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Yes we are going to make it to elite club who can make a complete nuclear tried and no one gonna stop us.

Now its just a matter of time when A5, Arihant, k15, k4, k5 will become operational..

Jisko bhi rona chahta hai roo sakta hai....
Yes we are going to make it to elite club who can make a complete nuclear tried and no one gonna stop us.

Now its just a matter of time when A5, Arihant, k15, k4, k5 will become operational..

Jisko bhi rona chahta hai roo sakta hai....

Eveybody say!! Ameen to that.
Why would the Americans be looking at India instead of NK or Iran??

The writer's comparison itself is flawed. India has never threatened the US mainland and is the only country (in the American pov) that can stand its own against a more powerful China. And by being supportive of India, the Americans are also chipping away at Russia's importance in India's defence procurements.
That guy @HongWu is nucrazy, every time he talks about nuking India, I suspect he is Pakistani falseflager.

Some Chinese are raised like that, they are simply stupid :cheers:
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Practice what you preach and care to elaborate which one of the fathers, grandfathers or uncles whispered the highlighted into your listening ear. !!

Whatever i have posted it's always been under the original ID unlike some who try and spill their brains even before they have learned to walk. Prove your worth before questioning others substance. !!

Ya I am practising what my anchestors preached. I do not give false history nor thankless fellows like some guys.
Better try giving a worth reply. Ur reply was worse than BS.
No one can deny the fact tht sooner or later India is going to develop and completely deploy its nuclear triad in order to protect its interests from China or any other foreign nation for that matter!

Bt at this time India needs atleast 5-8 years to completely develop and induct the technologies mentioned in the article(MIRV,K series missiles,Nuclear Sub,Agni-VI).
As far as USA is concerned..USA has neva seen India as a threat and frankly speaking India isnt a threat to USA even in a 100 years because of our indoctrination and understanding.

IMHO The writer is being paranoid and has forgotten the fact tht USA sees India as its ally and also as a nation who can hold its own against China.
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