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The Top Military Powers 20 Years From Now

Some Mistakes here , Chinese Military is actually very very much ahead of India already. India cant manufacture a reliable basic jet trainer air craft on its own and without Israeli , Russian or British Help. Chinese have just shown what they are capable of by unveiling J-20 Firefang.

We all know that China is a head.. I am sure China struggled it out and went through hardships to get to where its at with J-20. Let India go through its struggles, or you guys will eat your words later on. And I dont see any reason why not getting some help/guidance to produce your first fighter jet..
We all know that China is a head.. I am sure China struggled it out and went through hardships to get to where its at with J-20. Let India go through its struggles, or you guys will eat your words later on. And I dont see any reason why not getting some help/guidance to produce your first fighter jet..

This is a very common misconception that "help" is actually "help". To build institutional knowledge, you actually must reverse engineer something. Reverse engineering is extremely difficult and will teach your country's scientists and engineers alot; it demands absolutely perfect understanding of the object being studied. With foreign "help", like the type of "help" China recieved on our nuclear plants, it actually suppresses your indigenous ability and makes your industry dependent on handouts from foreigners. This is why our civil nuclear industry is behind India and only now struggling to catch up, and our aerospace industries are ahead; we were both sanctioned in these areas and through hard work and research developed an indigenous base in them.

Foreign "help" is also often tied to spying and corruption. We sentenced the CEO of China Nuclear Corporation to life in prison for taking bribes from Areva and suppressing China's civilian nuclear technology. India should think whether some politicians are personally benefitting from military sales.
It depends on which military has the air power. The U.S is a mediocre military if you take away its airforce. So my ranking in the next 20 years are:

1. USA
2. Russia
3. A tie between India/China (both seems to have the same fleet of 4, 4.5 5 gen fighters in the foreseeable future)
4. The rest of the top 10 look pretty much the same, no one really stands out.
The Top Military Powers 20 Years From Now
by Harold C. Hutchison

Who will be the big world powers twenty years from now? This is a difficult prediction to make, largely because in 20 years, many unexpected changes could take place. For example, two decades ago, the United States and Soviet Union were locked in a Cold War. Nobody expected that in five years from then, the Berlin Wall would fall and the Soviet Union would literally disintegrate. That said, there is an idea of who is emerging, and who is fading.

10. Brazil – This country is emerging as the dominant military and economic force in Latin America. It operates the only aircraft carrier outside the US Navy in the Western Hemisphere. Currently, Brazil is trying to build up its forces still more, and is pursuing a program to build a nuclear-powered attack submarine and could be pursuing nuclear weapons development as well.

9. South Korea – This country has an indigenous naval program that is quite solid, and one of the better armies in the world. The only thing holding it back is a reliance on foreign designs for aircraft, although it is manufacturing F-16s locally.

8. Germany – Despite reductions in the German defense budget after the end of the Cold War, this military has several quality systems (like the Leopard 2 main battle tank and the Type 212 submarine). Germany also has had a tradition of effective military forces (just ask the Romans).

7. Japan – This is a country which has, with one hand tied behind its back, developed the number two navy in the Pacific Rim, and arguably the second-best air force (tied with China). The only thing that holds Japan back is an apparent lack of desire. Things could rapidly change on that front, though.

6. Russia – This country has a lot of nukes, and a lot of bombers. While naval designs (like the Kirov-class battlecruisers and Oscar-class submarines) are good on paper, they still have quality issues, and accidents are not unheard of. Still, this is a country that has some advantages, and is no pushover.

5. France – Probably in better shape than what one would expect. This is largely because of the quality of the troops (due to career NCOs). Has remained self-sufficient in terms of producing major weapons systems (see the Rafale), and operates the only CVN outside the U.S. Navy (even though it has had problems).

4. China – This is a force that has quantity on its side, and is rapidly trying to improve its quality. Their air force will probably have the largest force of Su-27 fighters in the world (at least 580, compared to the 550 in Russian service). The Chinese navy is rapidly introducing new classed of destroyers and frigates that are close to the quality of American and Japanese surface combatants. That said, it is still behind, and the Chinese financial situation could go downhill rapidly.

