on Thursday evening, the army’s command in the northeast said the Paris-based NGO “has been declared persona nan [sic] grata for aiding Boko Haram Terrorists/Islamic State West Africa by supplying them food and drugs” despite warnings from the military.

I'm happy this info is now in the MSM and not just 'conspiracy theory' world. Vergennes,where are you at!?
Lol says the UN, no evidence till this day. Just talk and pointing fingers, trust me if Eritrea really supported al shabab they would be half way of invading Ethiopia today, Al Shabaab captives said they were getting weapons and support from shady brokers who closely worked with the west and ethiopians. People who lives in east africa know somali well and one thing is they don't have the extremist nature, this al shabaab buisness is a foreign implant you can see it straight as an arrow.

True statement! Al-Shabaab was/is supported by Blackwater (Xi), British SKI International, some of GCC's intelligence agencies, TPLF intelligence, and corrupt Somali businessmen who got rich in the civil war and opposed to any form of law and order in the country that can disrupt their loot.

ISIS is another group that is operating in the eastern part of the country and whose numbers are growing.

The Boko Haram and Al-Qaeda in the Sahel are also used to destabilize the resource rich nations in West Africa. And wherever you see these terrorist groups, look no further than the Western security services and their proxies.
Always looking for boogeyman.

people of this generation are all too aware of libya and syria episode even yemen as well, so these bogeyman are bogeymen no more, but media has extensively covered the topic and exposed these ''bogeymen''.

Like an adult I've accepted the truth painful as it may be about the BH war-its unwinnable! The Naij army has come up with the Super Camp strategy. Prez Buhari announced small coy FOBs will be closed and the troops massed in larger presumably brigade sized bases. The standard COIN strategy of fighting insurgents on their turf while winning the hearts and minds of locals has been abandoned as the NA has decided to prioritise minimising casualties.
Its been nearly a decade and the same operational shortcomings seen at the beginning in 2011 still predominate:
-poor tactical efficiency:at least 10 bases have been overrun since 2013
-lack of proper gear from footwear,flak vests,comms,APCs etc,etc
-dearth of innovative purpose led formations like the Rhodie Field Force,airmobile and paras ready for immediate action


-serious deficiency in platforms of all types-so bad the NA uses Hilux pickups on operation!

-high level lack of political will if not active treason! Despite a decade of talking there's still no army aviation! The 30k or so troops in the NE battle fields rely on 10 or so Hinds,4 Mi 17s and 8 Aw 109s from the AF for CAS!


"The major factor that hinders the Nigerian army from defeating Boko Haram is the lack of an “army aviation,” the man who heads the army’s operations against the terror group said.
Olusegun Adeniyi, who is the Theater Commander of the army’s Operation Lafiya Dole, said this when he received a delegation of the National Assembly joint committee on the army on Thursday.
Mr Adeniyi, a major general, took over the command of the military’s counter-insurgency operation about two months ago."

Imo the options are increasingly limited and tbh,I’m now wondering if it isn’t time to reach some accommodation with BH to rearm and restrategise. The only options imo are:
-get back Eeben Barlow’s STEPPS with a blank cheque to retake much of the North
-go the Sri Lankan way,ie,wait for platoon and coy commanders to put their heard earned combat lessons to work when they command regiments and brigades. This should have already happened by now as 2010 platoon leaders when the insurgency began should be coy and btn commanders!
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