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The Russians refused to give India the technology of the guidance system

I never denied that Indian scientists developed technologies on their own. I was refuting a claim (in another thread and in general) that Russia did not transfer (cryogenic) engine tech to India. Despite the official story, the Americans seem to have found otherwise.

Sure. We don't know who's telling the truth. All we have is two different versions of history.

However, given the fact that India had paid for that cryogenic technology transfer, and that India was, and has been, a good customer for the Russians, it stands to reason that the Russians would want to keep India happy, one way or another.

It doesn't prove that the Russians transferred technology, but it lends credence to the American version of events.
russia is different from USSR and specifically russia of that time was vulnerable to pressure from USA. Yeltsin never bothered about India or most of the time he was fending for himself.
Its only after putin came that russia started to assert herself and reach out to the old partner (trying to be a succssor of USSR).
Am not saying russia did not share the tech but certain tech even russians wont share with us due to commercial interest.(especially non military ones)
Am not saying russia did not share the tech but certain tech even russians wont share with us due to commercial interest.(especially non military ones)

It's a balancing act.
You give away enough to maintain the relationship and keep the customer happy, but you don't give away all your secrets.

But Russia hasnt offered anything in GSLV....

Well, the two opposing claims are out there. People can make their own assessment.
It's a balancing act.
You give away enough to maintain the relationship and keep the customer happy, but you don't give away all your secrets.

Well, the two opposing claims are out there. People can make their own assessment.
I am not able to understand what are you are tryimg to say?
Well I was not supporting any US poster, my say was we must support indigenous. In the critical time like was they are secure from enemy. moreover if in case of no one support in developing guidance system we shall have no option then to built in country. like GSLV and cryogen each tech does not take yrs to be developed. like our missiles we can do good in our own tech development, there was only saying. however its true that due to US Russia not happy.
Russia has helped India a lot(no doubts about that),without them we wouldnt have been able to develop nuclear submarine,PSLV's,they helped us in guidance system of missiles....
But Russia hasnt offered anything in GSLV....
We are developing aircraft engines(Kaveri) since 80's,people say that we dont have the capability to build it and i am sure that when we will acheive success pakistanis will start jumping that Russia htransfered the technology....

No for that you guys have a agreement with Snecma way back in 2006
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