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The New Pakistan US Relationship (After the Salala Check-Post Attack)

I object, they can offer us the sun and the moon. But it must be accepted in the Pakistan Parliament as a precondition to open cooperation to the US.

There can be no end to drone strikes, as there can be no guarantee of no future attacks by the US. What are you gonna do, ask Obama to give Michelle as collateral? It's silly.

3rd is not necessarily up to the US and it can pretend to try and fail. 4th, well there is always a chance of a U-turn on these things so its again no good.

Whoever came up with this deal is either a fool, or thinks we are the fools. I don't know why people are going like oh its something big. A start would have been the US owning up to its commitments to spread freedom and democracy in the world by placing sanctions on India until it conducts a UN administered plebiscite.
Looks like our leaders will just open up the supply lines after some wiring of money to their personal accounts anyway. :rolleyes:


The current pause in CIA drone strikes in Pakistan is now the longest of Barack Obama’s presidency.

It is 55 days (and counting) since a deadly attack on November 17 2011 killed at least seven people.

According to the Bureau’s extensive database on drone strikes, the last gap of similar length was in 2008. If things continue in this vein, that record will be broken next Monday (January 16).

There was a pause of 59 days between March 16 and May 14 2008 under George W Bush; and a 57-day halt between December 3 2007 and January 29 2008. Before then US drone strikes were highly intermittent, often occurring months apart.

Strategy shift
The current break in drone strikes is enforced. After NATO accidentally killed 24 Pakistani soldiers in November, Islamabad effectively shut down the drone campaign.

Weeks later the Long War Journal confirmed that all CIA attacks were officially on hold: ‘There is concern that another hit will push US-Pakistan relations past the point of no return. We don’t know how far we can push them, how much more they are willing to tolerate.’ an official told LWJ.

The break coincided with a major policy reappraisal by Washington – and it has given Islamabad room to refocus on its own strategic needs. In the coming weeks CIA drone attacks are expected to resume in Pakistan’s tribal areas. But according to leaks and hints, there are likely to be far less strikes, and far fewer casualties.

The Bureau’s records show that CIA drones struck 75 times in 2011. Some 470 to 655 people were killed in the attacks, the majority of them anonymous alleged militants. Among the dead were between 53 and 126 civilians, according to credible reports. Despite these reports, the CIA continues to claim that it has killed no civilians since May 2010.

In Pakistan drone strikes are now a major political issue, causing wide-ranging fury. The nation’s prime minister, president and army chief all publicly condemned the attacks in 2011 (whatever the reality of any private agreements between Islamabad and Washington).

Yet the CIA seemed impervious to such criticism. US officials were claiming in November that al Qaeda and its allies were on the run in Pakistan. The Washington Post quoted a source who insisted that al Qaeda was operationally ineffective and ‘down to two leaders’ – and that strikes had to continue to deliver the knockout blow.

‘Now is not the time to let up the pressure,’ an anonymous official told the paper. ‘We’ve got an opportunity to keep them down, and letting up now could allow them to regenerate.’ But four days later NATO’s disastrous strike brought the drone strikes to a halt.

A change of policy
The CIA’s confidence did not extend to all parts of the Obama administration. Diplomatic and military sources began to semi-openly criticise the agency for placing short-term objectives ahead of the US’s long term strategic needs. US policy began to shift, helped by a change of leadership at the CIA.

As the Bureau was the first to point out on October 27, a significant shift was taking place away from targeting low-level fighters in Pakistan. A week later the Wall Street Journal concurred, reporting that a White House review had resulted in a strategy change. From now on, the targeting of large groups of alleged low-ranking militants was off the table. An anonymous senior official said: ‘The bar has been raised. Inside CIA, there is a recognition you need to be damn sure it’s worth it.‘

Pakistan also took advantage of the halt to insist that the US return to the negotiating table. An early leak indicated the Pakistanis had high ambitions: in return for resuming drone strikes ‘Pakistan wants complete knowledge of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) imprint in Pakistan,’ it was suggested.

In recent days a more achievable plan has been mooted. According to the Express Tribune, US and Pakistani negotiators are close to a deal.

Pakistani negotiators had convinced their American counterparts on at least a couple of conditions: First, the drone strikes should not be as frequent as they were in 2010 and 2011. And second, the CIA should narrow the [area] the aircraft were targeting.

