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The secret of the "Emirates" that no one knows


Jan 19, 2006
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The secret of the "Emirates" that no one knows

Jamal Rayan

No one knows how a country like the “UAE”*, which is small in an area that does not exceed 75,000 km2, and its original population, which has not yet exceeded (800) thousand people, can witness such a rapid renaissance!!

The UAE has no political history, liberation movements, or cultural or intellectual institutions.
Did Sheikh Zayed inflate Surat Al-Yasin with it, so that it became flourishing overnight with construction and reconstruction?
And it owns one of the most growing economies in West Asia..?!!

The truth: The Jews are behind the establishment of the "Emirates Project", where the "rich Jews" in the West thought of establishing a Jewish settlement in the Middle East, that would take care of financial interests and the movement of trade, without having to deal with the "mother" state for political reasons. and others.

Since 1971, which is the *year of foundation*, the West has ensured the division of the Emirates into six and then into seven emirates, and each emirate has a prince, army, police, security and .... etc.,
While the Emirate of Abu Dhabi occupies more than three quarters of the area.
To make it easier for them not being able to form the nucleus of a state.

Even if we assume, according to official statistics, that the population of the Emirates is "750,000",
What is this equal to the number of foreigners residing in the Emirates, who number (9) million, of (200) nationalities, and (150) nationalities?!!
Even if the entire population turned into an intelligence, security and army apparatus, they would not be able to protect their country..!!

What is astonishing in the UAE is that when you enter, it is as if you are in a European country, or one of the developed Asian countries, where there is meticulous order, professional treatment, high discipline in order, elegant streets and cleanliness.
But it is difficult to find a *"native"* citizen; All transactions that start from the airport and even housing, are in the hands of *"foreigners"*

And there are Arabs from different countries, while you hardly count the number of flights through airports, the competition for the largest airports in the world, in capacity and services, and not the number of ships and ships in the ports, so you are almost stunned!!!

Is it conceivable that this simple “Emirati” in his thinking, and the extent of his aspirations, manage this complex machine..?!!

The UAE in general, and Abu Dhabi in particular, has the highest percentage of wealthy people in the world, with an estimated number of “75,000” millionaires, while wealthy Jews constitute the highest percentage of them.
This means providing a safe environment for this large financial buffer.
Therefore, it is not surprising that the one who led *Mohammed bin Zayed* from his hand towards *"Israel"** is the Jewish millionaire *"Haim Saban"*

* The Emirates * is not just high-rise buildings, elegant streets, trade movement, and now factories and workshops,
It is a settlement of conspiracy against the nation.

The important question:
Why does the UAE need to be the fifth country in spending on weapons?
Where is her army??
And what borders are you defending?

All of these weapons, whether their deals are announced or not, go to conspiracy against the countries of the region, since there is no Arab or Islamic country in the region, unless you find that the UAE is involved in its economic, political or security project, and creates chaos. in it .

And the question:
Does the family of *Al Zayed* have all this brain, to manage all these complex files??
And is it in the interest of the sheikhs of the *UAE*, all this wide interference in the affairs of countries, thousands of kilometers away from them?

Why don't the owners of capital rule the *"State of the Emirates"* directly, instead of these expressions and their addresses?.

This question is answered by the book: *"The Global Jew"*,
It was written by Henry Ford, the owner of the Ford company in 1921, where he says:
The Jews would rather lead the world from behind.

Another question:
Why didn't they choose *"Israel"* instead of *"the Emirates"*, in order to move capital, especially since the land of Palestine is abundant in its land, and in the beauty of its nature, and it has an important geographical location and a view of the sea?

*"Israel"* is not suitable for investment, because it is a "military cover"*, and it is threatened at every moment, and it is not desirable to deal with it commercially in the region.
That is: *"unstable"*, and the front of work is the Jews!!.

Conclusion :
*"Emirates" is an Israeli settlement, since 1971*...

After this report, you know who the Emirates are
Finally: The largest Masonic lodge in the world is in the Emirates. It is the practical central point of the international system.
* Ahmad Matar said, describing the Arabs:*
They lie honestly
They cheat with the utmost conscience
And they are set up with utmost sincerity
They betray with sincerity
They generously support their enemies
They are destroying their countries with every patriotism
And they kill their brothers with all humanity
And they have immunity and rejection in self-development, progress and scientific research, and a very mental sluggishness.

