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The other ToT - India's L&T to Manufacture Heavy Nuclear Forgings for Areva's EPR Nuclear Reactors

Awesome news.

India will now manufacture Crucial Nuclear components, Very Heavy Forgings and that too by a Indian Private Company.

This is big.
True, whilst all the hype is around the Rafales this deal will benefit India far more and is far more significant, love him or loath him no doubt about it Modi is making India a better place.
True, whilst all the hype is around the Rafales this deal will benefit India far more and is far more significant, love him or loath him no doubt about it Modi is making India a better place.

Exactly! These days India's engagements with France seems to be focused only on the over-hyped MMRCA - This deal is much more significant in the sense that when complete - the Jaitapur Nuclear Power Plant (JNPP) would be the largest Nuclear Power Plant on the planet!
True, whilst all the hype is around the Rafales this deal will benefit India far more and is far more significant, love him or loath him no doubt about it Modi is making India a better place.

The only thing I'm sad about now is Y could we have someone like him before, A TRUE INDIAN. We would have been on top of this world by now, AGAIN.
thanks for the info... didn't know this....

Indian industries used to supply STEEL and Textiles to Europe, till year 1750. India & China were the only world leaders in these industries. When British+French+Dutch(3 companies, just like they sent West-India-Company to America to conquer+genocide that part of world too) arrived in 1750, they closed down all international sea-trade routes from India. And transferred WHOLE factories(steel and textiles both) to Europe. This is how Europe received its FIRST steel plant. Same for textile. Before this europe had no such industrial capability.

This whole dogma of "TATA started steel industries in Indian history" is a myth. TATA was merely a heroin smuggler propped up by britishers to supply ganja,heroine to China from Afghanistan(through india route), which caused millions of youth life loss.

TATA did not start any industry, they were simply gifted huge lands(looted from farmers & others by Britishers) by Britishers and huge wealth. Read Ajit Vadakayil's blog to understand proper history. Ur knowledge is similar to some indo-canadian or indo-british born person. Many sikhs in indian army also speak foolishly like you, praising Britishers for the genocide of colonies in East and West. USA/Australia/NewZealand are even today colonies of white-men who migrated from europe to conquer these lands. The NATIVES of USA has zero rights over natural resources, land of USA, it is totally controlled by white-men now. Same in australia, there is no aborigin senator in australian parliament because they have been mass-raped, malnourished, their books burnt and kicked out into jungles to live a beggar's life. The world is told a fairy tale - "these brown people were always uncivilized. We simply came to these lands and built an empire here, to help these uncivilized fools". This is what "colonies" are, which USA is. The so-called war of independence was a genocidal joke, why would a white-men fight for freedom of USA from Britishers? Thomas jefferson/Abraham lincon were not native to USA, they also came from europe, they were whites.

That American independence war was a fight within white families, not between native americans and colonizer whites. Colonizers are still ruling USA/Australia/NewZealand. They never left. These Sikhs who are praising French proudly(and taking pride of working under them in 1914 world war) are simply mentally slave. They don't have any awareness of White men's history. It was shameful to hear J.J.singh's grandson boasting from Paris about his his grandson died for a useless war within europe.

The only thing I'm sad about now is Y could we have someone like him before, A TRUE INDIAN. We would have been on top of this world by now, AGAIN.

Modi is a puppet joker, appointed by Ambani-Adani. Most of his decisions are turning out tobe foolish and taking India on route of disasterous Singapore model(British educated, white-man's dog Lee Kuan Yew).

Japan/china has taken a totally different way of economy and FDI. Most of people on PDF commenting without understanding the difference. First study the structure & norms that Japan/China has used. Their FDI model is not same as Modi's slavish FDI model.

Also, the Modi's GIFT city in Gujarat is based on helping western economic system, not inventing own. This RBI governer is Macaulay's brother.

Also, Modi's comment on UNSC seat was very immature. He is begging like a hungry dog in Europe for a seat at European/Western table. You never get by begging or appeasing(buying trash of Rafales).

You earn respect by hardwork(fund LCA-Mk2, open Civil aero-engine projects, start new Boeing type civil airline project, focus on AMCA). You don't "earn" respect by buying foreign weapons, it only shows you are poor mentally. Modi thinks he will get "respect" from white-men by licking their feets using his foolish "give me rafale and UNSC seat". LOL!

A seat earned with ur own hardwork is useful(because it will have ur own balls - AMCA/CivilAeroplane/TransportPlane/Kaveri-II/ScaledUpThoriumNukeReactor). A seat from begging is useless because ur balls are on "loan"(Rafale,Sukhoi,An-32,C-130J,C-17,Apache,Mirage).

Heck, even JAPAN/Brazil has more respect in western world than India. Simply because both of them have trusted own brains and making huge planes(U2,Embraer).

Modi is busy riding boat like a fool in France and touring Airbus's facility and tweeting as their marketing agent "oh baby, such wonderful experience"(this is what Saudis do who has no brains of own). Instead, Modi should be touring GTRE's labs and posting pictures proudly of india's first successful(74 KN) fighter engine Kaveri-35. This will hugely BOOST confidence and moral of indian scientists and make them DO BETTER(they will finish remaining 20% improvement on that engine even faster). Afterall, R&D has huge human moral component. A depressed,demoralized team never delivers. But a team with good motivating leadership always delivers. This is called "leadership" which feudal minded Modi don't have. He can only shout like an idiot on DRDO, instead of calmly studying management issues and solving bureaucracy problems+corruption within MoD. This guy has no brain, simply farting big here and there from his mouth.

Modi is just a big mouthed guy, not a leader. (Even bollywood actors speak big & appear intelligent, its not such tough thing to do) And the way his andh-bhakts are behaving, i don't think they know meaning of a "Leader". In India, if you fart big, you are considered "knowledgeable person". Being "english literate" is not a sign of wisdom. It requires much more insight & self-education into how Japan/China models are working(least known models of the world and most understated). Indian media is lazy & incompetent to do that kind of comparative studies, they are happy serving ambani-adani's wishes.

If you want to see Modi's leadership, goto gujarat. It sucks the same way it was before 20 years. Same feudal police system, same slow court system. Same delays at govt. department. Most of websites(E-governance) crash when u file a form or request information. :tdown:

Modi's PMO is run by a corporate team, who has given him "script" - what to talk, what not to talk, what to do, what not to do.

China has its own internet/social-media/routers/search-engine, that's what is called innovation and guts to do something differently, not copying from West like a lapdog. Heck, in india people have been told no other country has "Reconnaisance satellites as big as ISRO's". LOL!

