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The overdramatic nature of Korean protest against Japan

Well taken and you are showing recovery of your moral conscience which many members on the thread are lacking of

The “honourable” judge did this in the greatest stupidity and humiliation of the human race.
I believe his judgement of the trial is well documented in the tribunal's archives

Comrade please my moral conscious & not conscience as you put it is at ease but your concern is noted
On topic
I have heard this invading others to develop & civilize tone before,this is the exact same tone used by Brits before the dismantled a economy which was responsible for producing 25% of worlds output
Hint its India
Comrade please my moral conscious & not conscience as you put it is at ease but your concern is noted
On topic
I have heard this invading others to develop & civilize tone before,this is the exact same tone used by Brits before the dismantled a economy which was responsible for producing 25% of worlds output
Hint its India

Dont get me wrong comrade
I was praising you for your comment and to ease your concern about the credibility of the records pf the "hononourable" judge's conduct

On the part, these are the cheapest excuses for legitimising their hideous cause of their crimes. India is not alone.(That's why I mentioned about the biggest diamond which was stolen from the subcontinent‘s coffer now be found on the UK queen's crown) China is on the receiving ends of these atrocities many times over.
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Dont get me wrong comrade
I was praising you for your comment and to ease your concern about the credibility of the records pf the "hononourable" judge's conduct

On the part, these are the cheapest excuses for legitimising their hideous cause of their crimes. India is not alone.(That's why I mentioned about the biggest diamond which was stolen from the subcontinent‘s coffer now be found on the UK queen's crown) China is on the receiving ends of these atrocities many times over.

Oh in that case forgive me comrade
& I agree with you the sane shitty excuse is given by every Imperial power to invade someobe that's why deep down many Indians admire the Rise of China that finally Asia is getting back on track & will reclaim its place as a world power
This is Park Chung Hee (Okamoto Minoru):



The first picture is a plain fake.
Even 11 year old kid would know that by the difference between two pictures.
If you island kid didn't realize it at a glance, go check whether your eyeballs are still stuck in the right halls.
Otherwise, prove me how President Park in his late 40 can be photographed like that.

And you island kid still don't get what being a colony means?
Let me f*ck the sh*t out of your a*s, and you'll find out that the feeling is not that bad.
US is a good big bro for Europeans--he fixed EU up and make them to be friends, but unfortunately US is not a good bro for East Asians--he cannot and will never be able to solve the problems between CJK, only having worsened it. Now that Japan is dragged by US from joining FTA and AIIB, it will be even harder
This is Park Chung Hee (Okamoto Minoru):



The first picture is a plain fake.
Even 11 year old kid would know that by the difference between two pictures.
If you island kid didn't realize it at a glance, go check whether your eyeballs are still stuck in the right halls.
Otherwise, prove me how President Park in his late 40 can be photographed like that.

And you island kid still don't get what being a colony means?
Let me f*ck the sh*t out of your a*s, and you'll find out that the feeling is not that bad.

My dear Kankukojin friend, please read the history of Mr. Park Chung Hee.

Why history is a problem for Park Geun-hye in confronting Japan | East Asia Forum



@Nihonjin1051 Dude I think we just got a new Korean member and you just got a new nickname :rofl:

You're very excited there, buddy. Sit down, drink some tea, relax.

This is Park Chung Hee (Okamoto Minoru):



The first picture is a plain fake.
Even 11 year old kid would know that by the difference between two pictures.
If you island kid didn't realize it at a glance, go check whether your eyeballs are still stuck in the right halls.
Otherwise, prove me how President Park in his late 40 can be photographed like that.

And you island kid still don't get what being a colony means?
Let me f*ck the sh*t out of your a*s, and you'll find out that the feeling is not that bad.

My Kankukojin colleague, the late President Park was born in 1917, so during the time that this photo was taken in the 1944, as remember he graduated from Tokyo Imperial University, then he attended the prestigious Rikugun Shikan Gakko , the Imperial Japanese Army Military Academy, he then volunteered / enlisted into the Imperial Army as a 1st Lieutenant and was the aide de campe to the Imperial Regimental Commander. You probably don't know --- or who knows maybe you do know --- but he was stationed in Manchukoku , and was linked with the Imperial Military Police (Kempetai) in crushing dissidents as well as insurgents.