Arabs are the laughingstock of the world
A Saudi citizen buys a car number for half a million riyals because the plate number matches the date of his wife's birth...???!!!

An Emirati citizen buys a golden falcon for half a million dirhams to catch a rabbit worth seven dirhams...???!!!

A Qatari citizen buys a new iPhone model worth one million riyals, provided that he is the first to get it in the Gulf countries..?!!!!

Qatari businessman Nasser Al-Khelaifi pays the price for the transfer of Neymar Jr. to the Saint-Germain team, an amount of 512 million dollars, only to defy the Barcelona team??!!

The player Cristiano Ronaldo donated his shoes to a charitable association concerned with the affairs of the poor, so the association offered it for sale, and a rich Gulf man bought it for nine million dollars??!!!

Thus, the charitable association received nine million dollars, and Cristiano received praise, the good reputation and the wealthy mentioned received boots....??!!

The sheikh of a Qatari tribe vowed fifty camels on the day of his son’s marriage and actually fulfilled the vow and slaughtered the fifty camels and they were cooked and brought to the tents prepared for the occasion, and the number of invited people was 250 people..?!!!! And for the record, one camel is enough to feed 500 people. The next day, after removing the tents, three bulldozers were brought in to bury fifty cooked camels??!!!!!

Saudi Arabia and the UAE paid the United States billions to support it in the blockade of Qatar.

Qatar rose and paid America billions in order to ease its support for the embargo.

Saudi Arabia and the UAE also paid America billions for Trump to declare that Qatar is a state that supports terrorism.

Qatar stood up and paid what it should pay to America so that the US Secretary of State issued statements that contradict what Trump announced.

Saudi Arabia and the UAE paid more money to America so that the Pentagon would issue statements questioning the continued survival of the Qatari Al Udeid base as an American base.

Qatar paid more money to conclude a deal to purchase aircraft and conduct joint naval exercises.

Saudi Arabia and the UAE paid more money for America to turn a blind eye to the continuation of the Qatar blockade for as long as possible.

Qatar paid additional funds to America to express its concern over the continuation of the blockade on Qatar.

The public auction will continue among the camel herders for the one who pays the most, regardless of the real interest of the nation.

Oh a nations that nations laughed of its ignorance ..

There's no strength except with Allah.
"Damn it. My Father and his father before him always spoke shit about Arabs and GCC Arabs in general. How come the UAE is economically out-performing my country ?? i am pissed , my brain hurts , it cannot possibly be our fault as a people or our leaders that our country is performing so badly, THE UAE MUST BE AN AMERICAN/JEWISH OUT-POST , YEAH !!!! THATS EXACTLY IT!!! MAKES SO MUCH SENSE !!! now i don't feel so bad about the state my country and country-men are in..."

after repeating his discoveries for over a year to his aunties over the phone and siblings while walking back from the mall , he began believing his own made up stuff and started a thread on PDF
The UAE is just a vassal state of the US, no hidden thing there. As long as you mind your own business you can work, live and make millions in the UAE too.
The secret of the "Emirates" that no one knows

Jamal Rayan

No one knows how a country like the “UAE”*, which is small in an area that does not exceed 75,000 km2, and its original population, which has not yet exceeded (800) thousand people, can witness such a rapid renaissance!!

The UAE has no political history, liberation movements, or cultural or intellectual institutions.
Did Sheikh Zayed inflate Surat Al-Yasin with it, so that it became flourishing overnight with construction and reconstruction?
And it owns one of the most growing economies in West Asia..?!!

The truth: The Jews are behind the establishment of the "Emirates Project", where the "rich Jews" in the West thought of establishing a Jewish settlement in the Middle East, that would take care of financial interests and the movement of trade, without having to deal with the "mother" state for political reasons. and others.

Since 1971, which is the *year of foundation*, the West has ensured the division of the Emirates into six and then into seven emirates, and each emirate has a prince, army, police, security and .... etc.,
While the Emirate of Abu Dhabi occupies more than three quarters of the area.
To make it easier for them not being able to form the nucleus of a state.

