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The Storm of the West has made the Muslim into a real Muslim


Feb 17, 2009
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I live in Canada and it seems like Islamophobia, intolerance and bigotry against Muslims is on the rise! The same can be said about all Western nations!

A woman by the name of Ann Coulter has arrived in Canada and will soon be making a lecture in the city where I live! While giving a speech in an other city here in Canada she clearly stated that she wanted to kill the leaders of all Muslim countries and convert them to Christianity. She then gave examples of missionary work in Korea and Japan, and stated that Muslims should ride on magic carpets or camels instead of Airplanes, when asked two questions by a young Muslim girl!

Here is the video with here comments (Notice how the audience supports her disgusting and intolerant claims):

A few days earlier, I watched a video about the Muffakir-E-Pakistan, one of Pakistan's founding fathers, Hazrat Allama Iqbal (rah)! Where he clearly describes the rebirth of Islamic thought, culture, tradition, and practice! I couldn't help but relate these increasing incidents of intolerance to the message portrayed in that poem! Please, if you have the time, check out this amazing poem by Allama Iqbal (rah), and see for yourself what he has to say about our Islamic identity, and the West's domination over us, and how we are going to revive our lost spirit and illuminate the world once again with the love of Allah (SWT) and the holy Prophet (SAW)!

There are 3 parts here:

Here are some verses taken from the poem, which I especially wanted to share with my Pakistani brothers and sisters! They will be more understandable to you if you read the entire poem, which can be found in that video (or here (translated): LINK):


"The fading glitter of stars is the signal of a bright dawn
The sun has risen from the horizon, the time of deep stupor is gone!

Life-blood has started flowing through the dead arteries of the East
This secret is incomprehensible to Sina and Farabi

The storm of the West has made the Muslim into a real Muslim
Only the upheavals of the sea bring the pearl’s beauty to its perfection..."

Personal Comments: Allama Iqbal is signaling the revival of the Muslims. He describes how the West's tyranny against us is making us realize the truth and is helping us turn into true Muslims, he relates this to the upheavals of the sea and the formation of pearls as a result of it!


"...You are the potent hand and the word of the Eternal God
O imprudent one! Develop Faith as you have been overcome with doubts

The Muslim’s destination is beyond the azure colored sky
You are the caravan the dust of whose trail are stars!

The house is ephemeral, the dweller is momentary, yours are the Beginning and the End
You are the Final Message of God and you are eternal!

Your life-blood adorns with myrtle the bride called tulip
Your origin is from Ibrahâm (AS), you are the world’s architect!

Your nature is the custodian of all life’s possibilities
So to say you are the touch-stone for world’s hidden jewels!

From the material world to the Eternal world
You are the gift which the Holy Prophet (SAW) took!

The history of the Muslim nation reveals the secret
That you are the protector of the nations of Asia

Learn again the lesson of Truth, Justice, and Bravery
You are to be entrusted with the world’s leadership!

This alone is the creation’s objective, this alone is Islam’s secret
That there should be universal brotherhood, abundant love!..."

Personal Comments: Allama Iqbal (rah) is clearly describing how this our life in this world is short, and that we were placed on this Earth for a short time by God so that we can recognize our purpose and implement it in our lives!

Essentially our final destination is eternal, while this life is momentary. We must remember the history of our great ancestors who came before us, who fought for Islam with truth, justice, and bravery!

Our potential is limitless, but we have limited ourselves by disobeying God! Now the time for revival is on foot, and we shall reclaim our titles as leaders of this world, Insha Allah! Brotherhood and love are also necessary in bringing forth this!


"...Humanity is still the helpless prey to imperialism
Outrageous that Man is the hunter of the human race!

The glitter of modern civilization dazzles the eye
But this is the luster of unreal jewels only!

The science which was the pride of the West’s sages
Is the battle-sword in the blood-stained clutches of greed!

The magic of prudence cannot make stable
The civilization which is based on capitalism..."

Personal Comments: The deception of the West still haunts our mentality. Until we rise up and fight against Western domination and tyranny, only then can we succeed!

The West's concept of Science is deceptive. They place their own thinking above that of God's command! Islamic sciences on the other hand seek knowledge to bring themselves closer to God!

Side Note: In Imam-Al Ghazali's (rah) book "Ihya Ulum Uddin" he clearly describes Islamic learning in great detail in the first part of the first volume!

Western ideas like capitalism are set out to fail! No civilization can succeed for a long time, because of the unstability and corruption that comes from capitalism! As Muslims we must recognize that our law, economic system, poltical system, social system, values, etc. should be taken from the Quran and Sunnah!

Anti-state and Anti-Islamic foreign influences must be stopped from being imported into the nation!

Well those were some of my thoughts, why don't you share some of yours, tell me what you think, and if you would like to add anything good, please do so! :pakistan:
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How hard they Try ....
They will fall onto their Face ...
By west , i believe its US, Europe and Israel. correct me if i am wrong.

Yes there is this tendency of westerners rejecting anything from this region. Not just religion, they believe in christian supremacy and millions of dollars are pumped by missionaries in poor countries to convert all non Christians to Christianity. They are so far successful in African countries and they have a little success in coastal India in spite of constant threat from Hindu religious extremists.

They have this racist mindsets when dealing with people from other races.

They just found out a new way to deal with it. RELIGION.
I think Muslims came on identity Radar when protested against Salman Rushdie in Europe. That was the turning point rest is history. Now you can say real hero or more radical or more proactive to preserve, protect and project their identity.
I personally know many Muslims those who don't give a damn about any thing i mean they exceptionally cool and easy going.
I think Muslims came on identity Radar when protested against Salman Rushdie in Europe. That was the turning point rest is history. Now you can say real hero or more radical or more proactive to preserve, protect and project their identity.
I personally know many Muslims those who don't give a damn about any thing i mean they exceptionally cool and easy going.

Nope it started with Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in 1990, before there was not much attention to book controversies and protest.
Kuwaiti invasion led to US entry in the region and world started to take interest in the region.

Before that it was cold war power games like iranVsiraq war, north koreaVs southkorea, USSRVs afganistan etc etc.
This lady must be stupid, not only she against Muslim. Please note @0:58 audiences applauded 17 year old Muslim girl's questioning her.

"What Ann Coulter is practising is not free speech, it's hate speech," he said. "She's targeted the Jews, she's targeted the Muslims, she's targeted Canadians, homosexuals, women, almost everybody you could imagine."

“People look at her with some passing curiosity, but that’s about it,” Powers said. “She’s not seen as a serious commentator or a serious thought leader. For that reason, the University of Ottawa . . . should have let the clown perform, and she would have shown herself to be a joke.”

More details


This speech is from a debate at Hart House, University of Toronto. Christopher Hitchens' speech is in favor of decriminalizing hate speech, and why that free speech must include hate speech. The debate (and lecture by Hitchens), which included members from Canada’s government, was a bill, then in discussions, regarding the decriminalization of hate speech, insofar as it is protected speech irrespective of its reprehensibility.

Funny thing is that she gets paid tens of thousands of dollars for these speeches. The Anti-Islamic paranoia market and Islamophobic industry are on the rise, even after many other industries after the recession are still stagnant!

BTW, did you check out Allama's poem?
Islamophobia IS on the rise. And it will continue rising.

Idiots like Micheal Savage, Pat Condell, Ann Coulter, and Geert Wilders are certainly going to be leading the idiots.

Ann Coulter is a play boy model. [An ugly-azz one] She is not a Christian nor would she ever be.

But don't worry, if they want to play dirty, then SO CAN WE.

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Ann Coulter is American version of Bharat Verma or vice versa....
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