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The real solution to the Afghanistan problem

My solution is to permanently put an end to the bloodshed in the region, the way it's going right now it won't stop until many groups are genocided into the future at least in Afghanistan.

I understand your concern about the economy and I agree, it's likely not something Pakistan can fund at all in a sustained long-term manner. It would probably need a world power on board like China and while it could be beneficial to China, it's hard to know their true preference.

But I think China severely underestimates the stability in Afghanistan and how long it could last, and this could bring stability and peace especially in the Khorosan region who are generally progressive and would be much more receptive to Chinese co-operation.
You are talking about dividing a country that is not a country in the first place. It is just a land mass.
If they are divided, how will they put borders between themselves. They don't feel the need for borders. Civilizations surrounding them put borders around them.
If a division does take place it will only be on map and it will give them one more reason to fight with each other.
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Spot on bro.

We must support Tajiks and Hazars to capture the entire country, or at least establish a Khorosan to cripple the main cause of the issue, limiting their overall potential to an even smaller, less populated, land-locked state that wouldn't be a serious threat even in the future, and even if they are completely against us.

Khorosan must be established by Tajiks either including the entire territory, or at least the entire western half of Afghanistan including the Wakhan corridor.

No. This is not a solution. It's temporary and will never work, they are tribal people and will just accept and increase their terrorism further.

My solution is time-proof and truly secures our borders in the long-term. Khorosan is the solution. Put the culprit group directly under the boot. Shutting borders doesn't do shit.
If the British, Russians, Americans could not do anything with everything at their disposal, how can you achieve anything?
Defending afghan crimes by putting blame on madrassa/islamic education supposedly funded by Pakistan, as if madrassa only came after 1980's. Indirectly implying islam is the reason otherwise afghans were very liberal. This BS will fly to white western trash who he want to please with his Afghan naked women of 60's liberal BS but we know the ground reality.

Thats typical pashtun nationalist narrative of blaming Islam for crimes comitted by pashtun walis. Anyone who does that is kaffir.

Where did i blame islam? Blaming mullah is not equal to blaming islam. Dont act like a typical retard mullah. What i said is the plain truth, im not pashtun nationalist maybe more of a Pakistani nationalist. I am not the dumb blind nationalist, accept the reality. U deny the 70,000 medrassas? U deny funding from saudi and CIA throughout the past 4 decades? U dont even know what u r talking about, pashtunwali? Lolz its 2022 retard, pashtuns proudly educate their daughters, its the establishment dog mullah that spreads hatred and give a bad name to Islam. I want to please white western trash? U must be really thick to imagine that, western trash is pleased by these western slaves, some in uniform and others like fazlu in beard.
Only they are to blame for all this, I had sympathy for them but no more.

They started the policy of exporting terrorism, did they expect roses in return. We simply returned the favour.

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It's understood - Afghans themselves are the problem. Not any group, no one else, they are collectively a problem.

Pakistan sought positive relations with them, they sought destruction. An explicit enemy. There's no other way to put it.

No Afghans - no problem.

New small area and tiny population Afghanistan surrounded by Pakistan and Khorosan = threat level of a chihuahua.

Establishment must work towards this goal as IEA was never going to work, you can only negotiate with your enemy for so long.

Note how Pakistani tribesmen always supported Pakistani govt. Something few dumb nationalists here need to read about. Still this western slave establishment radicalized these tribesmen through thousands of medrassas, not only damaging Afghanistan but ourselves too. Now the baboons are infested in our society as well. No one denies Afghanistan being hostile to Pakistan but was it wise to do what we did? We destroy our own society, we radicalized our own ppl too. Now we have extremists in tribal areas and balochistan. I think a genuine patriot establishment would have never done such a thing but our establishment is a colonial remnant and slave and they domt care about the country.
The likes of @TNT would have you believe that the Afghans are actually very peaceful and progressive people and that it's just "Punjabi" and "American "propaganda. What a filthy and backwards society, Afghans are very good at acting "progressive" and "liberal" abroad but all have this mindset deep inside.