Even if we assume, according to official statistics, that the population of the Emirates is "750,000",
What is this equal to the number of foreigners residing in the Emirates, who number (9) million, of (200) nationalities, and (150) nationalities?!!
Even if the entire population turned into an intelligence, security and army apparatus, they would not be able to protect their country..!!

What is astonishing in the UAE is that when you enter, it is as if you are in a European country, or one of the developed Asian countries, where there is meticulous order, professional treatment, high discipline in order, elegant streets and cleanliness.
But it is difficult to find a *"native"* citizen; All transactions that start from the airport and even housing, are in the hands of *"foreigners"*

And there are Arabs from different countries, while you hardly count the number of flights through airports, the competition for the largest airports in the world, in capacity and services, and not the number of ships and ships in the ports, so you are almost stunned!!!

Is it conceivable that this simple “Emirati” in his thinking, and the extent of his aspirations, manage this complex machine..?!!

The UAE in general, and Abu Dhabi in particular, has the highest percentage of wealthy people in the world, with an estimated number of “75,000” millionaires, while wealthy Jews constitute the highest percentage of them.
This means providing a safe environment for this large financial buffer.
Therefore, it is not surprising that the one who led *Mohammed bin Zayed* from his hand towards *"Israel"** is the Jewish millionaire *"Haim Saban"*

* The Emirates * is not just high-rise buildings, elegant streets, trade movement, and now factories and workshops,
It is a settlement of conspiracy against the nation.

The important question:
Why does the UAE need to be the fifth country in spending on weapons?
Where is her army??
And what borders are you defending?

All of these weapons, whether their deals are announced or not, go to conspiracy against the countries of the region, since there is no Arab or Islamic country in the region, unless you find that the UAE is involved in its economic, political or security project, and creates chaos. in it .

And the question:
Does the family of *Al Zayed* have all this brain, to manage all these complex files??
And is it in the interest of the sheikhs of the *UAE*, all this wide interference in the affairs of countries, thousands of kilometers away from them?

Why don't the owners of capital rule the *"State of the Emirates"* directly, instead of these expressions and their addresses?.

This question is answered by the book: *"The Global Jew"*,
It was written by Henry Ford, the owner of the Ford company in 1921, where he says:
The Jews would rather lead the world from behind.

Another question:
Why didn't they choose *"Israel"* instead of *"the Emirates"*, in order to move capital, especially since the land of Palestine is abundant in its land, and in the beauty of its nature, and it has an important geographical location and a view of the sea?

*"Israel"* is not suitable for investment, because it is a "military cover"*, and it is threatened at every moment, and it is not desirable to deal with it commercially in the region.
That is: *"unstable"*, and the front of work is the Jews!!.

Conclusion :
*"Emirates" is an Israeli settlement, since 1971*...

After this report, you know who the Emirates are
Finally: The largest Masonic lodge in the world is in the Emirates. It is the practical central point of the international system.
* Ahmad Matar said, describing the Arabs:*
They lie honestly
They cheat with the utmost conscience
And they are set up with utmost sincerity
They betray with sincerity
They generously support their enemies
They are destroying their countries with every patriotism
And they kill their brothers with all humanity
And they have immunity and rejection in self-development, progress and scientific research, and a very mental sluggishness.

Arabs are the laughingstock of the world
A Saudi citizen buys a car number for half a million riyals because the plate number matches the date of his wife's birth...???!!!

An Emirati citizen buys a golden falcon for half a million dirhams to catch a rabbit worth seven dirhams...???!!!

A Qatari citizen buys a new iPhone model worth one million riyals, provided that he is the first to get it in the Gulf countries..?!!!!

Qatari businessman Nasser Al-Khelaifi pays the price for the transfer of Neymar Jr. to the Saint-Germain team, an amount of 512 million dollars, only to defy the Barcelona team??!!

The player Cristiano Ronaldo donated his shoes to a charitable association concerned with the affairs of the poor, so the association offered it for sale, and a rich Gulf man bought it for nine million dollars??!!!

Thus, the charitable association received nine million dollars, and Cristiano received praise, the good reputation and the wealthy mentioned received boots....??!!

