I can't say I agree. The reasons are outlined below.
For now let's agree to disagree - instead of wasting time.
More to the point of this thread, racial reckoning is important because we need this to fight racism in California.
Racism is the antithesis to economic progress and technical innovation. The Tech industry is a great racial equalizer.
There is a reason why one bedroom apts. in Silicon Valley are going for $4,500 a month. Because people (the best and the brightest, of ANY color) can afford them with their salaries. And talent gets recognized in Silicon Valley irrespective of skin color.
You get rewarded in Silicon Valley for what you can bring to the table as far as innovation - it is all results. No one will care about your skin color.
Talent, education and intellect are in really short supply in this country and getting even shorter-to-get by the day. Turns out newly minted hyphenated American minorities (South East Asians, South Asians, South Americans, to a lesser degree first generation Eastern Europeans as well as Middle Easterners) are disproportionately the majority group who are interested in STEM education and populating Silicon Valley in the industries that are and will carry this country forward in the race of technology.
I see it as a straight up middle finger to the status quo color-bar hierarchy and a fore-bearer of the change-of-thinking we need for the future in this country.
If you don't believe me, look at the largest tech companies in Silicon Valley and who is in the boards of trustees and the leaders (mostly new immigrants and their kids). These hardworking folks are the people who put California (as well as the US) in the worldwide innovation and technology map and are not afraid to work fifteen hour days.
Hang out at San Jose Airport sometime and see who is flying in and out to get business for this country overseas and are at the forefront of the technology onslaught. You will get your answer.
This ain't happening in Kansas City or even Chicago. It is happening in Silicon Valley - because the talent, the drive, the innovation all come together in these cities around San Jose. It is the hub of innovation in the US.
The technology incubator that became successful in the late eighties with HP, Apple and other pioneering companies keeps on hatching new ones. You see it as a party, I call it a race to be the best-of-the-best in the new technology arena.
Every business in the US (no matter what vertical, what line of business they are in) is getting into artificial intelligence, virtualization and cyber space. Why? Because transformation is the only way to reduce costs and improve competitiveness, and is essential to survive in the face of lower cost competition from the likes of China.
Even existing automotive companies like Honda and Toyota are designing cars in Silicon Valley that will self-drive and communicate with each other - this is just one example. Silicon Valley is hatching new propulsion technologies for automobiles (Tesla is just the start). Look at this below.
There are those who have predicted doomsday scenarios for Silicon Valley for years. Some companies are moving to cheaper locations (Silicon Beach, Silicon Gulch) but the primary hub and seed funding location will always be Silicon Valley. The people who drive Silicon Valley (the hyper-educated Gen-X'ers and the Millenials) aren't moving anywhere else by far.
By the way, I quote a part of your Sacramento Bee report below, it is as stark as day. Uneducated people cannot make it in Sacramento, or anywhere else in California. Housing is too expensive.
We don't really need high-school-educated folks (disproportionately racist) who think a plumbing or electrician career will make them rich using some type of 'privilege'. Let these folks move to places where they can find cheap housing, like Texas for example.
"But California is drawing more people than it is losing from one distinct demographic group – those with an advanced college degree. About 9,000 more adults 25 and older with graduate degrees came to California from other states than left for them last year, census estimates show.
In addition, about as many adults 25 and older with a bachelor’s degree but no master’s degree came to California as left for other states last year.
On the other hand, adults without a college degree left California in droves. Educational attainment is closely correlated with income – those with college degrees tend to earn a lot more than those without."
I rest my case...
I have been to Silicon Valley. I am quite aware of the advantages and drawbacks.
There are very few Hispanics and African Americans in your color blind technology industry. I am not saying the technology industry is racist.
Large proportion of the high school dropouts leaving the state are Hispanics and Blacks
If you think technology jobs in Silicon Valley cannot go to other locales within USA or India or China you are in for a rude shock. Hardware jobs have left the Valley.