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The Truth of 27th Feb Gradually Being Revealed by India - Rafales must fly in with Meteor AAM

PAF is equipping Jf-17 with PL-15 to counter the meteor threat. We also now have stealth detecting radar (JY-27) for Rafales in case it uses SPECTRA.
Rumors that Block-2 have a PL-15, in block-2 PL-15 can't be reach its full potential Range because of limited range of block-2 radar (135 km) and RAFALE is not Stealth jet it is easily detected/tracked by TPS-77 and Chinese YLC-12 AESA
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Dang, WindJammer beat me to it in posting this article! No mention F16 at all. As always, truth will out !!!!
Their old posters use to say.. When SU-30s were busy dodging AMRAAMs suddenly Nandu Mig-21 appeared from behind the Haji pir mountains and surprised F-16s as our F-16s were traveling by roads :lol: they idiots dont know our strike package were well above 30k feets flying very high, how nandu jet hides from F-16s radar from that angle...
It was behind clouds.
A perfect cover....!!!!
I wonder where they will run to once China gives us VLRAAM PL-21 or even PL-15. Block 3 Thunders will go head on with Rafales, F-16 and MKIs will be a side story unless both sides decide to get upgrades on respectable platforms. Even then MKIs are sh*t thanks to huge RCS. I personally hate flankers other than SU-35, SU-34, J-16, J-11D and J-15. These are truely different birds
Okay, and then what...?!!

They plan on doing some fireworks over New Delhi with 'em.

I suppose a photo-op with Meteors on the Rafale arriving would gather a lot screen time on Indian Media.
China gives us VLRAAM PL-21

Interesting, let's suppose we are given PL-21 , what do you think we will launch them from , I doubt it will be from thunders or are the dimensions of PL-21 under the designed AAM envelope of JF-17??
I wonder where they will run to once China gives us VLRAAM PL-21 or even PL-15. Block 3 Thunders will go head on with Rafales, F-16 and MKIs will be a side story unless both sides decide to get upgrades on respectable platforms. Even then MKIs are sh*t thanks to huge RCS. I personally hate flankers other than SU-35, SU-34, J-16, J-11D and J-15. These are truely different birds
PL-21 (Ramjet air to air BVR just Meteor) might be scraped in favor of VLRAAM (Duel pulse rocket motor) but these VLRAAM is biggest air to air BVR in PLAAF arsenal even for J-20 these VLRAAM to big to fit on its internal bays so how can it be possible VLRAAM will fit block-3 (and VLRAAM is not for fighter jets interceptions but ANTI AWACS AAM just Russian R-37 ARROW/KS-172) , but even Block-3 AESA (Range 170 Km) can't utilized full potential range of PL-15 150 -200 Km

Interesting, let's suppose we are given PL-21 , what do you think we will launch them from , I doubt it will be from thunders or are the dimensions of PL-21 under the designed AAM envelope of JF-17??
PL-21 project was scraped by China in favor of VLRAAM, more conventional dual pulse rocket motor design
What are the actions taken by PAF after 27th Feb, vis-a-vis action taken by IAF ?
Steps taken by India:
1. Secure com links.
2. Emergency orders of better ranged missiles from Isreal.
3. More urgency in orders of Rafale with meteors.
4. Induction of more Awacs
5. Development of better tactics.
Steps taken by Pakistan:
1. Induction of new radar systems.
2. Improvement of AD environment.
3. Development of JF-17 Blk3 with Pl15 which shall effectively neutralise Rafale with meteor in a BVR stake out.
Interesting, let's suppose we are given PL-21 , what do you think we will launch them from , I doubt it will be from thunders or are the dimensions of PL-21 under the designed AAM envelope of JF-17??
PL-21 are being worked upon to reduce their sizes as to fit internal bays of J-20, refer to Chinese thread or Huitong’s chinese blogspot. As for launch, it’s PAF’s responsibility to decide what solution we have for that problem. A heavy fighter has quite a potential and requirement among our lines.@seven0seven is correct, PL-21 has been scrapped in favor of VLRAAM but the basis of VLRAAM is PL-21.
PL-21 (Ramjet air to air BVR just Meteor) might be scraped in favor of VLRAAM (Duel pulse rocket motor) but these VLRAAM is biggest air to air BVR in PLAAF arsenal even for J-20 these VLRAAM to big to fit on its internal bays so how can it be possible VLRAAM will fit block-3 (and VLRAAM is not for fighter jets interceptions but ANTI AWACS AAM just Russian R-37 ARROW/KS-172) , but even Block-3 AESA (Range 170 Km) can't utilized full potential range of PL-15 150 -200 Km

PL-21 project was scraped by China in favor of VLRAAM, more conventional dual pulse rocket motor design
Buddy, we can’t assume anything about IronFalcon right now especially since the radar is going to be a local. We won’t have any clue about it’s tracking range. However, we have to hope for the best, PAF won’t opt for in house solution if it is inferior to Chinese options but yet here they are !!!

I just wish, we bring in a BVR with at least 200-250km range. That would be very much enough
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