Do u even have a brain? A country in civil war and turmoil for more than 40 years and u expect them to behave like a proper society? Acting dumb n blind on purpose i guess. Do u know who the haqqanis are? Its not a tribe, its the students who studied in madrassa haqqqnia, and they r the one declaring hazara shia as kafir. These hazarras been in Afghanistan since thousanda of years n its in past 4 decades that they face this. You make jihadi factories om border, assembly linefor millions of zombies every year and then blame them for being radicals? Isnt it ur beloved deoband and haqqania that taught them shia are kafir and its sawab to kill them? I also never claimed afghans as peaceful, infact i have writtwn extensively about how pashtuns from both sides have fought each other throughout history.
Note how Pakistani tribesmen always supported Pakistani govt. Something few dumb nationalists here need to read about. Still this western slave establishment radicalized these tribesmen through thousands of medrassas, not only damaging Afghanistan but ourselves too. Now the baboons are infested in our society as well. No one denies Afghanistan being hostile to Pakistan but was it wise to do what we did? We destroy our own society, we radicalized our own ppl too. Now we have extremists in tribal areas and balochistan. I think a genuine patriot establishment would have never done such a thing but our establishment is a colonial remnant and slave and they domt care about the country.
You know Pashtuns better than I do - the main reason for them fighting back was because they trespassed on their land claiming it as theirs and disrupted their peace.

These regions have always been extremist, and any further extremism was ultimately to fight against the Soviets.
Do u even have a brain? A country in civil war and turmoil for more than 40 years and u expect them to behave like a proper society? Acting dumb n blind on purpose i guess. Do u know who the haqqanis are? Its not a tribe, its the students who studied in madrassa haqqqnia, and they r the one declaring hazara shia as kafir. These hazarras been in Afghanistan since thousanda of years n its in past 4 decades that they face this. You make jihadi factories om border, assembly linefor millions of zombies every year and then blame them for being radicals? Isnt it ur beloved deoband and haqqania that taught them shia are kafir and its sawab to kill them? I also never claimed afghans as peaceful, infact i have writtwn extensively about how pashtuns from both sides have fought each other throughout history.
Don't you get it? they NEVER were a proper society to begin with. It was always a shit-pit, the Hazaras were actively oppressed and slaughtered before any "Punjabi" or madrassa came along. Do you think they were oh so peaceful people that were singing songs of peace and love before one day (for NO reason at all) they suddenly started hating the Hazaras/Tajiks and started killing each other? The Pakistani and American establishment merely took advantage of this and built those madrassas. Even the only king (Amanullah) that tried to make laws that would treat Hazaras like equal human beings and abolish their legalised slavery was considered a "kafir" and overthrown by Afghans as a result. The Pashtuns of Pakistan are decent and civilised compared to the worthless scum to the West. And I thank the heavens I don't support those shithead mullahs like you just accused me of loving.

1- Put Tosha Khana story on
2- Put a dancer on TV to divert attention more mujra
3- More plot buy /sell
4- Prevent elections in Pakistan

Oh yea they even put the story of the Karachi girl who ran away or not ran away to Punjab

Create more diversion stories

It were pro -Pushtoon and Islamic fundamentalists faction in Pakistan army along with Fazl ur rehman and co who supported Taliban.
Here is a reference:
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What book is that?

After reading it's initial chapters,I have realized that Afghanistan is the toughest political entity to handle.
This is mainly due to the influence of various civilizations like persians,Turks,Tajiks,Mongols,Greeks and others over the course of history.
Pushtoons killing each other, pushtoons fighting with other ethnicities, foreign countries playing their games,Mullahs have their own ideology and their own version of Islam, tribal chiefs and warlords with their mountain size egos , in short it's a complx thing to handle
world should made afghanistan a weapon test ground every years millions of bombs /missiles /ammo fired on afghanistan until no human bird is alive there . then make a new start with common afghans living abroad
world should made afghanistan a weapon test ground every years millions of bombs /missiles /ammo fired on afghanistan until no human bird is alive there . then make a new start with common afghans living abroad
Few months ago I would have called you a genocidal psycho - but they do not live in peace themselves and it does not look like they want us to live in peace either. (Not something they deny either, many call for the genocide of Pakistanis openly)

They are the most hatred and venom filled people ever, and that's never going to change. They should be dealt with inside Afghanistan, the border completely shut down. Flooding the country with refugees especially outside of KPK/Balochistan, was a bad idea.

Afghanistan will prove to cause much more troubles for Pakistan, if it's not taken seriously and the core group are not isolated. I guarantee you this.
Few months ago I would have called you a genocidal psycho - but they do not live in peace themselves and it does not look like they want us to live in peace either.

They are the most hatred and venom filled people ever, and that's never going to change. They should be dealt with inside Afghanistan, the border completely shut down.

Afghanistan will prove to cause much more troubles for Pakistan, if it's not taken seriously and the core group are not isolated. I guarantee you this.
until border is open forget peace dollars and drug weapons control in pakistan .
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