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Mar 17, 2008
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and good night to all of my squad members.

As a muslim and a PAKISTANI we know that we are very patriot with our country and our country fellows and love all of the parts of pakistan but the main question is are we HAPPY and satisfy with ourselvs? is the nation have any type of love with the other person of my country?
The answer is noooooo because we are acting on the law of those law makers which belongs to that country where there is no law no rule and no deciplineand they don't know how to make a law on paper and how to make it possible to obeyful by people.
Any how it is to be noted that our millitary have also old british army's law and it is in action and our army obey this law like foolish persons. its mean if my army is following the rules of other nation so why should all the nation do it? ALAAAAS it is the major thing which is missing by our generation and we are going towards the dead end and the path of this dead end is showing to us very colorful, beautiful, modern and advanced and one of the other thing is the concept of thinking is going to be very stronger like low dressing of girls(which is totally HARAM in ISLAM),DATES in PARKS (A/c to islam which is also HARAAM). any how as we know that our ARM FORCES are very brave and ready to fight every time but nowadays our forces specially PAK ARMY is involving in politics and the politics is CREATING THE bad image of PAK ARMY AND ISI in public and thats why public ELECTS again the robbers,killers,duffers,country sellers and providing the smooth way to our ENEMIES and the new concept is building in recent generation is DOSTEE with BAHARAT REMEMBER REMEMBER if we don't be careful our country should be tammed because i think all of u read the book which is written by an INDIAN TERMITE who is very fond of soil eating the name of the book is "TARBEL DAMMED PAKISTAN TAMED" and i think this is enough for our ISI OR INTER SERVICES INTELLIGENCE AND OUR MILLITARY.

and my messege to all of my brothers just leave the TAASSUB and live AS ONE UNIT BECAUSE PAKISTAN IS NOT THE PROPERTY OF ANYONE's FATHER .


by flyahyassg

salaams, i agree with you brother, but be a little more careful of what you say. you can actually scare people away from islam.

the future of this nation depends on the Will of Allah, however, that doesn't mean we not do anything about it. we should encourage the youth that it is best to protect our religion, culture, and ways.

after all, it was Jinnah's idea that we are a nation separate from hindus. if people in india are adopting modernism as their form of revolution as well as the youth in pakistan, you tell me what differences are between us?

besides maybe the youth are all for politics and cannot see through this great deception of democracy our corrupt politicians are striving for, but the rest of the population see right through the politicians' charade.

believe me, the elections had only a 30% voter turn out. we all know, nothing is going to change unless you have one leader who will rule with an iron fist and keep us all within order.

as for dating in parks and univ. campuses, i was shocked to see these things when i came this summer. But alhamdulillah, none of these cases were serious and zina(fornication) is still very rare. My hopes are, that the youth come closer to islam. here in the US, the youth are doing most of the work for deen. let's hope for the same in pakistan.

as for the armed forces following British military procedure, there's nothing wrong with that. most of our soldiers try to practice as good muslims. you will also start to see a lot more soldiers with beards and other sunnah appearances in the future, insha'Allah.
Seeing the impressive 357 posts of your Bro Asaaal ul islam, i would like to say that two nation theory was given by Iqbal not Quaid.


bro flyahyassg

I am not sure what nation your referring to in terms of making state laws and stuff. Very frankly we as muslim ummah have lost the game and now we have to play and learn there tactics. and defeat them in there grounds. I appreciate your charisma but criticism is not what we need for now. We need a solution.

Seeing the impressive 357 posts of your Bro Asaaal ul islam, i would like to say that two nation theory was given by Iqbal not Quaid.

No the the Two Nation theory was given by Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, or at least the modern version which states that Hindus and Muslims are a seperate nation by all aspects thus they should have their own nation.
But I am also wrong. Now I cant remember the name but the Two nation theory was drawn up by a Hindu and a Britisher.
The problem with pakistan its got too many racial groups in it.
Two nation was not a good idea, it was a bad idea, as originally Afghanistan stretched up to river jehlum, and onward was what was called hindustan.

