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The reasons for China to show J20


Jan 1, 2011
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When the Soviet Union to end, China and Europe started their own programs.

Europe: European Union---Mediterranean Union plan
China: Shanghai Cooperation Organization---Northeast Asia economic integration plan

The U.S in the Gulf War, 1991
the U.S control of oil, Oil attracts capital, the U.S continues to lead the world.

Clinton made the USA reached its peak strength.
He sent the trouble in Europe through the bombing of Yugoslavia.
He curbed the ambitions of China through military embargo and the island chain.

Then Bush emerged, he weakened the USA.
Capital began to shift to China and Europe, and the leadership of the USA to become dangerous.

the USA took out the F22, Show of force began its leadership to ensure.
Therefore, the USA shut down production lines F22
The U.S continues to lead the world.

Came the economic crisis, and Capital began to shift to other countries again.
If Europe or China first out of the economic crisis, the USA leadership will be finished.

Obama more attention to force, and F35 trouble began development work.
Obama needs a war show of force, and North Korea began to trouble.

But this time, J20 has emerged.
Mr Obama, send Mr Gates to negotiate it plz.
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