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Singular focus on Islamabad may be electorally profitable, but India will benefit by paying due attention to China.

Written by Sushant Singh | Updated: March 9, 2018 1:17 pm
The danger of an escalation of conflict with Pakistan can never be fully ruled out. (Representational photo)
In August 1962, barely a couple of months before China humiliated India in a border war, Indian High Commissioner to Pakistan Rajeshwar Dayal was in New Delhi. He was summoned for an urgent meeting in then defence minister V K Krishna Menon’s office, where the three service chiefs and the foreign secretary were also present. Menon opened the meeting, saying that he “was glad the High Commissioner was present to give a first-hand account of the vast preparations being made to launch a professedly non-violent massive infiltration of so-called volunteers across the ceasefire line in Kashmir”.

Bemused like other participants, Dayal protested that he was not aware of any such plan. But Menon insisted on the “vague second-hand rumour”, in Dayal’s words, and directed that “all leave be cancelled and the armed forces put on alert”. Y K Gundevia, the Commonwealth Secretary in the external affairs ministry who was present in the meeting, was not “able to fathom why this nonsense about Pakistan troop movements in Murree was fabricated in that crucial week”.

It was not only in that crucial week but throughout the year that Indian attention remained focused on possible Pakistani actions than the Chinese ones. In August 1959 itself, Army Chief General K S Thimayya had complained to Jawaharlal Nehruabout Menon’s “war psychosis against Pakistan” as compared to his apathy towards Chinese moves.

Nearly six decades on, India is in the danger of repeating those mistakes, as it focuses too much on Pakistan while the real challenge could come from its bigger Himalayan neighbour, China. This is not to say that the situation with Pakistan is peaceful. The ceasefire on the Line of Control (LoC) is marked only by its absence, with January having seen more ceasefire violations than ever. With J&K having experienced low snowfall this winter, infiltration by militants from the Pakistani side is expected to start early this year. More local youth are taking to the gun in Kashmir, while security forces’ camps in the state continue to be targeted by militants from Pakistan.

The danger of an escalation of conflict with Pakistan can never be fully ruled out. Notwithstanding the rhetoric of our nightly news television warriors, the probability of things getting out of hand on the Pakistan border remain rather low. In fact, barring a dozen years of ceasefire on the LoC after 2003, India has long been accustomed to a state of “no war, no peace” with Pakistan, particularly in Jammu and Kashmir. The surgical strikes of 2016 and the recent proactive stance on the LoC — more than two-thirds of the ceasefire violations are now initiated by the Indian Army — actually demonstrate the limits of Indian options. In a scenario devoid of strategic options, these are but tactical byplays which lead to the loss of lives of soldiers and innocent civilians on both sides.

Despite the inherent strategic stability under a nuclear shadow of a paradoxically tactically unstable state of “no war, no peace”, the lens of public attention is obsessively focused on Pakistani action and the Indian response to them. More than any great strategic thought, this is due to an intricate linkage of Pakistan with domestic Indian politics in recent years.

From union ministers asking people criticising them to “go to Pakistan” to cow vigilantes calling their victims Pakistanis, the tag of “enemy” country is permissively being used to tarnish not just Indian Muslims, but also those opposed to Hindutva ideology. Keeping the attention focused on Pakistan thus becomes imperative for a certain kind of political ideology to succeed: Any action on the LoC or in Kashmir is a god-sent opportunity for these ideologues to further their political goals.

There is, however, a grave danger in Pakistan garnering a disproportionately high share of attention in our strategic mind space, including from the government and the military. It shifts the focus away from the strategic challenge posed by China, whether on the Line of Actual Control (LAC) or in the Indian Ocean region.

The number of transgressions across the LAC by Chinese military patrols and face-offs between soldiers of the two armies were the highest last year. The two armies were in an eyeball-to-eyeball confrontation for 73 days in the Doklam area on the Sikkim border last summer. After the disengagement, the Chinese continue to remain deployed in the area, with recent reports indicating yet another upsurge in their activity.

Poor state of infrastructure on the LAC in Arunachal Pradesh leaves India highly vulnerable to Chinese military action in a state it claims as South Tibet. Beyond the contentious land borders, Chinese submarines and vessels have been spotted in the waters of the Indian Ocean, forcing the Indian Navy to stretch itself by the continued deployment of its ships and submarines.

As our political and military leaders remind us, 2018 is not 1962, and India won’t be a pushover against any Chinese military action. In the past few months, the challenge of a two-front war — fighting China and Pakistan simultaneously — has also been spoken of by our senior military commanders. One of Z A Bhutto’s biggest complaints against the then Pakistani military dictator Ayub Khan was that he didn’t use the opportunity provided by the 1962 Sino-Indian conflict, for “if Pakistan had attacked India at that time, we could have gone up to Delhi”.

