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The story you're not told in Kashmir

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Its already costing us and we are baring that cost quite well. If you lament it even so then that's your prerogative. Our nation has absorbed this cost for 65 years and we can do it for another millennium if we must- schmucks like you notwithstanding. :agree:

Best be prepared my friend, remember this is a thousand year war not even 1/10 of the way through. :cheers:
An Kashmiri from *** sets some facts straight:
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60 years on Pakistanis are still crying. Country divided in half. For now, the winds of peace are moving and should be given a genuine chance. But, going forward if any 'moral' support is provided we should provide full 'moral' support to the Balochs and Sindhis.

The main point which should be put across is that there is a cost for any adventure. And that cost will need to be paid in Balochistan and Sindh. But, having said this we should not even remotely associate ourselves with the TTP and its like.

Son u can even claim my underwear!
dude u forgot about sathish chandra lol

No I didn't.

Best be prepared my friend, remember this is a thousand year war not even 1/10 of the way through. :cheers:

Good that you have accepted that you are not getting an inch for atleast next thousand years...
Best be prepared my friend, remember this is a thousand year war not even 1/10 of the way through. :cheers:

True, we are prepared bro. The RR has never been stronger nor our nation- we held it when our economy crashed, when famines are away at us and when 700 million Indians wallowed in poverty- we will hold it today and in the future. But yes a price for it will have to be paid in blood no doubt.
An Kashmiri from *** sets some facts straight:

Lol 1 indian sponsored traitor vs entire kashmiri nation... nice.... besides how abt asking ur fellow sikh brothers in the west to be "loyal" to india instead of khalistan... heck... every sikh i met outside india... disassociates himself from his country... Ask him where hes from... the answer will always be punjab or khalistan ... not india... i wonder why?
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Exactly the kind of arrogance and over confidence that will cost us one day sadly

Uhunh.. arrogance bred from our continued and growing strength. But seriously why are you not in Delhi or better yet in the Valley protesting for these people. Even an arrogant reprobate like me has traveled to Kupwara to work there then why not you?
I wonder why ISI is delaying sending its trained and much awaited active assets into forcefully occupied kashmir valley with a 97 % muslim population.Why wait for american withdrawal from af'tan ?

Atleast we can warm up the scenes by frequently slaughtering A$$$es of indian troops in occupied territory before executing ISI's well planned one big shocking blow to dumb indian forces in kashmir and siachin in 14 winters..
Marriage to RG for you and fiscal autonomy for Kashmir. :angel:

make that independence and I'l even marry you for it :lol:

@Umair Nawaz....couldn't reply to ur comment on the other thread...no access....im curious what's your take on all this, which side are you on? :)
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make that independence and I'l even marry you for it :lol:

@Umair Nawaz....couldn't reply to ur comment on the other thread...no access....im curious what's your take on all this, which side are you on? :)

U surely have low standards.
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