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The New Pakistan US Relationship (After the Salala Check-Post Attack)

Yes it is there. You are just not doing your proclaimed IQ enough justification. :azn:

Anyway I see you are just trolling bringing in China, while the topic was de-hyphenation of India and Pakistan. Stay on topic !

Proclaiming my IQ? how much do you want to bet on that? I dare you find a single post of me proclaiming about my IQ. You must be one of those typical Indians who likes to fabricate stories and parrot them as truths :lol:

Unfortunately for you, the very fact that Indians like YOU are nothing but insecure and likes to brown nose into your neighbours affairs. Oh, wait are we still "Chini Hindi Bhai Bhai"? I don't think that is the case and it goes to show how much of a hypocrit and brown noser you are ;)
A true US-Pakistan partnership seems very unlikely.

US has committed to a strategic partnership with India, not so much because they care about India, rather using India as a counterbalance to China, and building them up for the long haul to deal with a perceived Chinese threat. Divide and conquer strategy once again. But then historic animosities between China and India seem so deep rooted that it is unlikely that they could come together, so perhaps this is best for both countries ?

Pakistan, being aligned with China to some extent, and opposed to India, does not fit the bill for the US, as strengthening Pakistan would both strengthen China and weaken India's position (perhaps). The bigger prize for the US is India, not Pakistan.

It seems that the Pakistani generals have realized this and are moving away from the US. But what is Pakistan's long term strategic goal ? It seems to me that Pakistan, like Iran, does not have many good choices ahead. It may seem that Iran is on the rise, but the current sanctions will weaken Iran.

Pakistan has great potential as a country. It needs a government that will put focus on developing the country much faster. How will this be achieved ? The roadblocks seem very challenging.

Since Pakistan and India are almost the same people, if they decided to set aside their animosity, perhaps Pakistan's future would benefit, and they could align with both India and US, but this means moving away from China.

Just general impressions ... I hope to learn more from our Chinese, Indian, and Pakistani members about the situation.

There are some deep rooted problems between Pakistan and India yet your assumption "we are almost the same people" is most correct and i agree. Peoples outside the mainlands actually get on well together. Strategically if the 2 governments bashed their heads together and actually gave something and for example sorted the issue on Kashmir - major reconstruction of the relationship could occur.
What i believe is a healthy relationship in OUR region is healthy for our nations. With respect to the USA they are not from our region and their interests are not the same as countries from the subcontinent. They may bring somethinf to the table and perhaps assist in getting the countries to have closer links but this is something they would cringe at because they see India being the ideal buffer between them and China.
Pakistans and Indias expenditure on weaponry is extraordinary in the last couple of years. Of course the growth of in particular Pakistan is going to be stump its economic growth. Its sad to see how the increase in arms supply to these nations is something the US encourages. If they were in fact wanting to help stablize this region this wouldnt be the case.
Im sorry to say US motives are different and their attitude recently shows they have no interest long term for the peoples of the sub continent - just themselves.
It looks like the Indians missed the whole point of my post.

America's new regional game involves propping up India in the region and weakening Pakistan. These twin goals are related. America's relationship with either country impacts its dealings with the other.
It looks like the Indians missed the whole point of my post.

America's new regional game involves propping up India in the region and weakening Pakistan. These twin goals are related. America's relationship with either country impacts its dealings with the other.

By doing this the long term domination may be stretched out. Completely agree. Their interests are paramount and using India as a pawn enables some sort of screw tightening on the whole region. I think their long term strategy has been clocked by China and Russia. The question is India going to allow themselves to be a pawn in their games?
By doing this the long term domination may be stretched out. Completely agree. Their interests are paramount and using India as a pawn enables some sort of screw tightening on the whole region. I think their long term strategy has been clocked by China and Russia. The question is India going to allow themselves to be a pawn in their games?

Note that I didn't use the word 'pawn'. India knows exactly what's going down and they are playing along.

My point was that Pakistan is fooling itself if it buys this 'closer ties' nonsense from the US. That is why I put down some meaningful things the US can do, instead of just throwing a couple billion dollars wrapped up in meaningless diplobabble.
Where does that story indicate that Hollywood was not acting as its own master, like I said?

VCheng, either you are very innocent or very stupid, even if you see the US film history, you can notice few things.

1- Native americans were shown the most bad people of all times, why is that? (in order to get their land and create a new system new americans (immigrants from Europe) did very big crimes against humanity )

2- These days they are doing the same thing with afghan's , Taliban s and now Pakistanis (media war)

some of Hollywood ppl works with the gov. and create the bad image of their targets in the mind set of americans.
US wants new start in relationship with Pakistan: State Dept
WASHINGTON: The United States wants to "turn the page" of its relationship with Pakistan in the New Year, after a "difficult and complex" phase in 2011, a State Department spokesperson said Thursday..
"I don't think anybody on any side would question that 2011 was a difficult and complex year in the US-Pakistani relationship," Spokesperson Victoria Nuland said as the year closes under the shadow of November 26 NATO strike on Pakistani border posts, which claimed lives of 24 Pakistani soldiers.
"Obviously, what we want to do is turn the page, redouble our efforts to cooperate against the threats that we share, and to support a strong, prosperous, democratic Pakistan in an increasingly stable, peaceful, prosperous, democratic region," she said in response to questions at her new briefing.
The United States, she said, has been investing a lot in building its relationship with Pakistan and the people of this country, but needs to redouble its efforts.
"We put a huge amount of US taxpayer money every year into education programmes in Pakistan, microlending programmes, flood relief, all kinds of economic opportunity programs because we believe a strong Pakistan is in our interests," she said.
"So we will continue to try to give that message directly to the Pakistani people, as the secretary did herself in her town hall meeting and in her TV interviews when she was in Pakistan in October," she said.
"We believe that that message needs to be conveyed strongly in Pakistan by Americans and by Pakistanis.
"We need each other and that we have a lot of work still to do to build the kind of neighborhood there that it is in our mutual interests."
Nuland said in response to a question at her daily news conference.
On improving relations between the South Asian neighbours, Pakistan and India, the spokesperson said the outgoing year proved to be good in this respect.
"I think you know that we’ve long encouraged direct dialogue between India
and Pakistan, that we are encouraged that, on this front, 2011 was a good year, that they made considerable progress together, and we want to see that progress deepened and strengthened in the – in 2012."
US wants new start in relationship with Pakistan: State Dept - The Nation
Why is it what the Americans want? As I say to my 4 year old what he wants he cant have lol
A new page of relationship won't happen with people of same mentality and attitude. New page begins with an apology (which Pakistan should not accept now).

It's not the first time, Pakistanis have known Americans for a very long time now and concluded that Americans are liars, opportunists, self centered and untrustworthy. We are better off without you and your blood mony. Have mercy on us, leave us alone.

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