3. UK – While small, this is a force that not only had a tradition of high quality, it has proven as recently as 1982 that it can operate half a world away and still accomplish a difficult mission. Sailor for sailor, there is no better navy than the Royal Navy.

2. India – Probably the most dynamic country in terms of the leaps. India is rapidly becoming self-sufficient in a number of areas, and what it cannot produce, it is able to buy. Currently reasearching the Surya ICBM series with a range of 13,000 km and equipped with a 250 kiloton warhead beating any Chinese ballistic missile in terms of range and yield. Plus , India is developing the Sagarika Cruise Missile which will be second only to the American Tomahawks.It also has some of the best training in the world, and can give an unsuspecting opponent a surprise. Probably the next superpower due to a more firm economic footing, and the fact that its Navy is much more advanced than China’s.

1. USA – Even while fighting a war on terrorism, the United States is pursuing new technology (such as UCAVs) to maintain an edge over any potential challenger. The forces are well-trained, and the United States Navy is still the most powerful in the world. The term superpower almost understates what the United States can do – it is arguably a hyperpower.

Disagree?????..........You have all rights to do so!!! :devil:

I can't see UK being 3rd 20 years from now.
We're not even 3rd today, so how the author thinks we're going to be 3rd in 20yrs after all the cuts is a mystery.

Second point is when he's talking about India he's making a lot of errors.

For example he's comparing a future Indian ICBM to current Chinese ICBMs - why not just compare systems that are already in service rather than something that may or may not be successful in future.

Also, I thought Sagarika was a submarine launched ballistic missile, not a cruise missile, why's he comparing it to a tomahawk?

And why's he talking about ballistic missiles and nukes, they're not going to be used in a conventional war.
If nukes were going to be the deciding factor, then USA and Russia would still be 1 & 2 in 20yrs time.

And the part about the Indian navy being more advanced than the PLAN is also funny. This is what he says earlier about the PLAN:

The Chinese navy is rapidly introducing new classed of destroyers and frigates that are close to the quality of American and Japanese surface combatants.

Then he goes and says this about India:

Probably the next superpower due to a more firm economic footing, and the fact that its Navy is much more advanced than China’s.

So by his logic, the Indian navy must be as advanced as the US Navy and JMSDF.
In the near future, the balance of power in the world will not be unilateral.

The world geopolitical situation (20 years from now) can be like this:


  • USA (great power from WEST)
  • China (great power from EAST)
COLD WAR version II?

Napoleon Bonaparte: "When China awakes, it will shake the world."

Big players

  • Russia
  • India
  • Brazil
United fronts

  • European Union
Under radar

  • Japan
  • United Kingdom
  • Israel
In addition:

  • EU & Russian alliance -> Gog and Magog?
  • Possibility of Islamic Union?
Very interesting developments lay ahead. Though surprises can be expected from the unexpected.
2. India – Probably the most dynamic country in terms of the leaps. India is rapidly becoming self-sufficient in a number of areas, and what it cannot produce, it is able to buy. Currently reasearching the Surya ICBM series with a range of 13,000 km and equipped with a 250 kiloton warhead beating any Chinese ballistic missile in terms of range and yield. Plus , India is developing the Sagarika Cruise Missile which will be second only to the American Tomahawks.It also has some of the best training in the world, and can give an unsuspecting opponent a surprise. Probably the next superpower due to a more firm economic footing, and the fact that its Navy is much more advanced than China’s.

Lmao buying your way to world number 2 super power very clever argument indeed

Yup.....Thr are many examples of countries which benefited from other countries' R&D and help. Israel, Australia, most of the European countries including United Kingdom, Italy, Netherlands, Turkey, Norway, and Denmark; and India and China too.

China and India are #3 and #4 currently mostly coz of help from USSR and others..........Don't u think so???

