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The reason behind the Shia insulting Prophet's companions.

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Arabian Legend

Mar 7, 2012
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Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia
I have spent 5 hours writing down the speech of Shaikeh Al-Khaimees. I just want to highlight why the Shia are insulting and slandering the prophet's companions and his wife.

Please note:This isn't open for a debate.

In the name of allah the most merciful the most compassionate

The firm and trustworthy Imam Abu Zurrah Al-razi have said '' If you see a person dishonored any of the prophet's (PBUH) companions(RAA), know that this person is a non-believer, the reason for this is because we believe that the prophet Mohammed PBUH is a certain truth and because we believe the the Quran is a certain truth and those ones who passed on and delivered the sunnah of the prophet Mohammed (PBUH) and the holy Quran to us are the prophet's family and his companions(RAA) and the Shia(Rafidah) want to disprove and stab the people who passed down to us the sunnah and the holy Quran, so they the Shia(Rafidah) are more entitled to be addressed as a non believers, that's what the great Imam Abu Zurrah Al-razi have said.

We can say that this Imam can see things through one step ahead by Allah(SWT) grace. This Imam understood and fully aware of the main reason on why the Shia(Rafidah) stab and slander the prophet's PBUH companions(RAA). We have to be fully aware of and know that the Shia(Rafidah) are not targeting the prophet's(PBUH) companions because of who they are or their person and they the Shai(Rafidah) are not attacking the prophet's companions out of concern and care for their religion and, again, the Shia(Rafidah) are not attacking the prophet's companions out of concern and care for their religion, and they are not doing this out of concern for the prophet and his family like how they claim.

The main goal and reason behind what they are doing is much greater than what you think! The Shia(Rafdiah) want to annihilate the religion of Islam. They want to abolish the holy Quran which is passed on to us by the prophet's companions(RAA). And they want to abolish the prophet's Sunnah which is passed on to us by through his companions(RAA).

Who are the ones who passed on the holy Quran and Prophet's Sunnah to us?!

The prophet's(PBUH) companions are the ones who passed them to us.

If we examine how the holy Quran passed down to us, we can conclude that the ones who passed it down are trustworthy people The companions.

The companions passed down the Quran from the prophet(PBUH) by a successive chain of narrations.

The narrators of the holy Quran are:

1-Umar Ibn Alkatab.
2-Uthamn Ibn Al-Affan.
3-Ali Ibn Abi Talib
4-Ubay Ibn Ka'ab
5-Abduallah Ibn Massa'od
6-Abu Al-drda
7-Abu Musa Al-Ashari
8-Zaiyd Ibn Thabit
9-Abu Huraria
10-Ibn Aba'as (RAA all of them)

Those people named above are the ones who transferred the holy Quran from the Prophet(PBUH). We've got the holy Quran through those people(The prophet's companions). So it means that if someone attacks the prophet's companions, they are also attacking what they have passed down to us which is the holy Quran. The prophet's companions are not their target! The Shia(Rafida) are trying to question the companions, so people wont trust what the companions have passed on to us.

That's why the Imam Abu Zurrah Al-razi have said:''They(Rafiadh) want to question our witnesses(The companions) so they can abolish the holy Quran and the prophet's Sunnah''.

Who are the ones who reported and narrated the prophet's(PBUH) Sunnah? The prophet's Sunnah as a whole is reported and narrated by seven of his companions. Those seven companions(RAA) reported and narrated around 70% of the prophet's(PBUH)Sunnah, And the Shia(Rafidah) don't accept all of those seven companions(RAA) with out any exception. The real target is the prophet's Sunnah that has been narrated by those companions(RAA)

1-Abu Huraira(RAA)
2-Abudallah Ibn Umar(RAA)
3-Anas Ibn Malik(RAA)
4-Aiyash Um Al-Mumneen(RAA)
5-Abuallah Ibn Abbas(RAA)
6-Jabit Ibn Abuallah(RAA)
7-Abu Saeed Al-Khudri

The Number of the Hadiths that have been narrated by those seven companions(RAA) have surpassed one thousand Hadiths. And none of those seven companions(RAA) are accepted by them( The Shia/Rafidah). So from where we get the prophet's Sunnah if they don't accept those seven companions(RAA).