The sheikh of a Qatari tribe vowed fifty camels on the day of his son’s marriage and actually fulfilled the vow and slaughtered the fifty camels and they were cooked and brought to the tents prepared for the occasion, and the number of invited people was 250 people..?!!!! And for the record, one camel is enough to feed 500 people. The next day, after removing the tents, three bulldozers were brought in to bury fifty cooked camels??!!!!!

Saudi Arabia and the UAE paid the United States billions to support it in the blockade of Qatar.

Qatar rose and paid America billions in order to ease its support for the embargo.

Saudi Arabia and the UAE also paid America billions for Trump to declare that Qatar is a state that supports terrorism.

Qatar stood up and paid what it should pay to America so that the US Secretary of State issued statements that contradict what Trump announced.

Saudi Arabia and the UAE paid more money to America so that the Pentagon would issue statements questioning the continued survival of the Qatari Al Udeid base as an American base.

Qatar paid more money to conclude a deal to purchase aircraft and conduct joint naval exercises.

Saudi Arabia and the UAE paid more money for America to turn a blind eye to the continuation of the Qatar blockade for as long as possible.

Qatar paid additional funds to America to express its concern over the continuation of the blockade on Qatar.

The public auction will continue among the camel herders for the one who pays the most, regardless of the real interest of the nation.

Oh a nations that nations laughed of its ignorance ..

There's no strength except with Allah.
What utter CRAP, except for the last statement.

True, there is no strength except with Al' Mighty Allah.

But, whoever wrote this piece needs to get laid.
What utter CRAP, except for the last statement.

True, there is no strength except with Al' Mighty Allah.

But, whoever wrote this piece needs to get laid.

والنعم بالله الواحد الأحد
U need to "get with" the crux of the article, rather than the few exaggerations.
I stopped reading at the first part where jewish appeared... This is becoming like the bigfoot conspiracy theories :lol:

What is next God is jewish?? or the Jewish created earth, the sun and what is in between them?

Why do you think the Jews spent 2000 years living a hellish life on per with the Gypsy as homeless entity for freaking 2000 years and living bottom Life? If this person you say is smart or what not how can he live such a life for 2000 years before WW2 where his entire fortune changed? What is the catch? why do you think that this is the case? try to figure out these facts I am helping you exercise mentally..

Also if they were this smart or intelligent how can you live like a gypsy for 2000 years and homeless?` But everyone has missed the truth? But there is one hidden truth beneath all that..

The Jews are just an outpost for the Knights Templar who see them as cheap cannon fodder that is expendables this is ISREAL'S HARD COLD TRUTH
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Theres no conspiracy. The UAE simply looks out only for itself and would happily sell out others to suit their own interests.

As disgraceful as they are, there are some people who would be ecstatic if Pakistan adopted a similar policy.
Oh a nations that nations laughed of its ignorance
this is very high quality Whatsapp stuff. have you circulated it yet or not? if no, perhaps you posted it here to "playtest" it first. I attest it's great and will reach millions. circulate immediately.
It's important to know what Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) considered of the people of Eastern Arabia, i.e, Najd. Things begin to make sense when the final Prophet of Allah speaks. Critically today, Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) is the most important voice and He (Peace be upon Him) takes center stage in history. Those who sincerely follow Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam, know the true colors of Eastern Arabia.
Weli Qoum. Khud Kuch karna nai dusron ki Taraqi se Jaltey jao bas.......
"Lazy People. Dont want to do Hardwork. Just want to point fingers at others and get jelous"

Ya Allah Reham kar ham pe
"Allah have mercy on this Nation"

New zealand , Qatar , Bahrain , Kuwait , Singapore , Malaysia , South Korea , Russia . Every nation that is developing good is Jew Agent.
Now Vietnam , Chile , Indonesia , Thailand , Oman , etc the next batch of developing economies will also become Jewish outposts.

Ridiculous behabior by our people. 😡😡😡
The secret of the "Emirates" that no one knows

Jamal Rayan

No one knows how a country like the “UAE”*, which is small in an area that does not exceed 75,000 km2, and its original population, which has not yet exceeded (800) thousand people, can witness such a rapid renaissance!!