Rajiv Gandhi was a true LEADER. In 1985-1987, when India was so poor(and suffering from Bhopal gas disaster), he decided to divert huge money to R&D(Supercomputer project, Kaveri engine project, LCA aircraft project). He could have simply imported something if he wanted to show-off his "import skills" but he chose to trust own brains and took a right initiative. Leadership is always about "intiatives"(do something new/start something new). Leadership is not about throwing responsibility of building R&D and planes to foreign people and foreign firms, only LOSERS do that. Secondly, funding such mammoth projects in 1987-1989 when India was so poor, shows how "sane" Rajiv's head was - he knew where the future is - in Science, technology and R&D, not in imports or begging to foreign firms. Today India has LCA+Kaveri+SARAS in 2015, only because of Rajiv Gandhi's "leadership" qaualities - Guts/Confidence/Initiative/Trust-own-brains/Support-team-India.

Sadly, Modi added nothing new. He is not Rajiv Gandhi. This moron is busy supporting+funding all foreign teams. Rafale was dying because France has no Rafale needs. Sonia Gandhi wanted to fund Rafale with a huge deal to save French R&D labs. Sadly, BJP/NDA governments lack "brains". They accuse congress of "screwing india". But fact is, MOST of R&D projects in India are from Congress legacy. Heck, few nationalists within Congress delayed Rafale by 6 years and killed it because they knew Sonia Gandhi is pushing it. And what BJP did? They did exactly what Sonia wanted - fund the Rafale labs.

Modi's supercomputing project is also wasteful - Semiconductor based supercomputers are out of fashion now. West is not investing anymore in it. They are focusing on bio-computers, cell-computers, which work 10 times faster than Exaflops(overcostly, wasteful) supercomputer Modi is funding. USA/China both are focusing on fundamental R&D to create new generation computing processors(not silicon anymore), while Modi is busing investing huge in outdated generation technologies. Rafale is also outdated, it has everything which LCA has(both are 4th generation). The difference is only "scale". U don't need imports for that, u need use only own brains and do it.

This whole bogey of China's threat from border, suddenly comes up whenever there is some foreign deal being signed. This is regular pattern since last 12 years. (Indian public is most insecure fools anyways - typical hindu goats syndrome). BJP is anyways known tobe a mentally less developed, mentally weak party. We know IC-814 and Hajpayee's ch*tiyagiri, don't we? Modi's government has also done same a$$-licking of Sajjadlone(terrorist inside PMO), another Hajpayee mindset. China is focusing on Economy, not going to War, this is not 1962. After 1978, China has avoided wars and focusing on building economy as world number one. Indian leadership is simply paranoid and has no brains. Even Rajiv Gandhi knew this in 1987 that China is now occupied with Science,R&D,economy, he took the right initiative on focusing on starting new domestic R&D projects. Modi is simply useless and waste. The more months are passing, the more i am convinced that he is merely serving interests of few anglophile families who want india to become part of Western anglo-economy.

The reason India won't gain anything from UNSC is this - White-men(migrants from europe) today controls almost half of world's natural resources(USA/Australia/NewZealand, also south-Africa upto some extent). Now after dumping 1 trillion$ worth thorium on USA, it has nothing to gain from India. Now their only interest is - accommodate india into western dollar hierarchy and shuffle its R&D budget. That's what whole Moody/Fitch/IMF ratings are all about - they control India's budget through ratings.

China don't give a "F*CK" to these rating agencies. They do what they feel is good for them. Modi is merely puppet of ambani who is sh1tscared of pakistan(his refinery is near to pakistan border) which keeps in within lap of Rothschild(white-men). Modi praised white-men's rating agencies in his Paris speech. LOL! bimbo PM. Anglophile indian elite's team told him to say this, because they think this will "appease" white-men and maybe they will throw more doals to India. This country lost "leadership" the day Rajiv Gandhi died. Now nincompoops are running joker show. :rofl: (just check modi's body language - a compulsive disorder, quite common in slaves. He lacks mental fluidity which Rajiv had).

The reason Rajiv Gandhi came out very different is because he lived in Europe, he knew how white-men thinks
, he didn't have "awe" factor towards white, nor did he think white-men are "heavenly" because he f*cked one himself. Also, living in europe gave him outside view of Asia and he realized that India is paranoid of China not not focusing budget on longer-term R&D goals, which is what keeping India a permanent slave of imports from Russia. He realized this he tried to change this immediately by launching huge R&D programs. How many new programs Parrikar/modi launched in 10 months? Zero. All HUGE money going to France/Russia/Israel/USA. Bloody paranoid fools, focusing only on short-term fears, failing to map out long-term aims. By the way, Parrikar is another example which proves one thing again - IIT doesn't increase ur wisdom, it only gives you mechanical knowledge and pumps up your arrogance. Parrikar lacks experience of outer world, which Rajiv had. Between Modi and Parrikar, Parrikar is looking more dumb. What a poor loser. :rofl: (if Rajiv had been in his place, he would be touring Europe right now for "poaching" NRI talent and bring them into DRDO/HAL/NAL and get the big F*CK aeroplane projects started within india. This is called "initiative", but andh-bhakts don't know what that is). All those people who were born before Rajiv Gandhi's era and lived to see his rule in their life(1987-1990), knows very well that Modi is a f*cken idiot compared to him, but their voice is lost due to twitter crowd of immature, inexperienced, young fools.

i talked(chatted) with my online friends in europe(working in europe, after studies) and asked them their views on Modi. They said - "he is not what they thought before elections, his decisions lack vision. He talks big, but his decisions are only helping western economies & western science. He is more like viceroys of british era, throwing economy to foreign firms, throwing government's job in R&D funding to foreign labs. China is very different. USA/Europe don't outsource R&D to foreign nations. Parrikar is doing this to Russia/Israel/USA". They said, "India can make own C-17, but do you have confident leader who believes you can? Rajiv Gandhi believed in indian brains, he put big efforts(it was big in 1987's currency rates, just compare the funding of Kaveri/LCA!!) and his vision delivered(LCA,Kaveri,Supercomputer). Modi has failed to take it forward, he is damaging that chain. India leaders talk big, but that's where it ends".

Do a little body language analysis between Nawaz sharif, Saudi leaders and Modi
- all three are feudals and incompetent puppets, with strings behind. :lol: oh man, today i am gonna make many of his andh-bhakts angry with my attack on their "devata". so, i am out for a tea. If i am not banned, i will reply later. :D
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Indian industries used to supply STEEL and Textiles to Europe, till year 1750. India & China were the only world leaders in these industries. When British+French+Dutch(3 companies, just like they sent West-India-Company to America to conquer+genocide that part of world too) arrived in 1750, they closed down all international sea-trade routes from India. And transferred WHOLE factories(steel and textiles both) to Europe. This is how Europe received its FIRST steel plant. Same for textile. Before this europe had no such industrial capability.