And Let's see the other companions(RAA) who narrated the prophet's Hadiths by Hundreds, and they are:

1-Abuallah Ibn Masso'sd(RAA)
2-Abu Musa Al-Ashrai(RAA)
3-Abudallh ibn Umar Ibn Al-a'as(RAA)
4-Abu Bakr Al-Saddiq(RAA)
5-Umar Ibn Al-Khatab(RAA)
6-Uthman Ibn Al-Affan(RAA)
7-Al Bra Ibn Azib(RAA)

And even the above companions(RAA) are not accepted by the Shia(Rfidah). So the Holy Quran and the prophet's Sunnah is their target. Because if the succeeded on destroying the companions(RAA), they will be able to question and destroy what those companions(RAA) have passed on to us. Because, if the narrators are not trustworthy IT means that what they have narrated and passed on to us is not authentic and reliable.

Finally, We have to be cautious and be careful. Abu Zurah said that the Shia (Rafidah) are planning way ahead and they have scheming and plotting for this from a long time ago

Have you ever heard them(the Raifdah) cruse Abu-Jahl?! Have you ever heard them cruse Abu-Lahb?! Have you ever heard them cruse Pharaoh?! Have you ever heard them Haman?! Qaroon, Al-Samri?!, Nimrud?

We have never heard them cruse those people, and they don't even cruse Iblees/Shitan. Not even in their books!! And we all know those people( Namroud, Haman, Qaroon ..etc) blasphemy is directed and the evil they have done are outrageous and Allah(SWT) and his prophet(PBUH) have directed their blasphemy and the prophet have said that Abu-Jahil is the Pharaoh of this nation and with all that the Rafidah don't cruse them, they don't even talk about them. But the they cruse the prophet's companions(RAA)!!! What have they done? And what are their crimes? And why do they hate the companions?!! Its because the companions are the ones who passed on the Quran and the Sunnah of prophet's(PBUH) to us. And because the Rafidah envy us for what we have been blessed with. They don't have the chains of narrations for the Holy Quran and the Prophet's Sunnah, Ahu Al-Sunnah wa Al-jmmah are they only ones who transmit and have the chains of narrations for the Holy Quran and the prophet's Sunnah. What the Rafidah really want is to attack the Holy Quran and the prophet's Sunnah, They want to destroy our religion. The companions aren't their real target. Their real goal is to destroy the religion that has been carried by the companions(RAA).

Let's say what Allah(SWT) said about the prophet's companions(RAA):

Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah ; and those with him are forceful against the disbelievers, merciful among themselves. You see them bowing and prostrating [in prayer], seeking bounty from Allah and [His] pleasure. Their mark is on their faces from the trace of prostration.

Allah said that bowing and prostrating to Him is part of the companions's habits and practices. So how they can be Hypocrites??

Allah has said about the real hypocrites:

Indeed, the hypocrites [think to] deceive Allah , but He is deceiving them. And when they stand for prayer, they stand lazily, showing [themselves to] the people and not remembering Allah except a little,

Allah have said about the companions:

Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah ; and those with him are forceful against the disbelievers, merciful among themselves.

Allah have said about the companions:

It is He who supported you with His help and with the believers and brought together their hearts

Allah have said about the companions:

humble towards the believers, stern towards the disbelievers

With all these verses still the Rafidah want to get rid of them.

The main reason why we stand what the prophet's companions is not because of who they are in person even though we also do it, the main reason why we stand for them is because for the realign they have passed down to us. Because, if a person attack the prophet's companions means that they are also rejecting the Holy Quran. Because, if a person attack the prophet's companions means that they are also rejecting the prophet's Sunnah. And whom ever attacks the Prophet's companions also attacks and rejects their astounding history and biographies. whoever attacks and slanders the prophet's companions means that they are denying the holy Quran and the prophet's Sunnah and, also attack prophet Mohammed(PBUH). How can they say and claim that the prophet(PBUH) had failed to raise and educate his friends and followers.?!! Who will be able to do it if the prophet(PBUH) himself couldn't raise and educate his close followers and companions(RAA). Who will accept such a religion if the prophet and his followers who Allah(SWT) had praised failed to implement it's principles. What should we do with these verses:

Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah ; and those with

And the first forerunners [in the faith] among the Muhajireen and the Ansar

Not equal among you are those who spent before the conquest [of Makkah] and fought [and those who did so after it]. Those are greater in degree than they who spent afterwards and fought.