So separation should have been any land north of river jehlum was to be handed to pushtoons and afghanistan, from the other bank all the land should have been given to india, as there is no differences between people of punjab sindh and indian sikhs etc.

But obviously we all have our own opinions, we all call ourselves pakistanis and show patriosm, we glorified people like jinnah who may have not done much, and wiped others from history who worked all their life for their people.

Pakistan has always been poor, riddled with corruption, unjust and unfair institutions and will always remain like that. Regardless who comes to power be it ppp or any other party
that comes to power.

A devil will always be a devil.
The problem with pakistan its got too many racial groups in it.
Two nation was not a good idea, it was a bad idea, as originally Afghanistan stretched up to river jehlum, and onward was what was called hindustan.

So separation should have been any land north of river jehlum was to be handed to pushtoons and afghanistan, from the other bank all the land should have been given to india, as there is no differences between people of punjab sindh and indian sikhs etc.

Your arguments contradict themselves.
As you mentioned, Pakistan is composed of various ethnicities, but so is India, and so would this nation including all the Pasthuns and Afghanistan East of the Jhelum.

Afghanistan today is rife with ethnic discord - the Uzbeks, Tajiks, Heratis, Hazara, Pashtun etc. So simply making the argument on the basis of "too many ethnicities" is itself flawed.

Similarities between peoples too is not a good argument. Granted that there may be some similarities between Punjabis, Sindhis and some Western Indian peoples, but then should we ignore the "dissimilarities" with the remaining majority of Indian peoples?

The Pashtun were given a choice, and they overwhelmingly chose Pakistan in a referendum.

But obviously we all have our own opinions, we all call ourselves pakistanis and show patriosm, we glorified people like jinnah who may have not done much, and wiped others from history who worked all their life for their people.
History has a habit of doing that. I am assuming you are referring to KAGK - despite all his excellent "non violent, social service" philosophies, he just happened to be on the wrong side, and in the minority, of the debate over Pakistan. The creation of a nation State has no equivalence with "social philosophy" (Gandhi would hardly be remembered had he not combined his non-violence philosophy with political goals) - and KAGK's legacy was doomed when the Pashtun overwhelmingly chose an option he disagreed with (Pakistan).

Pakistan has always been poor, riddled with corruption, unjust and unfair institutions and will always remain like that. Regardless who comes to power be it ppp or any other party
that comes to power.

A devil will always be a devil.

So was India a couple of decades ago (and to some extent still is) so were various European nations for centuries, and so was, and remains, Afghanistan - the option for nationhood you consider would have been more appropriate.

One can be a pessimist quite easily and refuse to participate in the political process, refuse to fight the hard struggle required to achieve something of value by hiding behind "its not going to make a difference" - but then realize that you have essentially characterized a major part of the problem itself, apathy of the people.

A nation is only as much as its people make it - if a nation is a "Devil", blame the people, their leadership - not an intangible entity.
:pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:yes we all pakistani muslims no body can divaide us .long live pakistan long live this brave muslim nation.becase pakistan is our not any body's fathers:lol::lol:
:pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:yes we all pakistani muslims no body can divaide us .long live pakistan long live this brave muslim nation.becase pakistan is our not any body's fathers:lol::lol:

if islam was the only basis on which a nation's unity is determined, then why are there so many muslim nations? shouldnt it all have been one big nation?

the fact remains that culture is as important a factor as religion when determining a nation's unity. there are also other factors like ethnicity, tradition, ideologies etc that determine a nation's unity.

so the idea that muslims cannot be divided is rubbish. they are already divided. even within pakistan there are seperatist movements.

think before you write rubbish.
if islam was the only basis on which a nation's unity is determined, then why are there so many muslim nations? shouldnt it all have been one big nation?

the fact remains that culture is as important a factor as religion when determining a nation's unity. there are also other factors like ethnicity, tradition, ideologies etc that determine a nation's unity.

so the idea that muslims cannot be divided is rubbish. they are already divided. even within pakistan there are seperatist movements.

think before you write rubbish.

We have a different case in Pakistan. Muslims of subcontinent united on the name of Islam to get united Pakistan but when we left religion and adopted the mentality of ethnicity, culture and language we disintegrated our country.