This whole dogma of "TATA started steel industries in Indian history" is a myth. TATA was merely a heroin smuggler propped up by britishers to supply ganja,heroine to China from Afghanistan(through india route), which caused millions of youth life loss.

TATA did not start any industry, they were simply gifted huge lands(looted from farmers & others by Britishers) by Britishers and huge wealth. Read Ajit Vadakayil's blog to understand proper history. Ur knowledge is similar to some indo-canadian or indo-british born person. Many sikhs in indian army also speak foolishly like you, praising Britishers for the genocide of colonies in East and West. USA/Australia/NewZealand are even today colonies of white-men who migrated from europe to conquer these lands. The NATIVES of USA has zero rights over natural resources, land of USA, it is totally controlled by white-men now. Same in australia, there is no aborigin senator in australian parliament because they have been mass-raped, malnourished, their books burnt and kicked out into jungles to live a beggar's life. The world is told a fairy tale - "these brown people were always uncivilized. We simply came to these lands and built an empire here, to help these uncivilized fools". This is what "colonies" are, which USA is. The so-called war of independence was a genocidal joke, why would a white-men fight for freedom of USA from Britishers? Thomas jefferson/Abraham lincon were not native to USA, they also came from europe, they were whites.

That American independence war was a fight within white families, not between native americans and colonizer whites. Colonizers are still ruling USA/Australia/NewZealand. They never left. These Sikhs who are praising French proudly(and taking pride of working under them in 1914 world war) are simply mentally slave. They don't have any awareness of White men's history. It was shameful to hear J.J.singh's grandson boasting from Paris about his his grandson died for a useless war within europe.

Modi is a puppet joker, appointed by Ambani-Adani. Most of his decisions are turning out tobe foolish and taking India on route of disasterous Singapore model(British educated, white-man's dog Lee Kuan Yew).

Japan/china has taken a totally different way of economy and FDI. Most of people on PDF commenting without understanding the difference. First study the structure & norms that Japan/China has used. Their FDI model is not same as Modi's slavish FDI model.

Also, the Modi's GIFT city in Gujarat is based on helping western economic system, not inventing own. This RBI governer is Macaulay's brother.

Also, Modi's comment on UNSC seat was very immature. He is begging like a hungry dog in Europe for a seat at European/Western table. You never get by begging or appeasing(buying trash of Rafales).

You earn respect by hardwork(fund LCA-Mk2, open Civil aero-engine projects, start new Boeing type civil airline project, focus on AMCA). You don't "earn" respect by buying foreign weapons, it only shows you are poor mentally. Modi thinks he will get "respect" from white-men by licking their feets using his foolish "give me rafale and UNSC seat". LOL!

A seat earned with ur own hardwork is useful(because it will have ur own balls - AMCA/CivilAeroplane/TransportPlane/Kaveri-II/ScaledUpThoriumNukeReactor). A seat from begging is useless because ur balls are on "loan"(Rafale,Sukhoi,An-32,C-130J,C-17,Apache,Mirage).

Heck, even JAPAN/Brazil has more respect in western world than India. Simply because both of them have trusted own brains and making huge planes(U2,Embraer).

Modi is busy riding boat like a fool in France and touring Airbus's facility and tweeting as their marketing agent "oh baby, such wonderful experience"(this is what Saudis do who has no brains of own). Instead, Modi should be touring GTRE's labs and posting pictures proudly of india's first successful(74 KN) fighter engine Kaveri-35. This will hugely BOOST confidence and moral of indian scientists and make them DO BETTER(they will finish remaining 20% improvement on that engine even faster). Afterall, R&D has huge human moral component. A depressed,demoralized team never delivers. But a team with good motivating leadership always delivers. This is called "leadership" which feudal minded Modi don't have. He can only shout like an idiot on DRDO, instead of calmly studying management issues and solving bureaucracy problems+corruption within MoD. This guy has no brain, simply farting big here and there from his mouth.

Modi is just a big mouthed guy, not a leader. (Even bollywood actors speak big & appear intelligent, its not such tough thing to do) And the way his andh-bhakts are behaving, i don't think they know meaning of a "Leader". In India, if you fart big, you are considered "knowledgeable person". Being "english literate" is not a sign of wisdom. It requires much more insight & self-education into how Japan/China models are working(least known models of the world and most understated). Indian media is lazy & incompetent to do that kind of comparative studies, they are happy serving ambani-adani's wishes.

If you want to see Modi's leadership, goto gujarat. It sucks the same way it was before 20 years. Same feudal police system, same slow court system. Same delays at govt. department. Most of websites(E-governance) crash when u file a form or request information. :tdown:

Modi's PMO is run by a corporate team, who has given him "script" - what to talk, what not to talk, what to do, what not to do.

China has its own internet/social-media/routers/search-engine, that's what is called innovation and guts to do something differently, not copying from West like a lapdog. Heck, in india people have been told no other country has "Reconnaisance satellites as big as ISRO's". LOL!

Rajiv Gandhi was a true LEADER. In 1985-1987, when India was so poor(and suffering from Bhopal gas disaster), he decided to divert huge money to R&D(Supercomputer project, Kaveri engine project, LCA aircraft project). He could have simply imported something if he wanted to show-off his "import skills" but he chose to trust own brains and took a right initiative. Leadership is always about "intiatives"(do something new/start something new). Leadership is not about throwing responsibility of building R&D and planes to foreign people and foreign firms, only LOSERS do that. Secondly, funding such mammoth projects in 1987-1989 when India was so poor, shows how "sane" Rajiv's head was - he knew where the future is - in Science, technology and R&D, not in imports or begging to foreign firms. Today India has LCA+Kaveri+SARAS in 2015, only because of Rajiv Gandhi's "leadership" qaualities - Guts/Confidence/Initiative/Trust-own-brains/Support-team-India.

Sadly, Modi added nothing new. He is not Rajiv Gandhi. This moron is busy supporting+funding all foreign teams. Rafale was dying because France has no Rafale needs. Sonia Gandhi wanted to fund Rafale with a huge deal to save French R&D labs. Sadly, BJP/NDA governments lack "brains". They accuse congress of "screwing india". But fact is, MOST of R&D projects in India are from Congress legacy. Heck, few nationalists within Congress delayed Rafale by 6 years and killed it because they knew Sonia Gandhi is pushing it. And what BJP did? They did exactly what Sonia wanted - fund the Rafale labs.

