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The Slumdog Princess-The Mugals in today's India

On humanitarian grounds. Just thinking if it is called the irony of fate or not.:rolleyes: Their condition is worse than beggars.

Chinese royalties are not rich like European royalty, but they are ok. Puyi was a member of the government, he had no children. The current royal families are doing ok. They are middle class.

So maybe India gives them a middle class income for free? It's not India can't afford it. To treat former royalty like this is at least not something to be proud of.
Chinese royalties are not rich like European royalty, but they are ok. Puyi was a member of the government, he had no children. The current royal families are doing ok. They are middle class.

So maybe India gives them a middle class income for free? It's not India can't afford it. To treat former royalty like this is at least not something to be proud of.

They are self-proclaimed last royal family. The last Indian emperors were Marathas who kicked the Mugals out.
And why didnt Karma do **** to British royal family or any other European royals for that matter even though they killed millions and plundered rest of the world through colonialism? Don't read toO deeply into stuff...

They are self-proclaimed last royal family. The last Indian emperors were Marathas who kicked the Mugals out.

Then why did the 1857 freedom fighters declared them as their leader?
And why didnt Karma do **** to British royal family or any other European royals for that matter even though they killed millions and plundered rest of the world through colonialism? Don't read to deeply into stuff...

Agreed, we cant (and don't) hold anyone responsible for the past. Its just that a section of media want special treatment given to these people, which would be unfair to the millions of other poor.

Don't take the karma posts too seriously. The concept of Karma itself does not concern descendants.

Then why did the 1857 freedom fighters declared them as their leader?

As a nominal figurehead, even Peshwa declared him so, something they had NEVER done in the past two centuries, most probably for hindu muslim unity against british. The spirit of co existence shown by hindus should not be used to re write history against them, again.
Just wondering though, could they technically claim some of the proceeds coming from tourist attractions built during Mughal era?
And why didnt Karma do **** to British royal family or any other European royals for that matter even though they killed millions and plundered rest of the world through colonialism? Don't read toO deeply into stuff...

Bad Karma does not pass on to your children or descendants. Since they are of course innocent and uninvolved in your actions.

Bad Karma leads to a bad rebirth for the specific individual involved.

Individuals with Bad Karma may be reincarnated into a desperate life in this plane of existence, or be reincarnated into a lower plane of existence.

That's the Buddhist interpretation anyway. I guess it's the same in Hinduism.
Does Karma work always?

The Maharaja palace of Jodhpur

Palace of the Maharaja of Jaipur

Palace of the Maharaja of Coochbehar

Royal family members live there.There are hundreds of such Indian Maharajas.
Just wondering though, could they technically claim some of the proceeds coming from tourist attractions built during Mughal era?

That's the same as the british collecting rent from us for using parliament building. It was built using our money, they were just the rulers and enjoyed as much as they could while it lasted.

No ill will to their descendants, but they have to work their way up just like every other indian.
in that case Indians (and pak1s) should have some claim on every ride of the London tube , eh?

But I am glad these invaders have met their fate like this. they are Turkish- mongol- barbaric descendents. I will will pay her to be a servant in my house. lol.
You want to make the Mughal Empress your servant???:woot:
as they say in my holybook if u do something bad in ur life both you and ur descendants will also suffer
as they say in my holybook if u do something bad in ur life ur descendants will also suffer

You mean the Ten Commandments in Christianity?

(Exodus 20:4-6) “You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down to them or serve them, for I the LORD your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and the fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing steadfast love to thousands of those who love me and keep my commandments."

Even then, it is still only 3-4 generations.
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