Of course its a clever argument, I mean come on their procurement process isn't just a joke, its a benchmark for corruption and incompetence.

All the way from the Rajiv Gandhi - Bofors scandal, to the thousand $'s for coffins in kargil, to the creme de la creme MMRCA which has been ongoing since 2004 and they still haven't figured out what they want.

Look who is giving lecture on corruption...................one lead by Mr. 10%:laugh:

With an enemy like this who needs friends?:bounce:

Yup........the same enemy who cut 1/3rd of you...........remember???

Post #1 is nothing but someones wishful thinking.

Nope.........its not wishful thinking. Its an article.

All you have to do is look at the Iraq and Afghanistan wars and figure out who stands where.

You mean............USA and former USSR are/were no superpowers???

Gr8 thinking:tup:
china made military hardware is poorly copied and no match for your high quality western military hardware. in fact, they will just fall apart before even getting to battle and poison some babies along the way. so no need to worry about us at all.:whistle:
china made military hardware is poorly copied and no match for your high quality western military hardware. in fact, they will just fall apart before even getting to battle and poison some babies along the way. so no need to worry about us at all.:whistle:

Exactly right:tup:. We need to order some high quality LCAs, and Arjuns.:partay:
By 2030 -

1.USA - USA Have maintained an edge over potential military powers till now and will continue to do so In next 2 decades...

2.CHINA - Rapidly growing Economy and Military . Threat to hegemony of U.S in 21st century.

3.RUSSIA - Former soviet union . Was only threat to US for so long.Have largest Nuke arsenal.

4.INDIA - Rapid growth of Economy . Undergoing Military expansion And modernization .

5.UK - Smaller force but have quality . will keep Its domination In next 2 decades

6. FRANCE - Self sufficient In producing weapons .

7. JAPAN - Economic power.undergoing military expansion since threat from China.

8.GERMANY - Growing economy with quality Military .

9. BRAZIL - Rapidly growing economy . On going Military expansion and modernization . have aircraft carrier . Air force under modernization.

10.SOUTH KOREA - Good Economy . has Indigenous naval program.
It depends on which military has the air power. The U.S is a mediocre military if you take away its airforce. So my ranking in the next 20 years are:

1. USA
2. Russia
3. A tie between India/China (both seems to have the same fleet of 4, 4.5 5 gen fighters in the foreseeable future)
4. The rest of the top 10 look pretty much the same, no one really stands out.

You can't simply take away a section of the military, as combined arms are an integral part of modern strategy. That said there is still the navy, which has carriers, which hold more fighting power in a single group than many country's entire navies/airforces.

Our army is one of the better trained and equipped forces in the world, definately world class and certainly not mediocre by any objective standard in nation to nation fighting.

So no, the US military isn't mediocre without its airforce.
Military expenditures today:

1 United States of America 663,255,000,000 4.3%
2 China 98,800,000,000 2.0%
3 United Kingdom 69,271,000,000 2.5%
4 France 67,316,000,000 2.3%
5 Russian Federation 61,000,000,000 3.5%
6 Germany 48,022,000,000 1.3%
7 Japan 46,859,000,000 0.9%
8 Saudi Arabia 39,257,000,000 8.2%
9 Italy 37,427,000,000 1.7%
10 India 36,600,000,000 2.6%
11 South Korea 27,130,000,000 2.8%
12 Brazil 27,124,000,000 1.5%

Other countries are far behind. Countries with high growth potential are China, India and Brazil. Medium growth potential - Russia and South Korea.

Thats how I see in 20-30 years:

1. USA
2. China
3. Russia
4 5 6. India UK France
7 8 Japan Germany
9 10 11 South Korea Brazil Italy

(those in one row about equal to each other)

Trust me guys..After 20 years..US will be still at no 1 spot.

The technology you see now is the one they developed 10 years ago.
Future weapons are yet to be shown,
Remember a year ago when they reveled Stealth UAV all of sudden.
5 th Generation Jets are not limit,
US is coming up with new really fast.
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