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The myth of American military superiority

BS. Thats what comes to my mind.

Place an enemy who could be identified in front of them and they would make a kichdi out of them any given day, any given time. The US is losing the war in Afghanistan because it wants to win the hearts of the Afghan too. If it just comes to brute domination/destruction, they have the firepower and the means to deploy that firepower to completely level Afghanistan in one week - from Mazar e Sharif to Kandahar, from Herat to Jalalabad.
Who is the moron who wrote this delusional article?

Winslow T. Wheeler is director of the Straus Military Reform Project of the Center for Defense Information, which recently moved to the Project on Government Oversight. For 31 years he worked on national security issues for U.S. senators from both political parties and for the Government Accountability Office.

[startTROLL]Win-slow Wheeler - :lol: :lol:[/endTROLL]
I sort of agree and disagree with the article.

Is the US the strongest army out there and the most advanced? Yes it is. In a strategic war, the US would always come out on top.

If you are talking about invasions, discounting NATO and nukes, nope. For example, I dont think any country in the world can invade Russia or China and be successful in that effort.

Logistics like supplies, finances, reinforcements, medical care, transport, manpower, terrain, climactic conditions etc would be a nightmare that they would never be able to overcome. Add to that timeline for success, that would be decades before the Us in its present state even wins such invasions. This is what happened to the Nazis too. They were qualitatively better, but couldnt still beat the Russians.

The US is strong because of its allies, without any allies, they wouldnt be able to achieve much.

Strategic wars yes they'd beat anyone hands down. Other than that, no.
US is still the strongest in strictly military technology terms which doesn't necessarily mean that they can win wars in both military and political terms. These morally bankrupt arrogant ignorant fools haven't won a war since WW2 in that sense. Every great/evil empire falls one day with serious consequences and yankis will also undergo the same fate.
I sort of agree and disagree with the article.

Is the US the strongest army out there and the most advanced? Yes it is. In a strategic war, the US would always come out on top.

If you are talking about invasions, discounting NATO and nukes, nope. For example, I dont think any country in the world can invade Russia or China and be successful in that effort.

Logistics like supplies, finances, reinforcements, medical care, transport, manpower, terrain, climactic conditions etc would be a nightmare that they would never be able to overcome. Add to that timeline for success, that would be decades before the Us in its present state even wins such invasions. This is what happened to the Nazis too. They were qualitatively better, but couldnt still beat the Russians.

The US is strong because of its allies, without any allies, they wouldnt be able to achieve much.

Strategic wars yes they'd beat anyone hands down. Other than that, no.

Countries on that level dont invade one another. They engage in skirmishes outside their nations. And Russia has the smallest military budget of the three.

In any case, the US navy and airforce is unmatched.
Go for full fledged war with them you will know the truth......
Yup. I agree. The US military is a paper tiger. And I got no problems saying so. Now all you guys have to do is roll the dice and find out. :lol:

Reminds me of the song by Jon BonJovi(Blaze of glory album)....Lyrics from the song..."You are not a God...Why dont you pull the rigger and Find out"
lets face it, the US military is the best in the world at this time; it can single-highhandedly defeat any military power on earth --- its strategic forces can obliterate any other country; it conventional forces can do the same --no ground force can withstand a force by US army heavy divisions backed by the USAF; it is only facing difficulty in Afghanistan because they are exercising restraint -- if they used the soviet way of war [devastating the countryside and treating anyone outside their safe zones as free fire targets] they could finish the task in a few months albeit at terrible human cost to their opponents.

In the Navy it is unmatched but not in army.

China's army is probably more powerful overall than US army.
War is not just about numbers and technology. History has taught this
They do have ALOT of experience in killing people, so in that sense they have to be superior to other armies.
Losing wars like Afghanistan and Iraq and others is not related in anyway with technology, it has other factors involved, geo-social-political issues.

US facing any other nation of the world today will totally dominate it. It's electronic warfare capability, it's wide array of weapons, all the services, and the sophisticated nuke delivery systems all make it a lethal force. As other members have said, the Navy Air Arm is the 2nd largest in the world. No other country operates 10 odd Aircraft carriers (all nuclear powered), a huge fleet of subs.

Hate 'em or love 'em, they are the best in military capability.

P.s: I hate these yanks as much as you do, but you can't deny reality.

How exactly did USA lose the war in Iraq and Afghanistan?

Can you please point out some battles in which the Iraqi Insurgents or the Taliban have defeated US Forces?

Yeah its pretty crazy, two decade long wars, all the while conducting naval patrols around the world, and drone operations in different continents.

That's nothing.

Look at World War II.

US had 8 million men fighting in Europe and 4 million men fighting in the Pacific and logistically supporting them.
How exactly did USA lose the war in Iraq and Afghanistan?

Can you please point out some battles in which the Iraqi Insurgents or the Taliban have defeated US Forces?

That's nothing.

Look at World War II.

US had 8 million men fighting in Europe and 4 million men fighting in the Pacific and logistically supporting them.

Sir WW2 is story of past leave it... the day US said they want to negotiate with Taliban and like even now they are desperate to hit a deal with talibs for their exist, it totally reflects that they lost the battle Talib still exists in those lands and they failed to eliminate their enemy ,even after a decade. Us has lost it, they can nuke at best to claim victory but thanks to informed world now no one let that happen so easily

guerrilla warfare approach that was selected by talibs and I guess it worked well for them, imo there is no bravery in, face to face fight in war when you know aggressor is at power, that's crap to say they hide or this an that, it's war it have no rules deal with it.
It seems most repliers didn't read the article. Hardware and technology are not enough to win wars. Moral and mental factors are more important. Also war is very unpredictable. I can name many wars where the "wrong" side won because the more powerful side thought it was untouchable.
It seems most repliers didn't read the article. Hardware and technology are not enough to win wars. Moral and mental factors are more important. Also war is very unpredictable. I can name many wars where the "wrong" side won because the more powerful side thought it was untouchable.

In the airforce and navy, they tend to be enough to decimate the less equipped side. The army can be different due to the guerilla factor, however when in these comparisons: people are only considering conventional military assets.

And are you referring to the Israeli - Arab wars? It was superior strategy and hardware quality that was on the Israelis side.
The most important thing is quality. They make the best military tech and have that in large numbers.

Not only technology, they know how best to use this technology to get the best results. US Armed Forces are the most well drilled Forces in the world. They train for warfares in every scenario whether sea, water, land, arctic or the desert. The amount of resources spent to train each and every one of their soldier is staggering. Their soldiers are disciplined, well trained, motivated and most importantly equipped with the best equipment that money can buy. The only reason they have not won in Iraq or Afghanistan is due to self restraint. Lets be honest for a second here, the US can obliterate both Iraq and Afghanistan with conventional weapons alone.
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