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The Strategy which is still effectively working even after two hundred years


Still the people in subcontinent thinks all that is western is good without realizing the depths they have fallen into by believing so .

Thank you for this! Really big thank you!

I hope all Chinese people should read this.

So they may stop worshiping Communism, Democracy and Christianity right now.
I feel indians here are taking it in a different context in which mughals being muslim are evil and unfortunately are blind to the devastation brits caused to rich culture of subcontinent which gave them the Taj Mahal they are so proud of.. Whats brits gave yu guys except complex of being dark and illiterate ?

Certainly I know which Mughal emperor deserve respect and which don't. And certainly we know the worth of freedom we achieved, that's why unlike Pakistan, no foreign power got the privileges which you Pakistanis gave them.
Thank you for this! Really big thank you!

I hope all Chinese people should read this.

So they may stop worshiping Communism, Democracy and Christianity right now.
So what do you think which system Chinese should adopt. Give a solution dude. Btw i agree about the christianity part and other religion matter.
INDIA from a land without beggar and thief, to had a massive starvation during WW2 and to became a land of thief, beggar and low morality.


This movie is a huge insult!

The West did the same with China, defamed Confucianism.

Brainwashed Chinese like Christian KMT and Communist, don't realized their stupidity.

Still the people in subcontinent thinks all that is western is good without realizing the depths they have fallen into by believing so .


It's fake, so are many of the fancy quotes about India you find on the net. They are the works of HIndu nationalist politicians
Poems and vignettes of a wanderer: Beware it is Fake (Lord Macaulay's address to British Parliament 2nd Feb 1835)

Here's what Macaulay actually said.
Minute on Education (1835) by Thomas Babington Macaulay
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I feel indians here are taking it in a different context in which mughals being muslim are evil and unfortunately are blind to the devastation brits caused to rich culture of subcontinent which gave them the Taj Mahal they are so proud of.. Whats brits gave yu guys except complex of being dark and illiterate ?

The British gave India a language, government and railways, something which India won't survive for 1 year. Its the English language that rule India, its the British parliamentary system that controls India and its the railways that allow people to travel at the time of independent. India had the world's most complex railroad system at the end of WWII outside of the US.
It is cultural conquest.. and the subcontinent lost this war long ago.
No we didn't , we are a pheonix which rises from the ashes, This just a mere blip in subcontinent history, our people will rise again as we see now and in future.2014 is a interesting year for subcontinent.

I feel our culture specially in Pakistan still have morals and values that needs to be appreciated and blind following of west should be discouraged.
I don't intend to say everything from west is bad but unfortunately all the things which are being exported towards east in a planned manner are intended to destroy whatever sane values we still have e.g we are not throwing our elders into old homes and dont need a mother/father day to meet them but if we don't read b/w lines even now such times are not very far.
you just spoke my mind, we still dont throw our parents into old age homes, they still live with us in our homes as elders and we dont need mother and father days to meet them,The gay propaganda and being homo is cool thing is one such ways to manipulate other nations.
The British gave India a language, government and railways, something which India won't survive for 1 year. Its the English language that rule India, its the British parliamentary system that controls India and its the railways that allow people to travel at the time of independent. India had the world's most complex railroad system at the end of WWII outside of the US.

You had one language in China, why did democracy failed to unite Han Chinese as one people during 1912-1949, instead China was warring states no united government. Mao Zedong had to unite China with iron fist.
Still the people in subcontinent thinks all that is western is good without realizing the depths they have fallen into by believing so .
that's cuz it is...

More fake trash to make 3rd worlders feel better about being 3rd worlders.

Dig up some ancient history that is supposedly great, or plaster a significant Western name on a piece of paper signifying the greatness of said culture, and it gets these people all emotional.
West psychowar method considerably change South Asia history.Create religious based division.When India divided into India and Pakistan by UK ,they think India cant utilise its full caliber so in rest of future.India and Pakistan remain as third world countries that quarrelled each other can easily exploited by UK and West.But Russia actions and US counter moves again change history.US creates terroism using psychological warfare method.This terrorism turn in to Frankeinstein monster when
Pakistan support terrorists as a tool against India.1990-2001Terrorism is only our problem in India except some small initiatives taken by OBL against US and its allies.But after 9/11 turns terrorists against US and UK. and both suffered.

Pakistan creation by UK ( due to their divide and rule) cause safe heaven for terrorists and problems for Pakistanis and Afghanis.If Pakistan is the part of India this will not happen.British divide and rule are same Macaulays method.This divide and rule cause troubles to UK at the end.Britians aim for bogging down India with the help of Pakistan not worked.Within it own limits ,India grown.She fight against poverty and illiteracy and can eliminate both them at certain areas.But fight against them is still going own.Typical Indians positive attitude ,tolerance to other civilizations(in this case western civilizations).help us to modify our ancient system.Now we can see it goodness.
The British gave India a language, government and railways, something which India won't survive for 1 year. Its the English language that rule India, its the British parliamentary system that controls India and its the railways that allow people to travel at the time of independent. India had the world's most complex railroad system at the end of WWII outside of the US.

Exactly. Thank you.

Without the Brits India would have still been in the pre-historic era.
You had one language in China, why did democracy failed to unite Han Chinese as one people during 1912-1949, instead China was warring states no united government. Mao Zedong had to unite China with iron fist.

Civil war. Your were a British colony then, you wouldn't know what is a civil war. China, the country was alway there, Mao simply won the civil war.
You had one language in China, why did democracy failed to unite Han Chinese as one people during 1912-1949, instead China was warring states no united government. Mao Zedong had to unite China with iron fist.

A country like China was too poor and weak for democracy to take place. There were too much infighting. So a strong leader had to unite China.

India, on the other hand, had other challenges. There was not a single language. The British language unified India. India had various governments, but British with its parliamentary style of government unified India. So a united India adopted this style of government since it was already in place.

As you can see, British colonialism gifted India a language and a government to unite India. China went through warlord period and Japanese invasion and need a strong yet brutal leader to unite China. So both India Union and PRC come about because both countries had different experiences.

Exactly. Thank you.

Without the Brits India would have still been in the pre-historic era.

I won't go as far as prehistoric. But more like high middle ages of Europe.

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