Culture is also important but the bonding factor for 1.5 billion Muslims is Islam.
The problem with pakistan its got too many racial groups in it.
Two nation was not a good idea, it was a bad idea, as originally Afghanistan stretched up to river jehlum, and onward was what was called hindustan.

So separation should have been any land north of river jehlum was to be handed to pushtoons and afghanistan, from the other bank all the land should have been given to india, as there is no differences between people of punjab sindh and indian sikhs etc.

But obviously we all have our own opinions, we all call ourselves pakistanis and show patriosm, we glorified people like jinnah who may have not done much, and wiped others from history who worked all their life for their people.

Pakistan has always been poor, riddled with corruption, unjust and unfair institutions and will always remain like that. Regardless who comes to power be it ppp or any other party
that comes to power.

A devil will always be a devil.

If there is no difference between Pakistanis and Indians than Yes there is also corruption in India, Racial groups are also there in India, there are also separatist movements in India and they are also poor.

What would u get in India?

If you think that we made a mistake than a man’s attitude is to stick to that mistake and try to correct it rather blaming country.
We have a different case in Pakistan. Muslims of subcontinent united on the name of Islam to get united Pakistan but when we left religion and adopted the mentality of ethnicity, culture and language we disintegrated our country.

Culture is also important but the bonding factor for 1.5 billion Muslims is Islam.

i am not denying that there is a bond between Muslims. i think there's a religious bond between people of the same religion for all religions.

what i was saying was that religious bond is not enough to hold a country together. religion is not everything. it's just one factor. it cannot supersede everything and be a bonding factor when there are cultural, ethnic and ideological differences within a nation. to say pakistan is a muslim nation and none can divide it is rubbish. muslim nations have been divided in the past, and i dont see why they wont be divided in the future.
i am not denying that there is a bond between Muslims. i think there's a religious bond between people of the same religion for all religions.

what i was saying was that religious bond is not enough to hold a country together. religion is not everything. it's just one factor. it cannot supersede everything and be a bonding factor when there are cultural, ethnic and ideological differences within a nation. to say pakistan is a muslim nation and none can divide it is rubbish. muslim nations have been divided in the past, and i dont see why they wont be divided in the future.

That’s what I m saying that we have a very bad experience with the cultural and ethnic differences actually these differences disintegrated us in 1971 and before that Islam was the only factor which bonded us in 1947 because in 1971 there was no Islamic thought at all and in 1947 it was Islamic thought only.
We have a different case in Pakistan. Muslims of subcontinent united on the name of Islam to get united Pakistan but when we left religion and adopted the mentality of ethnicity, culture and language we disintegrated our country.
you are absolutely right, i always say that substituting ethniciy/culture/language in place of religion destroyed this country. we are cursed with these factions that threaten our unity. sindhis, pashtuns, muhajirs, balochis claim pubjabi's running this govt.

when in reality, two pashtun leaders have run this country, make up 30% of the armed forces, and are deeply embedded in the system of the country. Sindhis have been running this country for a while, i don't see why they tend to forget the name Bhutto.

balochi's claim that balochistan existed before pakistan, when in reality they were just a just apart of the afghan empire. they did not even name their area balochistan, it was named by the pak govt. they were run by the kalat khanate. besides that, balochi's only recently arrived 600 years ago to the current area.

although india has plenty of ethnicities, most of its citizens don't even see themselves as such. while we are cursed with this problem. only islam can unite us and put a stop to this disease. it is true that Jinnah, pushed for pakistan, but so did plenty of other people who we do not remember.

besides these men and women, the real Heroes of pakistan are its peoples. they sacrificed everything for this state. who spilled blood coming to this country? The people who actually had to move, risked their lives, not argue in congress for this nation. many people did not make it to pakistan and died along the way. Let us remember their wishes, the wish for an islamic state.

these people honestly thought that they were getting an islamic state and it was through their willingness that we got this state. unfortunately, pakistan turned itself into an ethnic federation loosely held together. we did not even get kashmir and top of that we lost half of our country. it's really sad and unfortunate, the sacrifice of people including our soldiers was wasted.
I don't think Islam is the only binding cord for Pakistan, it is one of them, but it would hardly be enough were it not for a sense of "Pakistaniat". It is quite similar to the "Hindu culture" that, while not the predominant bond, is nonetheless an aspect of India.

