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The New Era of Polish-Turkish Defence Relations


Aug 31, 2010
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Polish and Turkish defence officials established a new and long-lasting relation recently. It is seen that new interest areas, joint studies will arise in coming period. Within the concept of these, Mr. Murad Bayar, Undersecretary for Defence Industries informed us about Turkish- Polish relations, developments in defence industry collaboration and mutual cooperation fields.

Defence Turkey: Mr. Bayar, first of all thank you for giving us your time. Under the co-ordination of the Undersecretariat for Defence Industries, Turkey for the first time will participate as a nation in the MSPO fair to take place in Poland between 2-5 September. As Turkey, how many firms will participate in this fair? What are your expectations as the Undersecretariat for Defence Industries?
We are planning to participate in the MSPO Fair under the umbrella of our Undersecretariat with 13 firms. Within these 13 firms, the Ostim Defence and Aerospace Clustering (OSSA) and 8 small and medium-scale enterprises attached to the OSSA will participate. I believe that aside from firms that presently are in contact with Poland, firms that will develop our relations with this country for the first time must fully appraise the potential in line with our strategy.
Defence Turkey: We note close co-operation each passing day in the area of defence industry between Turkey and Poland in recent years. Would you provide us with information on the work undertaken in the area of defence between Poland and Turkey from the past to the present?
We have a long standing relationship with Poland. , in all initiaves in the transition and reorganisation Poland has confirmed in all platforms that it is recognised not only as a source but as a guiding country by Turkey . Aside from intense contacts within the coverage of the IDEF Fair, mutual visits between the two countries has further strenthened our relationship. As a result of the intense visits and contacts, our relationship has moved from the strategic high assessment stage to a project focused activities stage.
Defence Turkey: Polish defence officials paid a visit to Turkey in March 2013 and undertook various contacts in our country. Within this coverage with which firms did meetings take place? Additionally, which subjects were on the agenda between the governments?
In the meeting that took place in March 2013, aside from Poland’s current needs and constraints, her medium-term strategies was full shared with us in a candid manner. In addition to official meetings, ASELSAN, HAVELSAN, TAI and FNSS as well as ODTÜTEKNOKENT were visited. As a continuation of this visit, three groups of experts consisting of a total of 31 individuals visited TAI, ASELSAN, FNSS, HAVELSAN, YONCA-ONUK, ADİK, ISTANBUL SHIPYARD, STM ,HAVELSAN, RMK MARINE and DEARSAN in April 2013.
Defence Turkey: Has a road map been identified on the subject of collaboration in the short, medium and long-term between Poland and Turkey?
Together with the need of the armed forces to reorganise coupled with intense economic threats including unemployment, are areas that are being studied by the Polish administration and although there are requests for certain individual needs, we note that they have not reached a total plan decision that they can share. Aside from the MSPO Fair, a fair that will encompass maritime system and platforms is planned during May-June 2014 and needs and opportunies wil be jointly analysed during the next stage and strategic targets and, in line with this, that a plan that will be prepared has been expressed to us by the Polish Government.
Defence Turkey: We know that Poland has commenced on a comprehensive modernisation and acquisition programme in the last few years. Within the coverage of this programme, will there be close contacts in the near future between Turkey and Poland? As an addition to this question, with which capabilities do you think Turkey will be effective in the Polish market?
There are many similarities in the armament programmes of Poland and Turkey and potential areas of co-operation were identified during mutual visits and our colleagues have started working with their Polish counterparts. In this context we are assessing the opportunities on collaboration in the areas of:
Frigate modernisation
The acquisition and modernisation of new submarines, mine hunting, patrol and coastal defence vessels
Air missile defence system
Helicopter acquisition
Leopard 2A4 modernisation
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
C4ISR systems
Jet training aircraft acquisition
Simulator systems
Use, maintenance and logistics issues relating to the C-130 Hercules Transport Aircraft
The 6x6 Arma vehicle produced by Otokar
Satellite reconnaissance systems
F-16 maintenance and logistics
Military trucks acquisition

Defence Turkey: Is it possible that subjects such as joint programmes, joint production, and technology transfer and company investments between the two countries will be on the agenda in the coming years? May we have your assessment on this matter?
The intense needs of the Polish Armed Forces and serious unemployment together with idle capacity issues can be viewed as increasing the possibility of joint evaluation and similarities in sector structuring and the existence of repetitive capacities can be regarded as restricting factors.
However, candid sharing of all these needs and constraints by Poland and considering Turkey in their strategic analysis and specifically the Undersecretariat for Defence Industries as a stakeholder and not as a source, and with a good follow-up and management of all opportunities that are identified, strengthens the possibility of converting these to current projects.
Defence Turkey: In your opinion which opportunities do you think awaits Turkish defence firms that want to invest in the Polish market? May we obtain your views?
Aside from a strong shipyard and a heavy industry past, it is possible that even with idle capacity there may be projects that Poland will immediately say yes and in particular projects that emphasise production in their own facilities. I assess these to be slowed down and suspended projects due to budgetary reasons.
Defence Turkey: Lastly, is there any message that you would like to convey to the readers of Defence Turkey?
Poland and Turkey have similar targets in developing their defence industry capabilities and defence industry capacity. At the same time, there have been good relationship between the two countries from the past to the present with no political issues between them which, in my view, constitutes a good basis in defence industry cooperation.
Aside from this, that there a very large similarities in the armament programmes of Poland and Turkey is also very important. I hope that this Fair will provide an important opportunity to further develop our existing relationship.

Defence Turkey

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