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The quest of the ultra religious right and liberal left to destroy Pakistan

For the above, when the Israelis finally liquidate the Palestinians I will be partying and celebrating
Let me know. I will joining you. Pals don't give a flying fcuk about Kashmir. And I don't give a flying fcuk about Pals. Just so as to be sure most Pakistani's are ignorant that the Pal versus Israeli trouble is NOT over religion or Islam. Significant number of Pals are Christians and they despise Israel as much if not more than the Pal Muslims. One of the most celebratated Pal commander was George Habash who caused lot of trouble back in 1970s - guess what? He was a Palestinian Christian.

Because of the scene below, I can't wait till the Israelis liquidate the Palestinians. I will have a big party!!!!!!!!............ :devil: :devil: :devil: :chilli: :chilli: :chilli:

That's the "Ummah Chummah" for you.............:disagree:

This is trolling at it's best and spamming. I already told you in simple language study what diplomacy means then come back here. Your wasting your time and others
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Let me know. I will joining you. Pals don't give a flying fcuk about Kashmir. And I don't give a flying fcuk about Pals. Just so as to be sure most Pakistani's are ignorant that the Pal versus Israeli trouble is NOT over religion or Islam. Significant number of Pals are Christians and they despise Israel as much if not more than the Pal Muslims. One of the most celebratated Pal commander was George Habash who caused lot of trouble back in 1970s - guess what? He was a Palestinian Christian.

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George Habash was total gangsta and yeah the Pal-Israeli fight is complex as hell and most Pal refugees from the wars in 1948 were Pal Christians but there is spilt between Gaza and West Bank types Gaza became low Iq Islamist Hamas and West Bank more left wing and liberal anyways If you want my frank opinion screw the Palis and Jews tbh
the ultra religious right & the ultra liberal left are both two sides of the same coin, both are satan's puppets, one has satan's right hand up its arse while the other has satan's left hand up its arse!
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This is trolling at it's best and spamming. I already told you in simple language study what diplomacy means then come back here. Your wasting your time and others
Their is no Ummah chumma right now, we don't need Indian slave gulf states, We are giving the support for Pakistani cause, what they gave in return??? are they giving a support on Kashmir Issue??? they are recognizing Israel so why should we Not recognize Israel???
the ultra religious right & the ultra liberal left are both two sides of the same coin, both are puppets, one has satan's right hand up its arse while the other has satan's left hand up its arse!

What I have never understood is why the Pakistani extreme religious right and extreme liberal left are so anti-Pakistani nation and people. Why these people hate us do much. We have NEVER EVER done ANYTHING to them.
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What I have never understood is why the Pakistani extreme religious right and extreme liberal left are so anti-Pakistani nation and people. Why these people hate us do much. We have NEVER EVER done ANYTHING to them.
The question is what are you doing to achieve your targets?

You should raise Israeli flags from your home.

If you gather 70k, Pakistan will recognize your King. Its a promise.
Their is no Ummah chumma right now, we don't need Indian slave gulf states, We are giving the support for Pakistani cause, what they gave in return??? are they giving a support on Kashmir Issue??? they are recognizing Israel so why should we Not recognize Israel???

Ofcourse PTI consider secularism as the messiah of Pakistan.

With more control in the senate, they will ensure progressive lawmaking in the country derived from secular values of the modern world.
Every country should look after their own interest first, it's just a common sense for every not menatally challenged individual , if you don't do this , which every country naturally does, soon you'll learn it the hard way and rue the day.
The question is what are you doing to achieve your targets?

You should raise Israeli flags from your home.

If you gather 70k, Pakistan will recognize your King. Its a promise.

Ofcourse PTI consider secularism as the messiah of Pakistan.

With more control in the senate, they will ensure progressive lawmaking in the country derived from secular values of the modern world.

I don't want to be king. I just want Pakistan to be really powerful and for ALL Pakistanis to enjoy a high standard of living.
Every country should look after their own interest first, it's just a common sense for every not menatally challenged individual , if you don't do this , which every country naturally does, soon you'll learn it the hard way and rue the day.

Compared to ALL other countries, unfortunately in Pakistan we have a large number of people who want to destroy Pakistan and who hate their fellow Pakistanis.
If you believe that you don;t even know what your talking about. When @PAKISTANFOREVER says "low IQ" this is exactly what he means. If your wondering what I am talking about please first read definition of "republic".

a state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives, and which has an elected or nominated president rather than a monarch

This cannot happen in a anything claiming to be "Islamic". The reason is in Islam supreme power rests with Allah and not the elected representatives of the people. I hope you can understand this subtle but vital point.

Then there is another issue. A Muslim state by definition is for followers of Islam who are seen as brotherhood. If you apply this basic tenet of Islam you would have to give citizenship on the basis of religion and not place of birth. In Pakistan citizenship is given to a Christian born in Lahore but refused to a Muslim from Istanbul. This does not meet criteria of a Islamic state or religious state.

There is only one country that was truely established on basis of religion and that has acted on as a religious state unlike Pakistan. That state is Israel. Any Jew, born anywhere can move to Israel and get citizenship as matter of right.

The crap you are citing is just fraud that has been sold to the ignorant masses of Pakistan.

What a brilliant and factual post, Simply a reason for me to log in to PDF and peruse through threads devoid of religious dogma, Unfortunately becoming rare these days.. Keep it up mate, We all need more common sense in this world
Since the 1980s, Pakistan has suffered at the hands of the ultra religious mullahs and the ultra liberal lefties in trying to destroy Pakistan. Although both originate from the two polar opposites of the political spectrum, they both have formed a Hegelian Dialectic in trying to destroy Pakistan from within. Both have the same aims in that they want Pakistan to become a vassel state for foreigners where Pakistan can never pursue it's own interest.

