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The System which JANRAIL Raj Protect


Sep 8, 2009
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This is "Elections" in Pakistan in Sindh - wild wild west of Pakistan

Don't blame the resident of Karachi

Inside the polling station, rigging taking place
Same people repeatedly entering fake votes

A man openly firing Automatic rifle in public scaring poeple

Election Officer had preexisting votes ready to use
The people captured officer with pre-existing votes stamped and ready to be dropped into boxes
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Bhotto is alive in Sindh

This is the system JANRAIL Raj take pride in and they want to protect this system

1 Crook creates fake votes and fills up the ballot box

200 Votes , pre stamped for usage.
The political workers captured these books which had preexisting stamps
whole books pre stamped for usage on day of election

Man running off with votes caught by people
Man was transporting votes for usage on date of elections

Man Sitting in Polling station and he is not a official
The man caught was identified as worker for PPP (People party) and not a government election official

Official registry shows 25 votes made and ballot box has 300 votes ?

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The military claims it is protecting Citizen of Pakistan

Bhai Yeh Koon si Protection hai (Translation : What kind of Protection is this from Army?) , when the Sanctity of Vote is stolen from Everyday Pakistani ?

Go send observers to UK/USA or Europe and see how they Take pride to protect voting process and ensure honesty prevails
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Pak needs no generals. Fire them all.....

The Pak military is like a restaurant. The longer the officers stay there the more trash they produce. Those leaving after the breakfast are the leanest ones, and those who stay till the end of the dinner are the "most garbage" ones....
Most country's do everything in their power to protect the right of citizen.

These videos show the blatant theft happening at Election polls it leaves no chance for an Honest man?

When your basic voting and counting mechanism is flawed
How can you even call it Democracy or anything?

1-Military has no interest to ensure honest voting
2-Courts can't act , they have not even enforced investigation of shooting on Imran Khan
3-Police can allow people will mask to come in and steal ballot box
4- People can come in and fill boxes with Ballots at will

This is "CHAOS"

It is not what the Founders of Pakistan envisioned.

The TV Chanels merely show you the end result.
There are some serious flaws in this mechanism.
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There is a terminology.


When people watch killing and death on TV they become desensitized

When people live in lawless environment they can't react or show shock

When people live in a system where there is no police or protection they become desensitized

But when someone views this from "Outside" they scratch their head

But what is stopping the Military from ensuring the voter's vote is protected?
Why are they patrolling the border, when inside the country the thieves are stealing voter's mandate?
The Desecration of Votes is Serious crime

Desecration of vote i.e Rigging and , having unsealed ballot boxes and , unauthozied people stealing ballots

This is interference on the "matter of State"

It is almost as bad as Terrorist coming in and stealing ballot boxes and interfering with Elections

It is equal to Political Terrorism, why is Political Terrorism not called Terrorism ? It's damage are across the State

If the Voting Mechanism is flawed, does not matter. How much people will pray or does not matter how Honest Candidate is, They will not be allowed to work for Pakistan

I think every "Soldier" should ask themselves when they go Patrol the Border why are they at border? When thieves are stealing People's mandate i.e Vote

What are you Protecting?

a) Walls and buildings?

b) Dynasties of Rich who ensure their children get in power after they die?

c) The regional Vote Rigging?

It is a fundamental question about existing as a state !!!
To live a Honest Life or Be "Desensitized" to criminal acts and say "Yeh to Chalta hai"
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I would like to publicly apologize to overseas pakistanis, who, I claimed, were cowards and have ran away. I am sorry for what I said. You people were the smart ones, or at least those who can sense when to stop throwing good money after bad.

This country is a shit hole, it has gone to the dogs. nothing can change what is about to come. this violation of the sanctity of vote is huge crime. how will one ensure that honest leadership makes it to the top when even the votes are not safe.

there is no way pakistan can or will improve. it will simply break apart. time to leave this place like the other smart people. as @Enigma SIG said elsewhere, time to leave before the planes stop taking off.

The military claims it is protecting Citizen of Pakistan

Bhai Yeh Koon si Protection hai (Translation : What kind of Protection is this from Army?) , when the Sanctity of Vote is stolen from Everyday Pakistani ?

Go send observers to UK/USA or Europe and see how they Take pride to protect voting process and ensure honesty prevails
army refused to provide any security. they were asked by ECP. said they had no manpower available.

no worries. zardari k paas itna paisa hai puri fouj aur rangers ko khareed lay. aik chhotay say local body election say kia farq parrta hai?
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