Modi's supercomputing project is also wasteful - Semiconductor based supercomputers are out of fashion now. West is not investing anymore in it. They are focusing on bio-computers, cell-computers, which work 10 times faster than Exaflops(overcostly, wasteful) supercomputer Modi is funding. USA/China both are focusing on fundamental R&D to create new generation computing processors(not silicon anymore), while Modi is busing investing huge in outdated generation technologies. Rafale is also outdated, it has everything which LCA has(both are 4th generation). The difference is only "scale". U don't need imports for that, u need use only own brains and do it.

This whole bogey of China's threat from border, suddenly comes up whenever there is some foreign deal being signed. This is regular pattern since last 12 years. (Indian public is most insecure fools anyways - typical hindu goats syndrome). BJP is anyways known tobe a mentally less developed, mentally weak party. We know IC-814 and Hajpayee's ch*tiyagiri, don't we? Modi's government has also done same a$$-licking of Sajjadlone(terrorist inside PMO), another Hajpayee mindset. China is focusing on Economy, not going to War, this is not 1962. After 1978, China has avoided wars and focusing on building economy as world number one. Indian leadership is simply paranoid and has no brains. Even Rajiv Gandhi knew this in 1987 that China is now occupied with Science,R&D,economy, he took the right initiative on focusing on starting new domestic R&D projects. Modi is simply useless and waste. The more months are passing, the more i am convinced that he is merely serving interests of few anglophile families who want india to become part of Western anglo-economy.

The reason India won't gain anything from UNSC is this - White-men(migrants from europe) today controls almost half of world's natural resources(USA/Australia/NewZealand, also south-Africa upto some extent). Now after dumping 1 trillion$ worth thorium on USA, it has nothing to gain from India. Now their only interest is - accommodate india into western dollar hierarchy and shuffle its R&D budget. That's what whole Moody/Fitch/IMF ratings are all about - they control India's budget through ratings.

China don't give a "F*CK" to these rating agencies. They do what they feel is good for them. Modi is merely puppet of ambani who is sh1tscared of pakistan(his refinery is near to pakistan border) which keeps in within lap of Rothschild(white-men). Modi praised white-men's rating agencies in his Paris speech. LOL! bimbo PM. Anglophile indian elite's team told him to say this, because they think this will "appease" white-men and maybe they will throw more doals to India. This country lost "leadership" the day Rajiv Gandhi died. Now nincompoops are running joker show. :rofl: (just check modi's body language - a compulsive disorder, quite common in slaves. He lacks mental fluidity which Rajiv had).

The reason Rajiv Gandhi came out very different is because he lived in Europe, he knew how white-men thinks
, he didn't have "awe" factor towards white, nor did he think white-men are "heavenly" because he f*cked one himself. Also, living in europe gave him outside view of Asia and he realized that India is paranoid of China not not focusing budget on longer-term R&D goals, which is what keeping India a permanent slave of imports from Russia. He realized this he tried to change this immediately by launching huge R&D programs. How many new programs Parrikar/modi launched in 10 months? Zero. All HUGE money going to France/Russia/Israel/USA. Bloody paranoid fools, focusing only on short-term fears, failing to map out long-term aims. By the way, Parrikar is another example which proves one thing again - IIT doesn't increase ur wisdom, it only gives you mechanical knowledge and pumps up your arrogance. Parrikar lacks experience of outer world, which Rajiv had. Between Modi and Parrikar, Parrikar is looking more dumb. What a poor loser. :rofl: (if Rajiv had been in his place, he would be touring Europe right now for "poaching" NRI talent and bring them into DRDO/HAL/NAL and get the big F*CK aeroplane projects started within india. This is called "initiative", but andh-bhakts don't know what that is). All those people who were born before Rajiv Gandhi's era and lived to see his rule in their life(1987-1990), knows very well that Modi is a f*cken idiot compared to him, but their voice is lost due to twitter crowd of immature, inexperienced, young fools.

i talked(chatted) with my online friends in europe(working in europe, after studies) and asked them their views on Modi. They said - "he is not what they thought before elections, his decisions lack vision. He talks big, but his decisions are only helping western economies & western science. He is more like viceroys of british era, throwing economy to foreign firms, throwing government's job in R&D funding to foreign labs. China is very different. USA/Europe don't outsource R&D to foreign nations. Parrikar is doing this to Russia/Israel/USA". They said, "India can make own C-17, but do you have confident leader who believes you can? Rajiv Gandhi believed in indian brains, he put big efforts(it was big in 1987's currency rates, just compare the funding of Kaveri/LCA!!) and his vision delivered(LCA,Kaveri,Supercomputer). Modi has failed to take it forward, he is damaging that chain. India leaders talk big, but that's where it ends".

Do a little body language analysis between Nawaz sharif, Saudi leaders and Modi
- all three are feudals and incompetent puppets, with strings behind. :lol: oh man, today i am gonna make many of his andh-bhakts angry with my attack on their "devata". so, i am out for a tea. If i am not banned, i will reply later. :D

Indian industries used to supply STEEL and Textiles to Europe, till year 1750. India & China were the only world leaders in these industries. When British+French+Dutch(3 companies, just like they sent West-India-Company to America to conquer+genocide that part of world too) arrived in 1750, they closed down all international sea-trade routes from India. And transferred WHOLE factories(steel and textiles both) to Europe. This is how Europe received its FIRST steel plant. Same for textile. Before this europe had no such industrial capability.

This whole dogma of "TATA started steel industries in Indian history" is a myth. TATA was merely a heroin smuggler propped up by britishers to supply ganja,heroine to China from Afghanistan(through india route), which caused millions of youth life loss.

TATA did not start any industry, they were simply gifted huge lands(looted from farmers & others by Britishers) by Britishers and huge wealth. Read Ajit Vadakayil's blog to understand proper history. Ur knowledge is similar to some indo-canadian or indo-british born person. Many sikhs in indian army also speak foolishly like you, praising Britishers for the genocide of colonies in East and West. USA/Australia/NewZealand are even today colonies of white-men who migrated from europe to conquer these lands. The NATIVES of USA has zero rights over natural resources, land of USA, it is totally controlled by white-men now. Same in australia, there is no aborigin senator in australian parliament because they have been mass-raped, malnourished, their books burnt and kicked out into jungles to live a beggar's life. The world is told a fairy tale - "these brown people were always uncivilized. We simply came to these lands and built an empire here, to help these uncivilized fools". This is what "colonies" are, which USA is. The so-called war of independence was a genocidal joke, why would a white-men fight for freedom of USA from Britishers? Thomas jefferson/Abraham lincon were not native to USA, they also came from europe, they were whites.

That American independence war was a fight within white families, not between native americans and colonizer whites. Colonizers are still ruling USA/Australia/NewZealand. They never left. These Sikhs who are praising French proudly(and taking pride of working under them in 1914 world war) are simply mentally slave. They don't have any awareness of White men's history. It was shameful to hear J.J.singh's grandson boasting from Paris about his his grandson died for a useless war within europe.