When Lt. Okamoto Minoru enlisted into the Imperial Army as an 1st Lieutenant in His Imperial Majesty's Imperial Army, --- the man was around 27 years of age.


Lt. Okamoto Minoru (Park Chung Hee), at age 27, 1st Lieutenant in the Imperial Army, Manchukoku Military District
He graduated 4th in his class at the Imperial Japanese Military Academy. :)

Notice his uniform, he is wearing the standard officers' uniform for the Northern China Theater,

Otherwise, prove me how President Park in his late 40 can be photographed like that.

40 years old? You do know that when he enlisted in the Imperial Army he was 27 years of age. By the time the war ended, and Japan gave independence to Korea, he was around 28 years old (turning 29). By the time the Korean War broke out he was more or less in his late 30s, early 40s.


There's a huge time gap from the time he served the Imperial Army to the time he was a commander in the Korean Army in fighting the communists (Norkors and Chinese). Btw, you should know , the way he mobilized the military command under him, all of which was standard Imperial Army Offensive Strategy. No doubt he learned that in the Rikugun Shikan Gakko , the Imperial Japanese Army Military Academy. After all, he did graduate 4th in his class.


Btw, you do know that the manner in how Park ruled South Korea --- was identically the same way the Imperial Military Government ruled the Japanese Empire from the post-liberalization period all the way up to the preceeding months of Pearl Harbor. The martial governing culture --- he learned that when he was a student in Japan, and an Imperial Soldier.
Nihonjin1051, post: 7117546, member: 157425

So, where's your proof boy? Where is your proof?
No. you don't have any proof. Therefore you're trying to evade with another BS about Korea. Even worse.

What is this photo? He was 46, and it was taken a year after his successful coup.

So, will you STFU?

Do you even know who made up the picture you're carrying around? Are you trying to preach to someone with your depth-less, half googled, mostly imaginative, non-scrutinized gossips, making all those BS and false claims about Korea the country you don't know sh*t about kid?

Do you know how much President Park hated Japan? Do you know the reasons behind he wanted to be an officer? Of course you don't know. Because you're busy talking before learning the full picture.

Do you know how Korean Army was built through the Korean war? Do you know how Korean Army fought the war shoulder to shoulder with US Army? Do you know how similar Korean army system is to the US system? What do you know? Of course you don't know. Because your purpose here is to spread pro Japan propaganda isn't it?

Was his government similar to Japanese military government? So in your dream US under Eisenhower government was the military regime right? Probably anti-state Korean leftist stuffed their ideology in your brain too much.

Japan gave independence to Korea what? Sorry I thought it was the two heavenly celebration of your islands that liberated our country.

My message to you is simple. One more insult to our country, and I'll start my own round using my Photoshop skill to decorate a guy you call your king.
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Evidence of Park Chung-hee’s military allegiance to Japan surfaces

  • 125747660642_20091107.JPG

    The article from the Manshu Shimbun (Manchuria Newspaper) that shows that late President Park Chung-hee submitted an oath of allegiance to Japan in his own blood with his application form to serve in the military for the Japanese puppet state of Manchukuo, March 31, 1939.

    A newspaper article has been discovered that shows that late President Park Chung-hee, when volunteering to become a soldier in Japanese-occupied Manchukuo, wrote an oath of allegiance to Japan in his own blood. This is the first time the allegation, which had been rumored, has been confirmed with objective evidence.

    Prior to the full-scale release on Sunday of its encyclopedia on pro-Japanese figures during the colonial era, the Institute for Research in Collaboration Activities (IRCA) issued a surprise release Thursday with its content on Park, whom it lists as a pro-Japanese figure in the encyclopedia. In addition, it released a 1939 article from the Manshu Shimbun (Manchuria Newspaper) that shows that Park sent with his application form to become a soldier serving Manchukuo, a puppet state in Manchuria, an oath of loyalty written in blood and a supplication letter.