Ethnicities are not the problem - people always argue that categorizing ourselves as "Pashtun, Punjabi, Sindhi, Baluchi etc. is bad, but what else could you do? You cannot make someone forget their language and customs, and therefore a Baluchi will always be distinct form a Pashtun and a Punjabi from a Sindhi.

Each culture is of extreme importance, it cannot be allowed to waste and die. The combination of these cultures is what makes up Pakistan, and our unity comes from sharing a national interest, religion and the ability to be more from the "sum of our parts".

The bane of any multi-ethnic nation isn't identification on the basis of ethnicity, but the perception that certain ethnicities do not have complete say in running their affairs and are being ignored on the road to prosperity. These doubts can only be removed if you delegate a large degree of autonomy to the provinces along with an equitable sharing of resources. On the latter Pakistan has struck a decent balance, the former is where most of the ethnic discord arises.

Extensive provincial autonomy, not diluting ethnicity and culture, is the solution.
there is no nation without religion . if you say pakistan is fist then islam we say no.islam

is first then pakistan. we get pakistan for a muslim country not we get islam for

pakistan.we leave islam then become all problems .imagine that muslims umpires if its now

world can't do any thing with us like afganistan iraq palistaine and kashmir .we divaided then we

become less poor and this un security .pakistan we get not from any muslim country .we broke india .read two nation theory what mr

jinnah says we can't live together because our music religion history heroes food dress

every thing is difrent so how we live together ? prob face every nation but if you seen

without nationalism that in indian problems more then pakistan we know that 10 states went to

freedom fight . naxals. religious hate ness. corruption .poor .poverty. education. crimes. low income

terrorism pollution.only you can read a book write by kahswant singh THE GREAT INDIAN

CIRCUS . until now we proud to be a pakistani . i feel that pakistan is better then so

many nations in every thing .we have political problems but overall pakistan move good.if

you say we stay with india thats better i thing wrong.mr jinnah seen future i his eyes he

already know if we stay with india thing happen like gujrat killing bombay hindu muslim

fight headrabad muslim killings babri mosqe .that will we don't want in lahore karachi and

peshawer .were was politcal freedom and repablic india that time when muslim blood's price less then water.muslim blood

is moves on streets .in kashmer 82000 killings .were is your free media that time .were

was that republic forces that time when they assault sikhs golden temple .killing in india more

then half pakistni population. but your media also avoid to show that.these things wich

happens in pakistan small then one state killing in india . only you see naxal war they not

kill the people for religion they want food electricity home .but indin gov fail to provaide

them these.they only pay for waipens for become a asian super power .realty is if you

pay same money for poor people you become a good asian super power .arm race always

start in south asia from india from 60s india start this and i think it will be finish when

india also finish. billons of dollers they pay for arms every years but they cont give poor

people food in india . sucide rate is high and high every year maharashtera have high

sucide rate of world .poor farmers cont live there life.in golf there is 40 millions

indian for

jobs if you seen the world indian work out side moe then all pakistani population. dreams

of arm power in asia one day finish india at all.they give injuction of films and drama for

nation sleep long time. but now people want to do really some thing.country where 700

millions home less .600 people less then 2 dollers income.more then half billion

people have 1 doller income per day. were 3500 million child labor

force .650 millions people don't have drinking clean water .400 millions don't

have even

bathroom .gov show they are world next super power. in papers they shine

ndia .net blogs news tv shows not give the food poor indians.now can we say


have less services then india and what is future of pakistan.seen our pakistani

life style and always say ALHAMD UL ALLAH :pakistan::pakistan:

some my indian friend now says on this forum you a fantasy writer:lol:


India's poverty: Help the poor help themselves - International Herald Tribune

China, India rank high on pollution : World

Naxalite - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Status Paper on the Naxal Problem
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