You have any argument to support your claim? By the way, who are these Mullahs? Please define them for clarity.

The religious loonies want Pakistan to be a slave nation to the Arabs and Gulfis wheras the loony left want Pakistan to become a slave nation to india and the west.

Again, who are these religious loonies? Please be specific.

Another thing that the religious right and lefty liberals both have in common is they greatly fear Pakistani nationalism and self-determination.

Please define Pakistani Nation. How is Pakistan a nation? What is the common thing among Baltis of Baltistan and Muhajirs of Karachi. How can they be part of a single nation?

Secondly, self determination for whom? Some Pashtoons, Sindhis and Balochs are also demanding right of self determination from Pakistan based on their nationality.

(6) Every single Pakistani is equal in the eyes of the law. There will be 0 difference between a Pakistani Muslim, Christain, Hindu, Sikh, Jewish or even devil-worshipping Pakistani.

You are wrong. Every Pakistani is not equal in the eyes of Law. A Non Muslim can not become PM and President of this state. Pakistan's constitution is quite categorical about this issue.

If every Pakistani is equal in the eyes of law than why non Muslims have not been granted the right to become President and PM of Pakistan?
What happens when the so called "brothers of faith" don't give a damn about Pakistanis or Kashmiris. In fact they advocate those who call for the death and destruction of the Pakistani people and nation:

And you think that we believe in this brotherhood due to certain acts of Muslims? Our belief of brotherhood dosnt depend upon the rightful or wrongful acts of Muslims. It depends on the principles of Quran and Sunnah.

If our fellow brothers would do something wrong against us then we will take measures against them and then we will leave their matter to God. He is the best punisher. If they ally themselves with Kufaar, then we will fight them and their infidel friends. Just as we are fighting their liberal allies in Pakistan . However, a Muslim can never be equated to a Kafir, unless he renounce his Islam.

The believers are but brothers, so make settlement between your brothers. And fear Allah that you may receive mercy.
Surah e Hujarat 10

The believing men and believing women are allies of one another.
Surah e Toba 71

They say: Our Lord, forgive us and our brothers who preceded us in faith and put not in our hearts any resentment toward those who have faith. Our Lord, you are kind and merciful.
Surah e Hashr 10

Messenger of Allah Said: Do not hate each other, do not envy each other, do not turn away from each other, but rather be servants of Allah as brothers.
Bukhari 5718

Allah's Messenger Said: The parable of the believers in their affection, mercy, and compassion for each other is that of a body. When any limb aches, the whole body reacts with sleeplessness and fever. Bukhari 5665

Now, please bring your evidence against Quran and Hadith, if you have any.
Only nationalism matters. All else is irrelevant. Could not care less about non-Pakistanis unless they help us. Islam doesn't bring different races of Muslims together. Just look at how much the afghans, indian so called "Muslims" and bangladeshis are so anti-Pakistani. To hell with them all.

Whose nationalism matters? Pashtoon nationalism, Muhajir nationalism, Baloch nationalism or Indus nationalism? What makes Pakistanis a nation? Indus river? Can you point to that thing which makes us a nation?
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You have any argument to support your claim? By the way, who are these Mullahs? Please define them for clarity.

Again, who are these religious loonies? Please be specific.

Please define Pakistani Nation. How is Pakistan a nation? What is the common thing among Baltis of Baltistan and Muhajirs of Karachi. How can they be part of a single nation?

Secondly, self determination for whom? Some Pashtoons, Sindhis and Balochs are also demanding right of self determination from Pakistan based on their nationality.

You are wrong. Every Pakistani is not equal in the eyes of Law. A Non Muslim can not become PM and President of this state. Pakistan's constitution is quite categorical about this issue.

If every Pakistani is equal in the eyes of law than why non Muslims have not been granted the right to become President and PM of Pakistan?

All the above is just more meaningless conjecture that ultimately means nothing. Just complete meaningless whatsboutary.

The ONLY thing that matters is that Pakistan ONLY serves it's OWN interests and doesn't become a slave to non-Pakistanis and their problems. The ULTIMATE aim is to make Pakistan supremely powerful and give EVERY Pakistani a high standard of living. End of.
Whose nationalism matters? Pashtoon nationalism, Muhajir nationalism, Baloch nationalism or Indus nationalism? What makes Pakistanis a nation? Indus river? Can you point to that this which makes us a nation?

I'll tell you what makes us a nation. It's called PAKISTAN and ONLY PAKISTANI nationalism matters. If you can't feel that in your heart, soul and every fibre of your being then you need to question which nation does your loyalty and love lie with? We need to make sure that we will NEVER again be slaves to non-Pakistanis and their problems.
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All the above is just more meaningless conjecture that ultimately means nothing. Just complete meaningless whatsboutary.

The ONLY thing that matters is that Pakistan ONLY serves it's OWN interests and doesn't become a slave to non-Pakistanis and their problems. The ULTIMATE aim is to make Pakistan supremely powerful and give EVERY Pakistani a high standard of living. End of.

I have heard your theories many times. Now its time to present your arguments, support your claim with something meaningful. Invoke your deities, write something with evidence and logic. Show us your high IQ level by refuting arguments with arguments. Parroting same thing again and again will not serve any purpose.
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