    The Manshu Shimbun, published by Japanese in Manchukuo, ran a story entitled “Application to Become a Soldier Written in Blood” on page 7 of its March 31, 1939 edition. It reported that Park Chung-hee, age 23, a teacher at Seobu Public Elementary School in Mungyeong located in Korea’s North Gyeongsang province, had sent with his passionate application letter his family registry, resume, drill passage certificate and a letter written in blood that read, “Loyalty Up to Sacrificing My Own Life, Park Chung-hee,” which moved the official who received it.

    The paper also reported that Park wrote in the letter that he eagerly wanted to be a Manchukuo soldier even though he might not be deserving of the position, and that he had the firm determination to proudly sacrifice his life for Japan with the spirit that he was not ashamed to be Japanese. He also said that he was not seeking personal recognition for his sacrifice, and that he pledged both humble loyalty and self-annihilation for the sake of the country.

    Not only was Park, then employed as a teacher, not serving as a soldier, but at 23, he was past the age limit (19 years old) so was unqualified to apply. The article ended by saying that because he was too old, he was, unfortunately, politely turned down. With the help of an acquaintance, however, Park entered the four-year Manchukuo Military Academy in Jan. the next year and became a lieutenant in the Manchukuo Army.

    Cho Se-yeol, the secretary general of the Institute for Research in Collaboration Activities, said that the IRCA’s encyclopedia is becoming a source of political controversy prior to its publication because Park Chung-hee’s son Park Ji-man has referred to the encyclopedia entry as a mischaracterization of the late president's life and has applied for a ban on its printing and distribution Cho added that since the IRCA has publicly shared objective content regarding Park’s pro-Japanese behavior the unnecessary controversy has reached its conclusion.

Evidence of Park Chung-hee’s military allegiance to Japan surfaces : National : News : The Hankyoreh

Nihonjin1051, post: 7117546, member: 157425

So, where's your proof boy? Where is your proof?
No. you don't have any proof. Therefore you're trying to evade with another BS about Korea. Even worse.

What is this photo? He was 46, and it was taken a year after his successful coup.

So, will you STFU?

Do you even know who made up the picture you're carrying around? Are you trying to preach to someone with your depth-less, half googled, mostly imaginative, non-scrutinized gossips, making all those BS and false claims about Korea the country you don't know sh*t about kid?

Do you know how much President Park hated Japan? Do you know the reasons behind he wanted to be an officer? Of course you don't know. Because you're busy talking before learning the full picture.

Do you know how Korean Army was built through the Korean war? Do you know how Korean Army fought the war shoulder to shoulder with US Army? Do you know how similar Korean army system is to the US system? What do you know? Of course you don't know. Because your purpose here is to spread pro Japan propaganda isn't it?

Was his government similar to Japanese military government? So in your dream US under Eisenhower government was the military regime right? Probably anti-state Korean leftist stuffed their ideology in your brain too much.

Japan gave independence to Korea what? Sorry I thought it was the two heavenly celebration of your islands that liberated our country.

My message to you is simple. One more insult to our country, and I'll start my own round using my Photoshop skill to decorate a guy you call your king.

Please read the article I posted. Enlighten yourself.
Please read the article I posted. Enlighten yourself.

Why should I read the article that I or most Koreans know the details long before you google?
I will cut my finger and lie anything to be an military officer if I was born at that time in a colonial state, and that kind of thing you island people are very good at as your history tells isn't it? How you could be so docile to the US after being the one and only country to be A-bombed in the history of mankind. That said, US should be extremely careful to get along with Japan, because these people can pull out the knife anytime they think they have more chance than risk just as they did to Chosun dynasty, Qing China and to other Asian countries.

There are tons of Park's life story, biography etc published in Korea. Read and get yourself educated what he went through before he resigned as a teacher, and how his mindset had changed living in the oppressed country, and why he desperately wanted to be a military officer.

