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The PAF's quest for a hi-tech platform

An offensive force is fine (offense is the best defence), but in the present economic and political situation of Pakistan, it is more of a wishful thinking than something doable. We have to be offensive in improving our economy and our international image. Only than would we be able to afford an Airforce offensive or defensive.

My two cents.
An offensive force is fine (offense is the best defence), but in the present economic and political situation of Pakistan, it is more of a wishful thinking than something doable. We have to be offensive in improving our economy and our international image. Only than would we be able to afford an Airforce offensive or defensive.

My two cents.

qsaark, sir
for me, stronger economy means stronger defence!
most of the power full economies in the world are based on the the stronger defence?:azn:
how your economy will grow up, if you are having these terrorists jumping around all over the place! who knows what could be the result of another "MUMBAI TERROR" LIKE ACTS, happening again?:azn:;)

in 2008 dec, it was our stronger defences , which made indians higher ups thinking wisly, other wise if we doesnt had the stronger defence in place, it could be a different story?:agree:
so, if we can invest in our defence more, it means we are investing in our economy!

people just assume, what they think!
i had a simple question , which economies in the world are the best today?
PLz check thier spendings on thier defences!:azn:
i am feeling very sad that , you had turnned this thread an economic quiz, plz come on the topic now.:cry:
qsaark, sir
for me, stronger economy means stronger defence!
most of the power full economies in the world are based on the the stronger defence?:azn:
how your economy will grow up, if you are having these terrorists jumping around all over the place! who knows what could be the result of another "MUMBAI TERROR" LIKE ACTS, happening again?:azn:;)

in 2008 dec, it was our stronger defences , which made indians higher ups thinking wisly, other wise if we doesnt had the stronger defence in place, it could be a different story?:agree:
so, if we can invest in our defence more, it means we are investing in our economy!

people just assume, what they think!
i had a simple question , which economies in the world are the best today?
PLz check thier spendings on thier defences!:azn:
i am feeling very sad that , you had turnned this thread an economic quiz, plz come on the topic now.:cry:
If you have no money, what you will spend on the defence?

Better economy = more money = more spending = more procurements or better procurements = better defence

I am not turning anything into anything, all I am saying is, it is all a wishful thinking until there is money to spend on it. The money will not come from spending, it will come through a good economy.
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I totally agree.Economic Strength is vital for country's success.Just having strong military is nothing to be proud off.You also need strong economy.
yeah...the common man in the end would appreciate a better standard of living than anything else!
you have the nukes now...i dont think anybody'd attack you...
i sometimes think that we have forgotten what the real goal of the two nations was...it was co-exist peacefully and show the world our potential...countries like china are lucky that we are fighting...
I feel it was not Pakistans strong Defenses (which you have nonetheless) which stopped India from waging a war, It was because India put its Economy before War. A War will ruin the Indian Economy, that was the only reason.
Pakistan's strong defence had more to do with India not carrying out surgical strikes rather than India's economy. Actually it was India's plan to carry out strikes inside Pakistan but they were left stunned when Pakistani jets were waiting at the border greeting them :D. India was fully aware that if they carried out surgical strikes, Pakistan would have responded within minutes.
the more a country is weak in conventional arms, the qiucker it moves on to nuclear arms to preserve its soverienity... if according to india paf would be defeated on the very first day... then the army would have no support... this would be a grave threat of highest level... pakistan than would do whatever it takes to win back its land
@super defender.. the lca Vs jf17 thread is seperate and also closed because it always leads to arguements.. interceptos and multiroles are not comparable anyway

about 20years ago it was difficult to get technology as their were only handful of countries.. but now the picture has changed, more countries have the tech and are willing to share it , given good investments.. so now many countries are quickly catching up ,if they have the resolve.. multiply this factor to china's economy , manpower and upcoming professionals.. and you would be looking at the picture more clearly
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4. not only will LCA have a superior engine, it will likely have a better radar by 2012, the Elta 2032 is currently being used, but it will likely be replaced by the 2052 AESA (tech china cannot get its hands on). on top of that radar it will have a degree of stealth, due to its composites and small size.
I wont like to compare one with another untill the two come face to face and prove something. However, I dont find myself in agreement with you that China CAN NOT get its hands on the AESA technology. Why not? just because West doesn't want to give this tech to China? Chinese may have tens of thousands of technical and vocational colleges, but unfortunately (for its competitors), they also have few Universities and Research Centers. They are not only copying western and russian stuff, they are also developing their own technologies. Anybody who keeps up with the current literature, and has sufficient resources to conduct experiments can develop or innovate. In the countries such as US, 60% of the post-docs and researchers are Chinese.
If you have no money, what you will spend on the defence?

Better economy = more money = more spending = more procurements or better procurements = better defence

I am not turning anything into anything, all I am saying is, it is all a wishful thinking until there is money to spend on it. The money will not come from spending, it will come through a good economy.

its the last time. i am trying to answer your wrong perceptions on this thread! its really out of topic, & iam very sory about it!
how you are going make the money,& how you are going to keep it, without any defence, by just requsting the terrorsits or the enemy,plz dont attack us?
without stronger defence, how you can keep the money safe! :angry:
without stronger defence, who would like to invest in a place, where there is no gurrantee of lives?:angry:
without stronger defence, how you keep out your self intersts up?:angry:
without stronger defence, how will economy prosper itself?:angry:
without stronger defence, who will trust you & on what?:angry:
without stronger defence,how can you build a economy, when you are facing enemy like india( economic, militry giant), on other hand, all the fundamentallist wanted to finish everything. just on the name of religion:crazy:

i can certnly write a 1000 more, if you like!:agree:
so if you like to debate, plz pm me start a thread, & we can do the DOEL you want! but not any more on this thread.

i am really sory for all this crap, i have been put in, to every 1, including mods, my friends... & all the fourm members!:tsk:
qsaark;sir.....all the fourm members!:tsk:
First of all, PLEASE dont call me Sir, I hate this word. This word reminds me of the British occupation. Call me names, but dont call me Sir.

Second, I have an opinion, just like you have one. There is nothing wrong if you dont agree wit me. You dont want me to post in this thread, because you think it is irrelevant, fine, I wont post. But since I did'nt hear from the Mod, I thought it was not DE-RAILING the thread very much. At any rate, I am really very intersted to see how a cash-strapped country can spend on it defence without hurting its very own existance. I think I had read an obituary regarding something like this happened to a country called USSR.

Lastly, you have posted 5 'angry faces', please dont intimidate me. You dont want an old fella passing away after reading your post.

No more Economy talk in this thread, I promise.
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I agree with the friends that strong economy is required for strong defence.
" First of all, PLEASE dont call me Sir, I hate this word. This word reminds me of the British occupation. Call me names, but dont call me Sir ".


I second that motion.
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