Modi is a puppet joker, appointed by Ambani-Adani. Most of his decisions are turning out tobe foolish and taking India on route of disasterous Singapore model(British educated, white-man's dog Lee Kuan Yew).

Japan/china has taken a totally different way of economy and FDI. Most of people on PDF commenting without understanding the difference. First study the structure & norms that Japan/China has used. Their FDI model is not same as Modi's slavish FDI model.

Also, the Modi's GIFT city in Gujarat is based on helping western economic system, not inventing own. This RBI governer is Macaulay's brother.

Also, Modi's comment on UNSC seat was very immature. He is begging like a hungry dog in Europe for a seat at European/Western table. You never get by begging or appeasing(buying trash of Rafales).

You earn respect by hardwork(fund LCA-Mk2, open Civil aero-engine projects, start new Boeing type civil airline project, focus on AMCA). You don't "earn" respect by buying foreign weapons, it only shows you are poor mentally. Modi thinks he will get "respect" from white-men by licking their feets using his foolish "give me rafale and UNSC seat". LOL!

A seat earned with ur own hardwork is useful(because it will have ur own balls - AMCA/CivilAeroplane/TransportPlane/Kaveri-II/ScaledUpThoriumNukeReactor). A seat from begging is useless because ur balls are on "loan"(Rafale,Sukhoi,An-32,C-130J,C-17,Apache,Mirage).

Heck, even JAPAN/Brazil has more respect in western world than India. Simply because both of them have trusted own brains and making huge planes(U2,Embraer).

Modi is busy riding boat like a fool in France and touring Airbus's facility and tweeting as their marketing agent "oh baby, such wonderful experience"(this is what Saudis do who has no brains of own). Instead, Modi should be touring GTRE's labs and posting pictures proudly of india's first successful(74 KN) fighter engine Kaveri-35. This will hugely BOOST confidence and moral of indian scientists and make them DO BETTER(they will finish remaining 20% improvement on that engine even faster). Afterall, R&D has huge human moral component. A depressed,demoralized team never delivers. But a team with good motivating leadership always delivers. This is called "leadership" which feudal minded Modi don't have. He can only shout like an idiot on DRDO, instead of calmly studying management issues and solving bureaucracy problems+corruption within MoD. This guy has no brain, simply farting big here and there from his mouth.

Modi is just a big mouthed guy, not a leader. (Even bollywood actors speak big & appear intelligent, its not such tough thing to do) And the way his andh-bhakts are behaving, i don't think they know meaning of a "Leader". In India, if you fart big, you are considered "knowledgeable person". Being "english literate" is not a sign of wisdom. It requires much more insight & self-education into how Japan/China models are working(least known models of the world and most understated). Indian media is lazy & incompetent to do that kind of comparative studies, they are happy serving ambani-adani's wishes.

If you want to see Modi's leadership, goto gujarat. It sucks the same way it was before 20 years. Same feudal police system, same slow court system. Same delays at govt. department. Most of websites(E-governance) crash when u file a form or request information. :tdown:

Modi's PMO is run by a corporate team, who has given him "script" - what to talk, what not to talk, what to do, what not to do.

China has its own internet/social-media/routers/search-engine, that's what is called innovation and guts to do something differently, not copying from West like a lapdog. Heck, in india people have been told no other country has "Reconnaisance satellites as big as ISRO's". LOL!

Rajiv Gandhi was a true LEADER. In 1985-1987, when India was so poor(and suffering from Bhopal gas disaster), he decided to divert huge money to R&D(Supercomputer project, Kaveri engine project, LCA aircraft project). He could have simply imported something if he wanted to show-off his "import skills" but he chose to trust own brains and took a right initiative. Leadership is always about "intiatives"(do something new/start something new). Leadership is not about throwing responsibility of building R&D and planes to foreign people and foreign firms, only LOSERS do that. Secondly, funding such mammoth projects in 1987-1989 when India was so poor, shows how "sane" Rajiv's head was - he knew where the future is - in Science, technology and R&D, not in imports or begging to foreign firms. Today India has LCA+Kaveri+SARAS in 2015, only because of Rajiv Gandhi's "leadership" qaualities - Guts/Confidence/Initiative/Trust-own-brains/Support-team-India.

Sadly, Modi added nothing new. He is not Rajiv Gandhi. This moron is busy supporting+funding all foreign teams. Rafale was dying because France has no Rafale needs. Sonia Gandhi wanted to fund Rafale with a huge deal to save French R&D labs. Sadly, BJP/NDA governments lack "brains". They accuse congress of "screwing india". But fact is, MOST of R&D projects in India are from Congress legacy. Heck, few nationalists within Congress delayed Rafale by 6 years and killed it because they knew Sonia Gandhi is pushing it. And what BJP did? They did exactly what Sonia wanted - fund the Rafale labs.

Modi's supercomputing project is also wasteful - Semiconductor based supercomputers are out of fashion now. West is not investing anymore in it. They are focusing on bio-computers, cell-computers, which work 10 times faster than Exaflops(overcostly, wasteful) supercomputer Modi is funding. USA/China both are focusing on fundamental R&D to create new generation computing processors(not silicon anymore), while Modi is busing investing huge in outdated generation technologies. Rafale is also outdated, it has everything which LCA has(both are 4th generation). The difference is only "scale". U don't need imports for that, u need use only own brains and do it.

This whole bogey of China's threat from border, suddenly comes up whenever there is some foreign deal being signed. This is regular pattern since last 12 years. (Indian public is most insecure fools anyways - typical hindu goats syndrome). BJP is anyways known tobe a mentally less developed, mentally weak party. We know IC-814 and Hajpayee's ch*tiyagiri, don't we? Modi's government has also done same a$$-licking of Sajjadlone(terrorist inside PMO), another Hajpayee mindset. China is focusing on Economy, not going to War, this is not 1962. After 1978, China has avoided wars and focusing on building economy as world number one. Indian leadership is simply paranoid and has no brains. Even Rajiv Gandhi knew this in 1987 that China is now occupied with Science,R&D,economy, he took the right initiative on focusing on starting new domestic R&D projects. Modi is simply useless and waste. The more months are passing, the more i am convinced that he is merely serving interests of few anglophile families who want india to become part of Western anglo-economy.

The reason India won't gain anything from UNSC is this - White-men(migrants from europe) today controls almost half of world's natural resources(USA/Australia/NewZealand, also south-Africa upto some extent). Now after dumping 1 trillion$ worth thorium on USA, it has nothing to gain from India. Now their only interest is - accommodate india into western dollar hierarchy and shuffle its R&D budget. That's what whole Moody/Fitch/IMF ratings are all about - they control India's budget through ratings.

