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The Sickly Smell of Surrender

third eye

Aug 24, 2008
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On April 21, 1996, Chechen separatist leader Dzokhar Dudayez was killed by missiles fired from a Russian aircraft. The missiles had locked onto signals from his satellite phone and homed in on his location.

In June 2006, a US airstrike was carried out on a house in which Abu Musab al Zarqawi, the leader of al Qaeda in Iraq was staying. His location was determined by human intelligence, as well as by tracking his cell phone and those of his known associates. In November last year, Mullah Nazir was killed in a drone strike, his coordinates apparently tracked by a chip installed in a digital Quran gifted to him.

On February 5, 2013, the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) spokesman Ehsanullah Ehsan spoke via telephone on Mehr Bokhari’s show on Dawn News. By the time, Bokhari signed off with “thank you very much for speaking with us, Mr Ehsan”, he had been on air for several minutes. I’m still waiting for a drone, or an artillery barrage, or an F-16, or even a carefully thrown rock to rid us of his odious presence. Odds are I’ll be waiting a long time.

I don’t expect any better from Bokhari, who has made a career out of pandering to radical conservatives. Ehsan isn’t Salmaan Taseer after all. I don’t expect morality-obsessed Pemra to take notice of her allowing the representative of a banned organisation a prime time slot; Ehsan wasn’t swaying to a Bollywood tune after all.

But I do expect the leaders of a country, the citizens of which have been slaughtered by the said organisation, to take note, and take action.

The greater burden must fall on the military, which bears the historic responsibility of having supported such groups and creating the conditions that allow them to thrive. It is incomprehensible that an army that has been repeatedly attacked by the TTP is seemingly incapable of taking decisive action against its leadership. Some will argue that the TTP are still considered ‘assets’, but it is beyond my admittedly limited intellect as to how those who behead soldiers can be considered assets. Being Machiavellian is one thing, but this is just myopic. The military says it wants consensus among the civilians, which on paper, sounds all fine and dandy. But this is a country in which consensus was not sought when destabilising and toppling elected governments. Nor is this consensus sought when launching operations in Balochistan. Is the Baloch Liberation Army more banned than the TTP when it comes to both airtime and attacks?

For the civilians, consensus is also a fig leaf. The buck of responsibility is passed onto parliament time and again, in the knowledge that no one is willing to take ownership of tackling Pakistan’s greatest existential threat. Leadership does not mean that you have a referendum every time an important issue has to be decided. It means that you have to lead, regardless of the fallout.

Barring the Swat operations, neither the military nor the civilians, have even attempted to mould public opinion in favour of acting against the Taliban. The propaganda campaign that was unleashed in the wake of the Kerry-Lugar Bill, the Memogate affair and the Salala attack is nowhere to be seen when it comes to building a consensus on taking on the murderers. When it comes to the government, it is clear that it does not want to spend any of its dwindling political capital for this cause, no matter how important it may be. The fate of the brave Bashir Bilour is there for all to see, after all.

Worse still, you have parties actually providing ideological space to the Taliban. Those named by the TTP as possible guarantors have dodged the bullet, not by contemptuously rejecting the offer but rather by pointing at the government’s ‘lack of credibility’ and begging out of the job. The implication, of course, is that the TTP are perfectly credible. And why not? Out of all the forces working in Pakistan, they’re the only ones who seem to have a clear agenda. The rest of us have surrendered without a fight.

Published in The Express Tribune, February 9th, 2013.
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She had EhsanUllah Ehsan on her show through telephone? This is ridiculous. With the advances in tech, we could have traced his location, but chances are he would have been using some countermeasures as well. And how the heck she got contact with him in the first place to invite him to the show?

I am all up for PEMRA taking action against this show piece anchor...
When was this show?

She had EhsanUllah Ehsan on her show through telephone? This is ridiculous. With the advances in tech, we could have traced his location, but chances are he would have been using some countermeasures as well. And how the heck she got contact with him in the first place to invite him to the show?

I am all up for PEMRA taking action against this show piece anchor...

Action for What???
Would'nt it be more appropriate if the Security Agencies (you know which one) had "piggy-backed" on her to get that guy's location and acted.
That would be what- "Paradise Lost" or "Paradise Regained"? But one problem solved conclusively.
Action for What???
Would'nt it be more appropriate if the Security Agencies (you know which one) had "piggy-backed" on her to get that guy's location and acted.
That would be what- "Paradise Lost" or "Paradise Regained"? But one problem solved conclusively.

That would be dependent on some factors. Whether intel agencies monitor news channels 24/7? Was some high up looking at the program so that the agency could be informed in time?

Remember, it is only a few minute slot so you have to be pretty darn efficient. I have absolutely no idea how calls are traced, Oscar may know about it, but I am guessing the other guy has to be on the line so he could be traced or else it's a dead end.

A better option now would be to perhaps make a trap for him or the news agency informs some government agency beforehand that they are going to contact some high profile terrorist.

PEMRA's action should be to make effective legislation against this, because if you have the TTP spokesman on live TV at 8 o clock, you are effectively airing his propaganda.