The way you bring a new topic without any apology after getting debunked the original claims clearly tells that you knew the photo was a fake from the start as well as your purpose of activity in this website. But your shallow knowledge and biased googling doesn't seemed to help achieve your goal that much. I used to love the way Japanese ordinary people doing their jobs with such a devotion and concentration. But the quality of your anti-Korea trolling is far from my usual expectation from any Japanese. Abe should seriously consider replacing you.

So, you keep trying to insult my country, I'll let you know my plot for the Photoshop.
In the center of the photo, Hirohito is standing with the costume of a US Army lieutenant with a shiny US army helmet proudly on his head. In the background, two mushroom clouds are souring high to the sky alpha blended with your navy banner waving. Far away in the sky you can see the returning Enola Gay after the successful mission code named "The Celebration.of the Midget Island". What do you have to say? If you confirm, I'll deliver it.
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South Koreans are very good friends of ours but I just hope they can finally settle things with Japan. Almost everything Japan has done in the Pacific stage after world war 2 has been positive for Asia and the world. Why can't people see this?
South Koreans are very good friends of ours but I just hope they can finally settle things with Japan. Almost everything Japan has done in the Pacific stage after world war 2 has been positive for Asia and the world. Why can't people see this?

Thank You , my friend. I, too, hope that relations between Japan and Korea get better over time, and that extremist thought (on both sides) abates. I believe that the hatred some Koreans have for Japan is a generational issue. I hope that someday relations between Japan and Korea would be as constructive and peaceful as Japan's relationship with the Philippines. :)
South Koreans are very good friends of ours but I just hope they can finally settle things with Japan. Almost everything Japan has done in the Pacific stage after world war 2 has been positive for Asia and the world. Why can't people see this?

Simple answer: National Pride
Thank You , my friend. I, too, hope that relations between Japan and Korea get better over time, and that extremist thought (on both sides) abates. I believe that the hatred some Koreans have for Japan is a generational issue. I hope that someday relations between Japan and Korea would be as constructive and peaceful as Japan's relationship with the Philippines. :)
Talk is cheap my friend, How can you say you hope for a better relationship while there is a Korean member standing right there, pointing out your wrong doings, demanding your apology,and getting ignored by you! If this isn't hypocrisy I honestly don't know what is.

So please, say you are sorry to @liamtoh . We just got one active Korean member here on PDF and I really hope he can stay. Prove to us that the Japanese people do possess the innate ability to make apologies. If you can do it, I would have a lot more respect for you, at least more than Shinzo Abe. :p: And I am sure not only does that mean a lot to him,but also goes a long way with us Chinese PDF members:-) Right?

@TaiShang @TheTruth @Kolaps @Martian2 @Jlaw @Beidou2020 @ChineseTiger1986 @jkroo @AndrewJin @terranMarine @sicsheep @xunzi @Kyle Sun @SelfServeFive @dlclong
@+4vsgorillas-Apebane @kankan326 @Raphael @rcrmj @hans @Speeder 2 @cirr @Keel @Genesis @theniubt @bobsm @Place Of Space @Stranagor @name @BuddhaPalm
Talk is cheap my friend, How can you say you hope for a better relationship while there is a Korean member standing right there, pointing out your wrong doings, demanding your apology,and getting ignored by you! If this isn't hypocrisy I honestly don't know what is.

So please, say you are sorry to @liamtoh . We just got one active Korean member here on PDF and I really hope he can stay. Prove to us that the Japanese people do possess the innate ability to make apologies. If you can do it, I would have a lot more respect for you, at least more than Shinzo Abe. :p: And I am sure not only does that mean a lot to him,but also goes a long way with us Chinese PDF members:-) Right?

@TaiShang @TheTruth @Kolaps @Martian2 @Jlaw @Beidou2020 @ChineseTiger1986 @jkroo @AndrewJin @terranMarine @sicsheep @xunzi @Kyle Sun @SelfServeFive @dlclong
@+4vsgorillas-Apebane @kankan326
@Raphael @rcrmj @hans @Speeder 2 @cirr @Keel @Genesis @theniubt @bobsm @Place Of Space @Stranagor @name @BuddhaPalm

Well said!
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