The UAE has no political history, liberation movements, or cultural or intellectual institutions.
Did Sheikh Zayed inflate Surat Al-Yasin with it, so that it became flourishing overnight with construction and reconstruction?
And it owns one of the most growing economies in West Asia..?!!

The truth: The Jews are behind the establishment of the "Emirates Project", where the "rich Jews" in the West thought of establishing a Jewish settlement in the Middle East, that would take care of financial interests and the movement of trade, without having to deal with the "mother" state for political reasons. and others.

Since 1971, which is the *year of foundation*, the West has ensured the division of the Emirates into six and then into seven emirates, and each emirate has a prince, army, police, security and .... etc.,
While the Emirate of Abu Dhabi occupies more than three quarters of the area.
To make it easier for them not being able to form the nucleus of a state.

Even if we assume, according to official statistics, that the population of the Emirates is "750,000",
What is this equal to the number of foreigners residing in the Emirates, who number (9) million, of (200) nationalities, and (150) nationalities?!!
Even if the entire population turned into an intelligence, security and army apparatus, they would not be able to protect their country..!!

What is astonishing in the UAE is that when you enter, it is as if you are in a European country, or one of the developed Asian countries, where there is meticulous order, professional treatment, high discipline in order, elegant streets and cleanliness.
But it is difficult to find a *"native"* citizen; All transactions that start from the airport and even housing, are in the hands of *"foreigners"*

And there are Arabs from different countries, while you hardly count the number of flights through airports, the competition for the largest airports in the world, in capacity and services, and not the number of ships and ships in the ports, so you are almost stunned!!!

Is it conceivable that this simple “Emirati” in his thinking, and the extent of his aspirations, manage this complex machine..?!!

The UAE in general, and Abu Dhabi in particular, has the highest percentage of wealthy people in the world, with an estimated number of “75,000” millionaires, while wealthy Jews constitute the highest percentage of them.
This means providing a safe environment for this large financial buffer.
Therefore, it is not surprising that the one who led *Mohammed bin Zayed* from his hand towards *"Israel"** is the Jewish millionaire *"Haim Saban"*

* The Emirates * is not just high-rise buildings, elegant streets, trade movement, and now factories and workshops,
It is a settlement of conspiracy against the nation.

The important question:
Why does the UAE need to be the fifth country in spending on weapons?
Where is her army??
And what borders are you defending?

All of these weapons, whether their deals are announced or not, go to conspiracy against the countries of the region, since there is no Arab or Islamic country in the region, unless you find that the UAE is involved in its economic, political or security project, and creates chaos. in it .

And the question:
Does the family of *Al Zayed* have all this brain, to manage all these complex files??
And is it in the interest of the sheikhs of the *UAE*, all this wide interference in the affairs of countries, thousands of kilometers away from them?

Why don't the owners of capital rule the *"State of the Emirates"* directly, instead of these expressions and their addresses?.

This question is answered by the book: *"The Global Jew"*,
It was written by Henry Ford, the owner of the Ford company in 1921, where he says:
The Jews would rather lead the world from behind.

Another question:
Why didn't they choose *"Israel"* instead of *"the Emirates"*, in order to move capital, especially since the land of Palestine is abundant in its land, and in the beauty of its nature, and it has an important geographical location and a view of the sea?

*"Israel"* is not suitable for investment, because it is a "military cover"*, and it is threatened at every moment, and it is not desirable to deal with it commercially in the region.
That is: *"unstable"*, and the front of work is the Jews!!.

Conclusion :
*"Emirates" is an Israeli settlement, since 1971*...

After this report, you know who the Emirates are
Finally: The largest Masonic lodge in the world is in the Emirates. It is the practical central point of the international system.
* Ahmad Matar said, describing the Arabs:*
They lie honestly
They cheat with the utmost conscience
And they are set up with utmost sincerity
They betray with sincerity
They generously support their enemies
They are destroying their countries with every patriotism
And they kill their brothers with all humanity
And they have immunity and rejection in self-development, progress and scientific research, and a very mental sluggishness.

Arabs are the laughingstock of the world
A Saudi citizen buys a car number for half a million riyals because the plate number matches the date of his wife's birth...???!!!

An Emirati citizen buys a golden falcon for half a million dirhams to catch a rabbit worth seven dirhams...???!!!

