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The other Imran Khan - conquest of London

I'm no expert but that doesn't look too compatible with the religion. Not a criticism. Just a curious observation.

Old life...

Playboys who get religion in their later years are the most vitriolic kind.

Not saying Imran would be true to type, but I think the signs have been there for some time now.

Let's put it this way ... most of us see him as a smoother version of Miandad.

Cheers, Doc

I did... I'm the the most centred person you will come across... It's our inner journey... How we grow to learn and respect.
Old life...

I did... I'm the the most centred person you will come across... It's our inner journey... How we grow to learn and respect.

How old are you?

It's a bit of an overreach if you're comparing yourself to Imran.

Cheers, Doc
How old are you?

It's a bit of an overreach if you're comparing yourself to Imran.

Cheers, Doc

Old enough... It's the life trajectory. I lived a very "free" lifestyle teenage to 20s. Came to my thirties married and settled down. I lived a very modern live with many of the luxuries that come with it.

But my point wasn't about me ... Rather ... It's not fair to judge someone based on their past. Nobody is born a saint everyone goes through a journey of learning.
Old enough... It's the life trajectory. I lived a very "free" lifestyle teenage to 20s. Came to my thirties married and settled down. I lived a very modern live with many of the luxuries that come with it.

But my point wasn't about me ... Rather ... It's not fair to judge someone based on their past. Nobody is born a saint everyone goes through a journey of learning.

You are in your 30s and have gotten domesticated (some of us call it neutered ....)

Guys like Imran move on a different level. And he's 68 ....

It's a form of rebound atonement as the relentless movement of the clock reminds you of your mortality.

Cheers, Doc
Pakistanis should stop worrying about IK's past (its done cannot be reversed) and start worrying about their own future ....... we (Pakistanis) will have to change a lot if IK truly wants to change Pakistan ...... a lot of Pakistani habits will have to change to come to terms with the changes this man dreams of. It cannot be ignored that corruption (big small) has crept in veins of most Pakistanis themselves, law abidance is something we will face problems with, respecting everyone equally would be hard, us who are used to parchi and sifarish culture would scream. We the ones used to shortcuts would curse the new system ........ I hope Pakistanis themselves are ready for the change they dream of.
Was? I thought he's still alive.

We have millions of Miandad types here man.

We can recognise the type from a mile away.

Cheers, Doc

He averaged 50+ and scored 9000 wearing a Test cap for Pakistan. And 7000 in 40+ wearing an ODI cap. I’m sure you don’t have “millions” of Miandad. Nonthless, Mianadad was from Karachi. A city which produced many great batsmen for Pakistan. Interestingly, most of the people there are immigrants from Indian province of Delhi and co.
He averaged 50+ and scored 9000 wearing a Test cap for Pakistan. And 7000 in 40+ wearing an ODI cap. I’m sure you don’t have “millions” of Miandad. Nonthless, Mianadad was from Karachi. A city which produced many great batsmen for Pakistan. Interestingly, most of the people there are immigrants from Indian province of Delhi and co.


I did not mean as a player man.

He is the stereotype of the basti Muslim in Mumbai or UP.

Cheers, Doc
Rumors are flying he could be next Governor Sindh

That was a different generation. When your cricketers had serious aura around them.

Imran, Miandad and Salim Malik were walking in our club corridor. I was a 12 year old boy. They had a swagger about them.

Akram was on his first tour. Tall lanky fair tons of pimples. He came for a swim when our club team was practicing. I remember one of your seniors called him out like a boy (which he was).

I miss India Pakistan of that era. It's truly gone now.

Cheers, Doc
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