China don't give a "F*CK" to these rating agencies. They do what they feel is good for them. Modi is merely puppet of ambani who is sh1tscared of pakistan(his refinery is near to pakistan border) which keeps in within lap of Rothschild(white-men). Modi praised white-men's rating agencies in his Paris speech. LOL! bimbo PM. Anglophile indian elite's team told him to say this, because they think this will "appease" white-men and maybe they will throw more doals to India. This country lost "leadership" the day Rajiv Gandhi died. Now nincompoops are running joker show. :rofl: (just check modi's body language - a compulsive disorder, quite common in slaves. He lacks mental fluidity which Rajiv had).

The reason Rajiv Gandhi came out very different is because he lived in Europe, he knew how white-men thinks
, he didn't have "awe" factor towards white, nor did he think white-men are "heavenly" because he f*cked one himself. Also, living in europe gave him outside view of Asia and he realized that India is paranoid of China not not focusing budget on longer-term R&D goals, which is what keeping India a permanent slave of imports from Russia. He realized this he tried to change this immediately by launching huge R&D programs. How many new programs Parrikar/modi launched in 10 months? Zero. All HUGE money going to France/Russia/Israel/USA. Bloody paranoid fools, focusing only on short-term fears, failing to map out long-term aims. By the way, Parrikar is another example which proves one thing again - IIT doesn't increase ur wisdom, it only gives you mechanical knowledge and pumps up your arrogance. Parrikar lacks experience of outer world, which Rajiv had. Between Modi and Parrikar, Parrikar is looking more dumb. What a poor loser. :rofl: (if Rajiv had been in his place, he would be touring Europe right now for "poaching" NRI talent and bring them into DRDO/HAL/NAL and get the big F*CK aeroplane projects started within india. This is called "initiative", but andh-bhakts don't know what that is). All those people who were born before Rajiv Gandhi's era and lived to see his rule in their life(1987-1990), knows very well that Modi is a f*cken idiot compared to him, but their voice is lost due to twitter crowd of immature, inexperienced, young fools.

i talked(chatted) with my online friends in europe(working in europe, after studies) and asked them their views on Modi. They said - "he is not what they thought before elections, his decisions lack vision. He talks big, but his decisions are only helping western economies & western science. He is more like viceroys of british era, throwing economy to foreign firms, throwing government's job in R&D funding to foreign labs. China is very different. USA/Europe don't outsource R&D to foreign nations. Parrikar is doing this to Russia/Israel/USA". They said, "India can make own C-17, but do you have confident leader who believes you can? Rajiv Gandhi believed in indian brains, he put big efforts(it was big in 1987's currency rates, just compare the funding of Kaveri/LCA!!) and his vision delivered(LCA,Kaveri,Supercomputer). Modi has failed to take it forward, he is damaging that chain. India leaders talk big, but that's where it ends".

Do a little body language analysis between Nawaz sharif, Saudi leaders and Modi
- all three are feudals and incompetent puppets, with strings behind. :lol: oh man, today i am gonna make many of his andh-bhakts angry with my attack on their "devata". so, i am out for a tea. If i am not banned, i will reply later. :D
how did you collect so much bullshlt together
Another delusional Congressee.:blah: :blah:

Yo, Did u get fired because Modi put those time card machines?.......


R u mad cause u can't collect under the table anymore?

RAJIV GANDU :help::help::help:..
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Indian industries used to supply STEEL and Textiles to Europe, till year 1750. India & China were the only world leaders in these industries. When British+French+Dutch(3 companies, just like they sent West-India-Company to America to conquer+genocide that part of world too) arrived in 1750, they closed down all international sea-trade routes from India. And transferred WHOLE factories(steel and textiles both) to Europe. This is how Europe received its FIRST steel plant. Same for textile. Before this europe had no such industrial capability.

This whole dogma of "TATA started steel industries in Indian history" is a myth. TATA was merely a heroin smuggler propped up by britishers to supply ganja,heroine to China from Afghanistan(through india route), which caused millions of youth life loss.

TATA did not start any industry, they were simply gifted huge lands(looted from farmers & others by Britishers) by Britishers and huge wealth. Read Ajit Vadakayil's blog to understand proper history. Ur knowledge is similar to some indo-canadian or indo-british born person. Many sikhs in indian army also speak foolishly like you, praising Britishers for the genocide of colonies in East and West. USA/Australia/NewZealand are even today colonies of white-men who migrated from europe to conquer these lands. The NATIVES of USA has zero rights over natural resources, land of USA, it is totally controlled by white-men now. Same in australia, there is no aborigin senator in australian parliament because they have been mass-raped, malnourished, their books burnt and kicked out into jungles to live a beggar's life. The world is told a fairy tale - "these brown people were always uncivilized. We simply came to these lands and built an empire here, to help these uncivilized fools". This is what "colonies" are, which USA is. The so-called war of independence was a genocidal joke, why would a white-men fight for freedom of USA from Britishers? Thomas jefferson/Abraham lincon were not native to USA, they also came from europe, they were whites.

That American independence war was a fight within white families, not between native americans and colonizer whites. Colonizers are still ruling USA/Australia/NewZealand. They never left. These Sikhs who are praising French proudly(and taking pride of working under them in 1914 world war) are simply mentally slave. They don't have any awareness of White men's history. It was shameful to hear J.J.singh's grandson boasting from Paris about his his grandson died for a useless war within europe.

Modi is a puppet joker, appointed by Ambani-Adani. Most of his decisions are turning out tobe foolish and taking India on route of disasterous Singapore model(British educated, white-man's dog Lee Kuan Yew).

Japan/china has taken a totally different way of economy and FDI. Most of people on PDF commenting without understanding the difference. First study the structure & norms that Japan/China has used. Their FDI model is not same as Modi's slavish FDI model.

Also, the Modi's GIFT city in Gujarat is based on helping western economic system, not inventing own. This RBI governer is Macaulay's brother.

Also, Modi's comment on UNSC seat was very immature. He is begging like a hungry dog in Europe for a seat at European/Western table. You never get by begging or appeasing(buying trash of Rafales).

You earn respect by hardwork(fund LCA-Mk2, open Civil aero-engine projects, start new Boeing type civil airline project, focus on AMCA). You don't "earn" respect by buying foreign weapons, it only shows you are poor mentally. Modi thinks he will get "respect" from white-men by licking their feets using his foolish "give me rafale and UNSC seat". LOL!