That is a scenario New Delhi has to watch out for: Pakistan by itself is not a potent strategic threat but when combined with China, it is likely to pose a major military challenge for India. New Delhi will benefit in the long-run by paying due attention to China, and moving away from its current unhealthy obsession with Pakistan. Focusing singularly on Pakistan may be electorally profitable for a few, but India can’t afford to sacrifice its strategic interests at the altar of its domestic politics.

Despite the inherent strategic stability under a nuclear shadow of a paradoxically tactically unstable state of “no war, no peace”, the lens of public attention is obsessively focused on Pakistani action and the Indian response to them. More than any great strategic thought, this is due to an intricate linkage of Pakistan with domestic Indian politics in recent years.

From union ministers asking people criticising them to “go to Pakistan” to cow vigilantes calling their victims Pakistanis, the tag of “enemy” country is permissively being used to tarnish not just Indian Muslims, but also those opposed to Hindutva ideology. Keeping the attention focused on Pakistan thus becomes imperative for a certain kind of political ideology to succeed: Any action on the LoC or in Kashmir is a god-sent opportunity for these ideologues to further their political goals.

@third eye if you remember few months ago we have a discussion where i said that your political elite very conveniently uses Pakistan bogyman to fool the general masses and to gain vote. You discarded saying we are a mature democracy something a Pakistani wouldn't know. It seems realization is now withing the Indian circles as well.

The below part is particularly interesting:

New Delhi will benefit in the long-run by paying due attention to China, and moving away from its current unhealthy obsession with Pakistan. Focusing singularly on Pakistan may be electorally profitable for a few, but India can’t afford to sacrifice its strategic interests at the altar of its domestic politics.
Pakistan distraction mean india's destruction.
we were born together, and together will die.

Any so called self appointed strategic specialists can write peace of junk like this .
But GoI or their core commands are not working on this basis .
Election gimmicks ,medias ,event management is different .Real strategic decision based on national security is different .Irrespective of govts no Govts did take that lightly.

Indias investment in Navy and more sophisticated weapons consume majority of our energy.Means only China is our aim.
Pakistan is not even a worthwhile enemy .

We dont even need a war to control Pakistan.
Latest diplomatic moves confirmed it
We dont even need a war to control Pakistan.
Latest diplomatic moves confirmed it
Even if there is a war you cant control pakistan. There will definaltly a nuclear war and after a war, terrorists from all around the world will have enough space to run freely not only in india but in pakistan too. So i am right the pakistan distraction means india's destruction too.We were born together, and together will die.

Latest diplomatic moves is good for your chest thumping only.
Interesting article with some valid points for Indians. India's obsession with Pakistan for 70 years is a clear indication that it has not been able to swallow the Partition.
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Another day another childish article by the Indians. Who really cares what these hungry, filth ridden people think of others? A primate sitting in a tree in a jungle would be more productive than this bunch in the East.
Even if there is a war you cant control pakistan. There will definaltly a nuclear war and after a war, terrorists from all around the world will have enough space to run freely not only in india but in pakistan too. So i am right the pakistan distraction means india's destruction too.We were born together, and together will die.

Latest diplomatic moves is good for your chest thumping only.

Actually there is no such born together connection with us.
Who will go for a war with a nation that failed and looking for possible sanctions ?

Yup .
That is why someone in grey list and possibility of black list also .Their so called deeper than Mariana Trench friend is now VP of FATF with our help
Actually there is no such born together connection with us.
Who will go for a war with a nation that failed and looking for possible sanctions ?

Yup .
That is why someone in grey list and possibility of black list also .Their so called deeper than Mariana Trench friend is now VP of FATF with our help

It's up to you either beleive or not. I am not gonna repeat after my this truth.

We were born together, and together will die.

Latest diplomatic moves is good for your chest thumping only.

A word should be enough to the wise. And unfortunately you are not.
It's up to you either beleive or not. I am not gonna repeat after my this truth.

We were born together, and together will die.

Latest diplomatic moves is good for your chest thumping only.

A word should be enough to the wise. And unfortunately you are not.

Noone in India likes this born together term.:lol:
India will stay here with ever increasing accomplishments .
Pakistan die or live we dont care.
I dont think so ,your nation inclusion in to FATF is example.

More suitable for you .
Any so called self appointed strategic specialists can write peace of junk like this .
But GoI or their core commands are not working on this basis .
Election gimmicks ,medias ,event management is different .Real strategic decision based on national security is different .Irrespective of govts no Govts did take that lightly.

Indias investment in Navy and more sophisticated weapons consume majority of our energy.Means only China is our aim.
Pakistan is not even a worthwhile enemy .

We dont even need a war to control Pakistan.
Latest diplomatic moves confirmed it
Then don't discus Pakistan your inferiority complex

Noone in India likes this born together term.:lol:
India will stay here with ever increasing accomplishments .
Pakistan die or live we dont care.
I dont think so ,your nation inclusion in to FATF is example.

More suitable for you .
WE are successfully withstanding the pressure of the whole world you are crying under the pressure of only two counties China +Pakistan....... poor country
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