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The True Ancient Origins Of The Native Americans | 1491: Before Columbus | Timeline


Dec 14, 2008
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United Kingdom
The native Americans came from central Asia according to DNA analysis:-

During Ice Age, via Beringia, a land mass that once bridged the sea between what is now Siberia and Alaska. This was a glacier formed during the Last Glacial Maximum when sea levels were also very low.

While we look at maps of America or Canada we can't visualize but these regions of world are quite large territories , if you take a plane it takes 5 hours to go from one side to other side

Hard to imagine there were so many different variation of Native Residents


The exploitation of America started after fall of Ottoman Navy in Mediterranean
around the same time the exploitation started in Americas , a certain East India Company was making presence in Asia around Subcontinent


We often hear in time travel movies , if you change 1 act it can alter the future timeline , if you can go back in time and simply change part of history where Ottoman Navy was defeated , it will change the history of America or Subcontinent

French Colony Setup in North America
French had treaties with Ottoman
Jacques Cartier began the French colonization of North American in 1534.

Major loss for Ottoman Navy
The Battle of Lepanto was a naval engagement that took place on 7 October 1571

Arrival of East India Company in Subcontinent
They landed in the Indian subcontinent on August 24, 1608, at the port of Surat

First English Colony in Americas
The first permanent English colony in America was founded at Jamestown, Virginia, in 1607

Millions of Bisons were killed on Americas which were prime source of food for Native People as they were hunters , it created vast starvation for Native people



The native people were called "Savages" only because they did not speak English or french and had their own language

At peak when Native Tribes were at greater number , deals were made with some tribes so they would help the colonist and they were promised in treaty a safe control over land , guns and horses.

However after the none cooperative tribes were killed or wiped off , the tribes which cooperated with colonist were , kicked out of the lands and had their treaties abruptly cancelled

Mass executions were common
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The dress is quite similar with Austronesian Dayak people of Indonesia, particularly those birth feathers on the men head.

Most people in Asia were not aware of these killings as obviously there was no radio or tv to highlight what was happening to Native People

In fact I only learned about these things quite recently while reading about history

The French /British / Spanish all were exploiting the resources at same time
French/British were present North America , Spanish were present Southern America. French also had hand in Africa.

French Left Central America and left the region

In 1763, the Treaty of Paris was signed, ending the Seven Years' War, which Britain won, defeating France. By this treaty, France ceded its territories east of the Mississippi River to Britain.

British also setup a operation for Opium trade near China and eventually capturing a region called Hong Kong, millions in China died due to drug addiction, drug was traded in return favors were asked to get ports in the country

The Colonist mind set came to end after World War 1 and World war 2 completely halted any colonist mindset
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colonialism didnt die it achieved its goal, bring in paper money fraud and debt.

they actually found america with very large buildings and technology. search tartaria.
colonialism didnt die it achieved its goal, bring in paper money fraud and debt.

they actually found america with very large buildings and technology. search tartaria.
It set up the colonial system that we have today where western nations still exploit non western nations through their fraudulent economic system and military domination. This system has to be toppled to restored balance to the world once again.
One thing is for certain , National Defense should never be left for outsiders
Depend on your own Army for your own Nation's protection
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