A seat earned with ur own hardwork is useful(because it will have ur own balls - AMCA/CivilAeroplane/TransportPlane/Kaveri-II/ScaledUpThoriumNukeReactor). A seat from begging is useless because ur balls are on "loan"(Rafale,Sukhoi,An-32,C-130J,C-17,Apache,Mirage).

Heck, even JAPAN/Brazil has more respect in western world than India. Simply because both of them have trusted own brains and making huge planes(U2,Embraer).

Modi is busy riding boat like a fool in France and touring Airbus's facility and tweeting as their marketing agent "oh baby, such wonderful experience"(this is what Saudis do who has no brains of own). Instead, Modi should be touring GTRE's labs and posting pictures proudly of india's first successful(74 KN) fighter engine Kaveri-35. This will hugely BOOST confidence and moral of indian scientists and make them DO BETTER(they will finish remaining 20% improvement on that engine even faster). Afterall, R&D has huge human moral component. A depressed,demoralized team never delivers. But a team with good motivating leadership always delivers. This is called "leadership" which feudal minded Modi don't have. He can only shout like an idiot on DRDO, instead of calmly studying management issues and solving bureaucracy problems+corruption within MoD. This guy has no brain, simply farting big here and there from his mouth.

Modi is just a big mouthed guy, not a leader. (Even bollywood actors speak big & appear intelligent, its not such tough thing to do) And the way his andh-bhakts are behaving, i don't think they know meaning of a "Leader". In India, if you fart big, you are considered "knowledgeable person". Being "english literate" is not a sign of wisdom. It requires much more insight & self-education into how Japan/China models are working(least known models of the world and most understated). Indian media is lazy & incompetent to do that kind of comparative studies, they are happy serving ambani-adani's wishes.

If you want to see Modi's leadership, goto gujarat. It sucks the same way it was before 20 years. Same feudal police system, same slow court system. Same delays at govt. department. Most of websites(E-governance) crash when u file a form or request information. :tdown:

Modi's PMO is run by a corporate team, who has given him "script" - what to talk, what not to talk, what to do, what not to do.

China has its own internet/social-media/routers/search-engine, that's what is called innovation and guts to do something differently, not copying from West like a lapdog. Heck, in india people have been told no other country has "Reconnaisance satellites as big as ISRO's". LOL!

Rajiv Gandhi was a true LEADER. In 1985-1987, when India was so poor(and suffering from Bhopal gas disaster), he decided to divert huge money to R&D(Supercomputer project, Kaveri engine project, LCA aircraft project). He could have simply imported something if he wanted to show-off his "import skills" but he chose to trust own brains and took a right initiative. Leadership is always about "intiatives"(do something new/start something new). Leadership is not about throwing responsibility of building R&D and planes to foreign people and foreign firms, only LOSERS do that. Secondly, funding such mammoth projects in 1987-1989 when India was so poor, shows how "sane" Rajiv's head was - he knew where the future is - in Science, technology and R&D, not in imports or begging to foreign firms. Today India has LCA+Kaveri+SARAS in 2015, only because of Rajiv Gandhi's "leadership" qaualities - Guts/Confidence/Initiative/Trust-own-brains/Support-team-India.

Sadly, Modi added nothing new. He is not Rajiv Gandhi. This moron is busy supporting+funding all foreign teams. Rafale was dying because France has no Rafale needs. Sonia Gandhi wanted to fund Rafale with a huge deal to save French R&D labs. Sadly, BJP/NDA governments lack "brains". They accuse congress of "screwing india". But fact is, MOST of R&D projects in India are from Congress legacy. Heck, few nationalists within Congress delayed Rafale by 6 years and killed it because they knew Sonia Gandhi is pushing it. And what BJP did? They did exactly what Sonia wanted - fund the Rafale labs.

Modi's supercomputing project is also wasteful - Semiconductor based supercomputers are out of fashion now. West is not investing anymore in it. They are focusing on bio-computers, cell-computers, which work 10 times faster than Exaflops(overcostly, wasteful) supercomputer Modi is funding. USA/China both are focusing on fundamental R&D to create new generation computing processors(not silicon anymore), while Modi is busing investing huge in outdated generation technologies. Rafale is also outdated, it has everything which LCA has(both are 4th generation). The difference is only "scale". U don't need imports for that, u need use only own brains and do it.

This whole bogey of China's threat from border, suddenly comes up whenever there is some foreign deal being signed. This is regular pattern since last 12 years. (Indian public is most insecure fools anyways - typical hindu goats syndrome). BJP is anyways known tobe a mentally less developed, mentally weak party. We know IC-814 and Hajpayee's ch*tiyagiri, don't we? Modi's government has also done same a$$-licking of Sajjadlone(terrorist inside PMO), another Hajpayee mindset. China is focusing on Economy, not going to War, this is not 1962. After 1978, China has avoided wars and focusing on building economy as world number one. Indian leadership is simply paranoid and has no brains. Even Rajiv Gandhi knew this in 1987 that China is now occupied with Science,R&D,economy, he took the right initiative on focusing on starting new domestic R&D projects. Modi is simply useless and waste. The more months are passing, the more i am convinced that he is merely serving interests of few anglophile families who want india to become part of Western anglo-economy.

The reason India won't gain anything from UNSC is this - White-men(migrants from europe) today controls almost half of world's natural resources(USA/Australia/NewZealand, also south-Africa upto some extent). Now after dumping 1 trillion$ worth thorium on USA, it has nothing to gain from India. Now their only interest is - accommodate india into western dollar hierarchy and shuffle its R&D budget. That's what whole Moody/Fitch/IMF ratings are all about - they control India's budget through ratings.

China don't give a "F*CK" to these rating agencies. They do what they feel is good for them. Modi is merely puppet of ambani who is sh1tscared of pakistan(his refinery is near to pakistan border) which keeps in within lap of Rothschild(white-men). Modi praised white-men's rating agencies in his Paris speech. LOL! bimbo PM. Anglophile indian elite's team told him to say this, because they think this will "appease" white-men and maybe they will throw more doals to India. This country lost "leadership" the day Rajiv Gandhi died. Now nincompoops are running joker show. :rofl: (just check modi's body language - a compulsive disorder, quite common in slaves. He lacks mental fluidity which Rajiv had).