But I guess TV channels also give some guarantees, or else if a guy dies quickly after a phone call, the affiliates of the dead will surely know that it was through a traced call, and the news channels will then get the backlash.
That would be dependent on some factors. Whether intel agencies monitor news channels 24/7? Was some high up looking at the program so that the agency could be informed in time?

Remember, it is only a few minute slot so you have to be pretty darn efficient. I have absolutely no idea how calls are traced, Oscar may know about it, but I am guessing the other guy has to be on the line so he could be traced or else it's a dead end.

A better option now would be to perhaps make a trap for him or the news agency informs some government agency beforehand that they are going to contact some high profile terrorist.

PEMRA's action should be to make effective legislation against this, because if you have the TTP spokesman on live TV at 8 o clock, you are effectively airing his propaganda.

But I guess TV channels also give some guarantees, or else if a guy dies quickly after a phone call, the affiliates of the dead will surely know that it was through a traced call, and the news channels will then get the backlash.

Once a call is made the number & instrument can be tracked / monitored .

Intel agencies can ' create' programmes where such Gents are called in .
When was this show?

She had EhsanUllah Ehsan on her show through telephone? This is ridiculous. With the advances in tech, we could have traced his location, but chances are he would have been using some countermeasures as well. And how the heck she got contact with him in the first place to invite him to the show?

I am all up for PEMRA taking action against this show piece anchor...

There are one million ways to take out this guy, its only the will that is lacking unfortunately. There are many in our country whom consider EhsanUllah Ehsan a fellow brother, and blame all these heinous civilian suicide bombings on RAW, MOSSAD, CIA etc etc.
It is time the armed forces woke up to the menace of the death cult known as the TTP/Taliban.

They can only kill and maim innocent people. Brainwashing a person to suicide bomb a bazaar or mosque is not Jihad, it is jahilism.

It is a one eyed monster than can only kill and destroy but never create or save.

The Taliban is made up of people who have very little to do with the real teachings of Islam and how we are allowed to conduct our lives. Killing even 1 person is a crime against humanity. It is easy to terrorise a country like Pakistan with dysfunctional institutes and a broken economy it is another proposition fighting NATO or that matter India, which has shown a great ability to thwart these henious groups in recent years.

There are many who blame india for these crimes in PK, maybe but where is the proof? Why have we allowed them such room in our home, and why have we failed to show the world how india is complicit in terrorism in our country. We have to ask our defenders why have you allowed anyone, whether RAW or otherwise to wreck our country. Since the WOT PK has lost over 40K people in these bombings, yet heads have not rolled for this monumental failure.
When was this show?

She had EhsanUllah Ehsan on her show through telephone? This is ridiculous. With the advances in tech, we could have traced his location, but chances are he would have been using some countermeasures as well. And how the heck she got contact with him in the first place to invite him to the show?

I am all up for PEMRA taking action against this show piece anchor...

taking action against media for merely interviewing somebody is stupid. No sane govt will do it. People have interviewed OBL and veerappan and prabhakaran, why shoot the messenger.
taking action against media for merely interviewing somebody is stupid. No sane govt will do it. People have interviewed OBL and veerappan and prabhakaran, why shoot the messenger.

People as in... things for the rest of the world are different than Pakistan.

Having TTP spokesman on live prime time TV is a means for spreading his propaganda. Simple as that.
Why is everyone jumping the bandwagon here? she spoke to Ehsan Ullah who is just the PR guy/ Media spokesperson not the grand leader of TTP, bombing him won't do us any good. You bomb him and they will have a new guy in his place next minute. The major problem will be the backlash from it.
TTP has initiated talks with govt, if army on its own takes out the guy, you know what these Liberals like Asma, Meher bokhari, hamid mir , najam sethi will say? that ISI sabotaged the peace talks again.

On the other hand Meher Bokhari should be ashamed, just for some point scoring she promoted the terrorist propoganda on a prime time slot,
People as in... things for the rest of the world are different than Pakistan.

Having TTP spokesman on live prime time TV is a means for spreading his propaganda. Simple as that.

encroaching upon media freedom can end up in a police state.. watching a ttp guy on tv is a small price to pay. I am sure people of pakistan who think Indian media toes govt line too much will take pride in this.
encroaching upon media freedom can end up in a police state.. watching a ttp guy on tv is a small price to pay. I am sure people of pakistan who think Indian media toes govt line too much will take pride in this.

This whole freedom of media and freedom of speech thing also has a redline, this concept does not give you a free hand to do whatever you want.

Surely nobody would cry if media is banned from airing live TV interviews of TTP figures.
This whole freedom of media and freedom of speech thing also has a redline, this concept does not give you a free hand to do whatever you want.

Surely nobody would cry if media is banned from airing live TV interviews of TTP figures.
is there a specific law which bans journalists from interviewing terrorists on live tv, or showing recording. If yes, then by all means prosecute them. But such law will make pakistan look stupid.
If I was a journalist, I will jump at such an opportunity, who will not?
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