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The Rafale Factor and Options for the PAF

IMHO, PAF should fast track the procurement of the Chinese F31 with western radar and avionics from Leonardo.
I diubt china will allow it...
Why has PAF politically failed to get the V upgrades is beyond me or used f16c/d
Rafale will be never alone...

PAF is having only have one decent fighter F 16 to threat Indian Su30mki and Rafale ....

Need to go for ET or j10 at the earliest...
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IMHO, PAF should fast track the procurement of the Chinese F31 with western radar and avionics from Leonardo.

As the A/C stated in his article, a strong economy is the only long term solution
Equally we have this current threat from India; which may escalate quickly, but it could all just be a bluff we should not go bankrupt trying to manage

Hence we should "take out an Insurance policy"; We should lease Chinese J-10s in time of war, but pay to train and practice on them in China except for exercises in Pakistan. If we do this for about 60 J-10s, we can hedge against the threat, but not get stuck with another 4th gen fighter, when we want to focus on the JF-17.

In the Future if our economy grows well, and the Chinese discount the price; we may try to pick up those J-10s if we feel our JF-17s are still lacking, but we should just be able to borrow the J-10s for a just in case scenario.
China limited defense spending when they were maximizing their economic growth in the 80s and 90s, and only when their economy was booming and large enough did they start building J-10s and other major new planes in the 2000s.

Pakistan needs to find a way to buy time. An Insurance policy would be the most practical way to mitigate the risk while keeping within our budget.
Thunder Block 3 is coming armed with PL 15. Thunder Block 1/2 jammed your Mirages Radars

Thunder Block 1/2 jammed your Mirages Radars

No, it wasnt

Thunder Block 3

Sorry, it is not comparable to even Su 30 mki.

HAL Tejas MK1a is comparable to Thunder Block 3, both are almost same level (Technically)
Thunder Block 1/2 jammed your Mirages Radars

No, it wasnt

Thunder Block 3

Sorry, it is not comparable to even Su 30 mki.

HAL Tejas MK1a is comparable to Thunder Block 3, both are almost same level (Technically)

no sir let me correct you, tejas mk1a is comparable to F 15 ex ..after all as per indian claims it is THE BEST fighter not only in its class but also generation wise and since F15 ex is the latest what boeing, Lockheed martin, Mcdoland douglas could offer in that gen. so by the preceding rule Tejas ought to be better than JFT BIII by a country mile!
Never happened.
Repeating falsehoods won't make it the truth.

Fact is it has been an year but PAF and Pakistanis have completely failed to provide an iota of proof regarding it's Su-30 claim, not only No visual or electronics proofs were provided but they could not even find a shred of evidence through OSINT.

Even Pak analysts admit it:

the detonated amraam tube u guys displayed shows it hit something
second iaf jet inside iok

all su and mirage 2000 running off from the Battle and we're given order by iaf traffic control to do so
shows that a major loss happened to iaf and u chaps realized if u stay will.loose more :)
no sir let me correct you, tejas mk1a is comparable to F 15 ex ..after all as per indian claims it is THE BEST fighter not only in its class but also generation wise and since F15 ex is the latest what boeing, Lockheed martin, Mcdoland douglas could offer in that gen. so by the preceding rule Tejas ought to be better than JFT BIII by a country mile!

If we have to in fancy way... Then I accept jf 17 is better than rafale and even f35...

PAF does not need j31, j10 or su 35...
No Sir Tejas is ultimate fighter. We accept it and leave ourselves at your mercy. Come invade us. Take back Azad Kashmir.

No sir, thank you...

Coming to topic...

ET is best available fighter to counter rafale... But looking the current status, j 10b will be also the best option

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