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The rise and fall of the Dutch in Dhaka

Lol.. That’s because we are Lankan

Burghers are Eurasian not European, Plus nowadays anyone with European ancestry is classified as Burgher including Portuguese Creole’s and Anglo Lankan’s, But the Burgher community is originally of Dutch origin and they come in varying degrees of admixture like any other ethnic groups, After decades of intermarriage with Sinhalese and Tamils it shouldn’t be a surprise

They can look like this..

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Or this

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View attachment 452556

Or Even more darker in complexion

Yeah I got Burgher friends who are much darker than some Sinhalese. Anyhow it was a mistake to marginalize them back in the 50s. Burgher's contributed immensely for Sri Lanka during 40s and 50s.
Lol.. That’s because we are Lankan

Burghers are Eurasian not European, Plus nowadays anyone with European ancestry is classified as Burgher including Portuguese Creole’s and Anglo Lankan’s, But the Burgher community is originally of Dutch origin and they come in varying degrees of admixture like any other ethnic groups, After decades of intermarriage with Sinhalese and Tamils it shouldn’t be a surprise

Stop lying.

Burghers are an artificial creation. They hang on to that European lineage like leeches when they have far more Sinhalese and/or Tamil blood in them. Like all racial chauvinists they look down on their 'native' side and talk big about some distant European origin when it's only the father's lineage that counts. Pathetic.

Yeah I got Burgher friends who are much darker than some Sinhalese. Anyhow it was a mistake to marginalize them back in the 50s. Burgher's contributed immensely for Sri Lanka during 40s and 50s.

They contributed to apartheid Ceylon because they got special privileges and lived a cushy life while the natives were treated like second class citizens.
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