A deal is close
Leaks from Washington sources published in the mainstream American media also appear to suggest that an agreement is imminent. United States officials have told the New York Times that according to the terms of a new deal, ‘the US will be forced to restrict drone strikes; limit the number of its spies and soldiers on the ground; and spend more to transport supplies through Pakistan to allied troops in Afghanistan.’

US intelligence agencies are now pushing for a swift resumption of the strikes. The New York Times also reported at the weekend that al Qaeda was regrouping in the tribal areas. This is presumably the same ‘operationally ineffective two men’ that the same paper reported al Qaeda had been reduced to only weeks beforehand.

It seems likely that CIA attacks will resume imminently in Pakistan’s tribal areas. Yet the combined impact of domestic pressure from within the Obama administration – and Islamabad’s insistence on new ground rules – should mean that 2012 will see a very different approach to the drone war from the agency.


Yesterday, a drone striked on a house and killed about 4-5 people....

Once a dog is always a dog !!
Chief Kiyani is one of the best professional and order to shoot down drones on Dec 11, 2011.

World News - Pakistan says U.S. drones in its air space will be shot down


According to the new Pakistani defense policy, "Any object entering into our air space, including U.S. drones, will be treated as hostile and be shot down," a senior Pakistani military official told NBC News.

A fake country like Pakistan and its dishonors...... bastard Kiyani!
^^ that warning just time barred :laugh:

New Rules have been introduced, hence game will continue !!
and I think by this deal, the NATO supplies will resume too...
now, if members like Xeric or other army apologists come and say that army is not corrupt, i would wait for a minute to abuse them because its clear now, dollars work for pakistan military and government

government says that we dont control army, army says, order come from islamabad

bechara masum pakistan mar raha hai, aur is ki zimedari koi lene ko tyar nahi

these bastard politicians and army generals have sold the country and their out for dollars

yeh sab mil ke pakistani ko bewakuf bana rahe hain

and i agree, im 100% confident that NATO supplies will begin too, NATO has bribed this army

kabi shuhada na kehna in american mercenaries(pakistan army) ko
and I think by this deal, the NATO supplies will resume too...

why only supplies..

they should also shift the ISAF headquarter to pak from afghanistan

and they should be invited to help us in North waziristan operation.
^^ that warning just time barred

New Rules have been introduced, hence game will continue !!

This is tremendous serious, the new rules agreement hasn't been forward to Parliament and public. What's secret between US/bastard Kiyani ?

Where's my shoes to throw at Kiyani? It is highly time for this fcking Kiyani to RESIGN asap.

According to the new Pakistani defense policy, "Any object entering into our air space, including U.S. drones, will be treated as hostile and be shot down," a senior Pakistani military official told NBC News.

How many of us fool again ?

Kiyani's endless Lies continue.................
@ raptor, most of the 'hidden' agreements dont need parliment approval its a back door agreement of pakistani govt US and military

i dont think army neglects the govt in signing agreement with US , because if that's the case govt will use that in the current collision senario

important issues never approach the parliment, issues like renaming NWFP, dividing provinces, and making GB a province do
@ raptor, most of the 'hidden' agreements dont need parliment approval its a back door agreement of pakistani govt US and military

i dont think army neglects the govt in signing agreement with US , because if that's the case govt will use that in the current collision senario

important issues never approach the parliment, issues like renaming NWFP, dividing provinces, and making GB a province do

I agree with you. There is no point of Pakistan on the map today because our leaders, Military, Kiyani, religious extremists, and some top officials criminals don't give anything good with respect to Pakistan and last sixty years. I would say again, there is no need for Pakistan today. Just remove our country from the map, it is very headaches and messed up.

Pakistan's civilian leaders were supportive in private of the drone strikes in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) even as they condemned them in public.

Pasha's visit in Qatar outcome must be authorized drones...Probably Kiyani didn't know the authorized by Pasha.

1. Some Pakistani members will start making excuses citing, hidden deals with USA and implied apologies
2. Some other Pakistani members will start blaming the civilian govt of backstabbing the nation and army

but long story short, VCheng and Karan were only off by a couple of weeks but spot on with the prediction of things soon going back to normal.. :)
This new development(deal) does throw Pakistani parliamentary panel's “terms of engagement” out of the window.
As I recall "ending drone strikes in Pakistan" was their foremost and simplest of recommendations.
when will we hear the news that PAF has crawled out of the cave tbey been hiding and shot down a drone.
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