A Qatari citizen buys a new iPhone model worth one million riyals, provided that he is the first to get it in the Gulf countries..?!!!!

Qatari businessman Nasser Al-Khelaifi pays the price for the transfer of Neymar Jr. to the Saint-Germain team, an amount of 512 million dollars, only to defy the Barcelona team??!!

The player Cristiano Ronaldo donated his shoes to a charitable association concerned with the affairs of the poor, so the association offered it for sale, and a rich Gulf man bought it for nine million dollars??!!!

Thus, the charitable association received nine million dollars, and Cristiano received praise, the good reputation and the wealthy mentioned received boots....??!!

The sheikh of a Qatari tribe vowed fifty camels on the day of his son’s marriage and actually fulfilled the vow and slaughtered the fifty camels and they were cooked and brought to the tents prepared for the occasion, and the number of invited people was 250 people..?!!!! And for the record, one camel is enough to feed 500 people. The next day, after removing the tents, three bulldozers were brought in to bury fifty cooked camels??!!!!!

Saudi Arabia and the UAE paid the United States billions to support it in the blockade of Qatar.

Qatar rose and paid America billions in order to ease its support for the embargo.

Saudi Arabia and the UAE also paid America billions for Trump to declare that Qatar is a state that supports terrorism.

Qatar stood up and paid what it should pay to America so that the US Secretary of State issued statements that contradict what Trump announced.

Saudi Arabia and the UAE paid more money to America so that the Pentagon would issue statements questioning the continued survival of the Qatari Al Udeid base as an American base.

Qatar paid more money to conclude a deal to purchase aircraft and conduct joint naval exercises.

Saudi Arabia and the UAE paid more money for America to turn a blind eye to the continuation of the Qatar blockade for as long as possible.

Qatar paid additional funds to America to express its concern over the continuation of the blockade on Qatar.

The public auction will continue among the camel herders for the one who pays the most, regardless of the real interest of the nation.

Oh a nations that nations laughed of its ignorance ..

There's no strength except with Allah.

ANY NATION that looks out for it's OWN INTERESTS ONLY and works hard has the potential to become like the UAE. A HARSH reality us Pakistanis can learn from. BRAVO UAE.
It's important to know what Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) considered of the people of Eastern Arabia, i.e, Najd. Things begin to make sense when the final Prophet of Allah speaks. Critically today, Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) is the most important voice and He (Peace be upon Him) takes center stage in history. Those who sincerely follow Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam, know the true colors of Eastern Arabia.

I'd rather be like the UAE than have kuffar leaders like zardari/bhuttos or the not-so-sharifs. I'd rather be like the UAE than have zombies who believe in the non-existent "Umnah".......... :disagree:
"Damn it. My Father and his father before him always spoke shit about Arabs and GCC Arabs in general. How come the UAE is economically out-performing my country ?? i am pissed , my brain hurts , it cannot possibly be our fault as a people or our leaders that our country is performing so badly, THE UAE MUST BE AN AMERICAN/JEWISH OUT-POST , YEAH !!!! THATS EXACTLY IT!!! MAKES SO MUCH SENSE !!! now i don't feel so bad about the state my country and country-men are in..."

after repeating his discoveries for over a year to his aunties over the phone and siblings while walking back from the mall , he began believing his own made up stuff and started a thread on PDF
Usually when nations have their own failings in leadership they decide to blame it on others or explain others success on some wholesale conspiracy.
So if Pakistanis repeatedly elect corrupt and ethnocentric leadership simply because they like the instant gratification they get in the short term but that destroys their nation later they can blame the nation destroying on someone else eventually because to them they are Bani Bakistan - the promised nation in the Quran. So if a gutter is choked and overflowing in Pakistan, it’s the fault of corrupt leadership that is supported by the CIA and Jews. Not because they themselves are a nation that prefers the shortcut of corruption and laziness.
Whether the UAE was able to achieve this using its petrochemical base and a combination of smart policies which they did develop using good advisors(and some bad ones too if anyone remembers the financial crash and Dubai real estate in 2008) is irrelevant. It is the Juice and CIA and others that are the cause for the misery of Bani Bakistan.

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