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The Top Military Powers 20 Years From Now

Even if that is true, it should be the deepest shame of India.

In China, whenever we hear about some Chinese of foreign nationality get some prize, our first reaction is not pride. It is deep shame that they chose to go to a foreign country to do this research.

Indians on the other hand take pride in the accomplishments of their colonial masters using their own as slaves. Like how they think ArcelorMittal is great because the boss was born in India... well no, ArcelorMittal has nothing to do with India, it's a Luxembourg company run by the British, what does that have to do with India? Sane indians even know they're ruled and fooled by foreigners but powerless to stop it.

The holier than thou argument?

Your country men equally acknowledge and celebrate the success of their diaspora just as the Indians do.
The holier than thou argument?

Your country men equally acknowledge and celebrate the success of their diaspora just as the Indians do.

I don't. I think it's a deep shame. Some people online were celebrating Steven Chu becoming Energy Secretary of the US. Me and my friends were just said, so what, it's a purebred American becoming an official in US. Steven Chu is white in every way except his skin color. He even married a white. What does he have to do with China?
Its Self praising thing...........He putted India on number 2......i think he forget or mistyped....it must be one number one.....
As i met many Indians.......if you talk to them they always claim that in NASA 60% are Indians............In Microsoft 70% are Indians and blaw blaw............
They are contributing well in world but not to that extent ....they always pose.....must be realistic.

Well known internet hoax
its funny that people still think that any country in Europe will be ahead of turkey..
especially in millitary.
it just gives a good boost of laugh.
in 2050 any possible threat would be china or india.
india's population is out of control.. i dont think they can even put in a strategy to strike.
while china is doing 1child policy and they are under dictatorship so changes can happen.

LOL whats funny is the name of your country, Turkey... Turkey has no military edge on any country in the world, OK sorry Indian brothers.. but i think even Pakistan is in a better position to beat turkey.

I see people on youtube boasting on turkey, but lol they got nothing on the E.U. or it's nations... Even France would win it's first war against you!!! LMAOOOOO
my list
1 pakistan
2 pakistan
3 pakistan
hahahaha :yahoo:

First Pakistan needs to USE IT"S Awesome military to kill the Talibans hiding in it's own country before it attacks anyone else... lol

India has 800 million ppl living on 2 dollars a day, yet somehow our country is still making headline on econmic growth.... In India 2 dollars is enough for a 3 0r more meals and enought for a bollywood movie.... sooo as we get stronger... our ppl will live better...

just don't come back with that gay poverty line... tired of hearing it
Lol..... by developing an ICBM India would become the second most powerful military.
UK at 3 I think the author of this article still lives in 20's and 30's where he see's Royal Navy as best in the world.

In my opinion :
1. USA or China
3. Russia
4. India
5. South Korea
top 1 usa
top 2 china
top 3 UK/russia
top 3 UK/russia
top 4 turkey
top 5 japan
My List

1. USA
2. China
3. Russia

The top 3 are pretty much undisputed but after this it gets a little hazy. Sure India will feature on the list along with UK, France, Germany etc. I'm not too sure on where Japan should be though, the 1% of GDP military expenditure cap is still poplular amongst the general population and predicting economic growth in these times is a bit tricky. Shrinking economy = Lower defense budget for the Japanese.

I also believe that everyone should keep a close eye on the Brazilians. A force to be reckoned with in the future? My guess is yes. Their aircraft carrier is expected to enter service sometime this year or early 2012 and they are rapidly modernising in all branches of the armed services.

My two cents :)


Icydemon5 please don't spoil the professional manner of this forum by trolling. Its just childish to say that "Turkey has no military edge on any country in the world".
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