What should we do about these verses which Allah(SWT) talks about the prophet's companions when those the Rafidah go against these verses and reject the holy Quran and the prophet's(PBUH) Sunnah!!!? The Rafidah are trying to the use the prophet's companions as a stepping stone to destroy this great religion of Islam.

So hold on tight to your great religion and defend the people who passed on the religion of Islam to us. Because if the Rafidah managed to abolish and reject what they have passed on to us(The holy Quran and the Sunnah).

The prophet's(PBUH) companions didn't neglect or miss any of the prophet's gathering or sitting. The companions were fighting over his Water ablution, his saliva and his hair. The prophet(PBUH) is the one who raised and educated his companions(RAA). The prophet and his companions fought their Non-Muslim relatives and their loved ones, and those non-muslim loved ones and relatives became their most hated enemies after they entered Islam. They did this because of Islam and Tawheed(monotheism), and because they read what Allah(SWT) said in this verse:

You will not find a people who believe in Allah and the Last Day having affection for those who oppose Allah and His Messenger, even if they were their fathers or their sons or their brothers or their kindred. Those - He has decreed within their hearts faith and supported them with spirit from Him. And We will admit them to gardens beneath which rivers flow, wherein they abide eternally. Allah is pleased with them, and they are pleased with Him - those are the party of Allah . Unquestionably, the party of Allah - they are the successful.

^^The prophet was a walking and living Quran and that's how his companions were.

The Rafidah claim that the companions of the prophet's have sold their religion. What was their purpose for selling their religion??? If this is true, then who forced them or paid them to do it??? and who received that money and where is that money??

The companions are they ones who scarified their money, their souls, their houses and the even left their families. The prophet's companions have left everything for the sake of Islam. The prophet's companions have the right for the significance, importance and rank to be acknowledge by us and we have to cherish and appreciate them. Because, by appreciating them it bring victory to the religion and it strengthen it's great defense walls.

How its possible that the prophet befriends and sits among evil people, when taught us and forbid us not to befriend and sits with evil people?!

How its possible that the prophet chooses evil companions over righteous ones, when he himself praises the righteous friends and used to dispraise the evil friends?!

How its possible that the prophet traveled with an evil person like Abu-Baker and marry his impure daughter Ayesha(RAA) like how the Rafidah claim?!

Allah have said:

Women impure are for men impure and men impure are for women impure; and women of purity are for men of purity and men of purity are for women of purity: these are not affected by what people say: for them there is forgiveness and a provision honorable.

^^ So how ist possible that the prophet got marries an impure women???

If you asked any Rafidi today if he wants his wife to be like Ayesha(RAA) He WILL SAY NO. But the prophet(PBUH) had accepted her to be his wife.

What they are really want to say is that the prophet(PBUH) is an evil person who befriend evil people. And they are also trying to say that the evil prophet had a pact with those evil people and he also became related to them by marriage.

So that what their main goal is! We've got to be cautious.

@al-Hasani @MuslimConscript @BATMAN @Armstrong @Zarvan @kalu_miah @K-Xeroid @Aeronaut @BLACKEAGLE @JUBA @Yzd Khalifa
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@Arabian Legend I also have to say a lot about the concepts of Shias but this is a defense forum so better if you ask mods to delete this posts
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Let's leave this debate for people with knowledge and those has patience. Would be better to lock this thread. Such threads crossing the " red line " of this forum. My knowledge is zero and its all history and move on. Publishing such topics is reason just to justify the shia killing ??.....what you want to achieve ?
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