I think the problem lies with growing population with no birth control. Now there was line telling the story about a girl born in a poor farmers family having seven kids. Now i'll stress on the point seven tell me something when he cant afford a damn(food,lodging/clothing,education) thing why give birth to seven children in the first place? But then again this all happens due to various reasons in our society one lack of education second because of mullahs and third because we are bound by the society and family values.
Question is who is going to take a stand on this and when? The current government took the first step towards it and placed tax over the birth of more then 2 kids however as usual the second factor came in the Mullahs condemning it and calling it against Sharia.
Seriously we will have to take some concrete measures to stop this over flow of population and i think we should take the example of our neighbour......no not India, but China. A strict birth control should be forced and violation of that would result in maximum prision sentence or the confiscation of your property or perhaps the possession of your child once the authorithy learns that the parents are simply illcapable for taking care of the basic necessities of a child from foot to health and education. Only then can we start the foundations of a what we call para likha Pakistan an educated society.