The reason Rajiv Gandhi came out very different is because he lived in Europe, he knew how white-men thinks
, he didn't have "awe" factor towards white, nor did he think white-men are "heavenly" because he f*cked one himself. Also, living in europe gave him outside view of Asia and he realized that India is paranoid of China not not focusing budget on longer-term R&D goals, which is what keeping India a permanent slave of imports from Russia. He realized this he tried to change this immediately by launching huge R&D programs. How many new programs Parrikar/modi launched in 10 months? Zero. All HUGE money going to France/Russia/Israel/USA. Bloody paranoid fools, focusing only on short-term fears, failing to map out long-term aims. By the way, Parrikar is another example which proves one thing again - IIT doesn't increase ur wisdom, it only gives you mechanical knowledge and pumps up your arrogance. Parrikar lacks experience of outer world, which Rajiv had. Between Modi and Parrikar, Parrikar is looking more dumb. What a poor loser. :rofl: (if Rajiv had been in his place, he would be touring Europe right now for "poaching" NRI talent and bring them into DRDO/HAL/NAL and get the big F*CK aeroplane projects started within india. This is called "initiative", but andh-bhakts don't know what that is). All those people who were born before Rajiv Gandhi's era and lived to see his rule in their life(1987-1990), knows very well that Modi is a f*cken idiot compared to him, but their voice is lost due to twitter crowd of immature, inexperienced, young fools.

i talked(chatted) with my online friends in europe(working in europe, after studies) and asked them their views on Modi. They said - "he is not what they thought before elections, his decisions lack vision. He talks big, but his decisions are only helping western economies & western science. He is more like viceroys of british era, throwing economy to foreign firms, throwing government's job in R&D funding to foreign labs. China is very different. USA/Europe don't outsource R&D to foreign nations. Parrikar is doing this to Russia/Israel/USA". They said, "India can make own C-17, but do you have confident leader who believes you can? Rajiv Gandhi believed in indian brains, he put big efforts(it was big in 1987's currency rates, just compare the funding of Kaveri/LCA!!) and his vision delivered(LCA,Kaveri,Supercomputer). Modi has failed to take it forward, he is damaging that chain. India leaders talk big, but that's where it ends".

Do a little body language analysis between Nawaz sharif, Saudi leaders and Modi
- all three are feudals and incompetent puppets, with strings behind. :lol: oh man, today i am gonna make many of his andh-bhakts angry with my attack on their "devata". so, i am out for a tea. If i am not banned, i will reply later. :D
I love your name. So secular. :toast_sign:. You are doppelganger of @jamahir.

Nuclear energy

17. Recalling the Memorandum of Understanding signed on 4 February 2009 between NPCIL and AREVA, the two leaders encouraged their commercial enterprises for an early conclusion of techno-commercial discussions on the proposal for construction of six 1650 Mwe nuclear power plants at Jaitapur, with due consideration to project viability andin the framework of an ambitious partnership for large and critical components. They also welcome the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between AREVA and L&T, which will widen the scope of our industrial cooperation as well as the conclusion of Pre-engineering studies agreement. The two leaders also urged their atomic energy establishments to lay an ambitious foundation for the future of India-France civil nuclear cooperation, including a wide range of subjects, including in the area of civil nuclear liability.

Source:- India-France Joint Statement during the visit of Prime Minister to France (April 9-11, 2015)


The EPR is a third generation pressurized water reactor (PWR) design by Areva. In Europe this reactor design was called European Pressurized Reactor, and the internationalized name was Evolutionary Power Reactor, but it is now simply named EPR by Areva. The generation III EPR design are increased safety while providing enhanced economic competitiveness through improvements to previous PWR designs. The EPR was designed to use uranium more efficiently than older Generation II reactors, using approximately 17% less uranium per unit of electricity generated than these older reactor technologies. India's NPCIL has ambitions to build up to 9900MW at the Jaitapur site, equating to 6 EPRs. The construction work is to commence soon this year.

Probably the World's most SAFEST Nuclear Reactor. :cheers:

EPR (nuclear reactor) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
What I have read about jaitapur that it is present in a seismic active zone, what's the truth in that??
Not really true.... There are even claims that the location is Tsunami prone. :D
That location is not tsunami prone, but it is present in a zone 3 seismic zone. I want to how much it is protected against it.
That location is not tsunami prone, but it is present in a zone 3 seismic zone. I want to how much it is protected against it.

One does not protect against a seismic zone; one takes corrective and protective measures. I have a house in a seismic zone there too, it will never come crashing down or even get damaged, for sure. :)
One does not protect against a seismic zone; one takes corrective and protective measures. I have a house in a seismic zone there too, it will never come crashing down or even get damaged, for sure. :)
I have nothing against nuclear power plants, but knowing the displaced ppl in hirakud Dam in my state Odisha and and the ppl affected by bhopal gas tragedy got treated by the government elected by the same ppl I have doubts regarding everything that government does in such situations . You know ppl are still waiting for the compensation for the hirakud project, life is pretty cheap in India and that applies to poor ppl more. I am no communist but care for our citizens.
I have nothing against nuclear power plants, but knowing the displaced ppl in hirakud Dam in my state Odisha and and the ppl affected by bhopal gas tragedy got treated by the government elected by the same ppl. You know ppl are still waiting for the compensation for the hirakud project, life is pretty cheap in India and that applies to poor ppl more. I am no communist but care for our citizens that bothers me more.

I agree with both your points; resettlement/compensation for project affected people. Hirakud (which details I don't know) may be a shameful thing while Bhopal (which I know well about) was simply Criminal!

That being said: does that make an Irrigation/Hydro Project a "no-go area"?
Similarly Nuclear Power Projects have risks, but not all is known about that yet; also the alternatives are nearly as risky/dangerous in some way or the other and viable alternatives are very little.
Let us also note that Indian Nuclear Power Plants have had a better record than other industries.

Therefore; it will be wiser to take a cautious but holistic view on this.
Another delusional Congressee. :blah:

i support no party. My support is only issue based. When andh-bhakts feel rattled, their usual standard reply is - "you are congressi".
I love your name. So secular.

There is nothing secular in following a p3dophile invention(of Saudi Arab, not even indian culture). My nickname is only for trapping seculars like you in trap, who has no clue what "secularism" is and how it was imposed onto India by a dictator, in a manner which no other nation does, due to pressure from Saudi-USA alliance post 1973 Oil-$ agreement(result of Saudi ganging up with USA after 1971 pakistan war)

USA is a Christian nation with secular governance system. There is no conflict between being a Christian nation and keeping legal system secular. Most indians(even Modi type half-muslims) don't understand what secularism is. Secularism has a very narrow application in legal arena. It has no application to a nation's Civilizational identity. Secularism is not civilizational or national attribute. It is purely a legal attribute(only tobe used in courts and governance, not in culture or identity of nation)

Islam was not born in India, hence it has no "claim" over india. It is mental weakness of indian people who has failed to understand how world works. There are many secular "governments" on Earth, but there is no secular "nation" on Earth(except foolish india). Show me one. :lol: No wonder, indians are such clueless fools, just like that puppet Modi. ;)

how did you collect so much bullshlt together

tu lahaan aahes, tula akkal naahi. Motha ho thoda, baal.
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