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The most powerful fighters in the world.. F-22 Raptor, F-35 and Rafale protect the UAE from the Houthi militia

Looool that's how's yiu don't underatad jews. Passport is a piece of paper. Jews in America are totally Israeli and then American. On that note there is no point with this conversation

We just happen to disagree. Its all about the angle of perception.

To your assertion. There is nothing that prevents muslims from implementing wiser strategies and tactics. Jews simply outmanouvered Arabs and Turks. Whos fault is that?

I hope you understand what i am really trying to say.
The commander of the US Central Command, General Kenneth McKenzie, said the US recently decided to deploy F-22 Raptor aircraft to the UAE amid missile and drone attacks by Houthi rebels.
Last week, US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said the Pentagon would deploy combat aircraft and the USS Cole guided missile destroyer to help the UAE fight regional threats.

"Over the next week or so, we will be bringing in a squadron of F-22 fighter jets, the best air superiority fighters in the world," McKenzie said in an interview with the Emirates News Agency. It will work alongside Emirates aircraft to help defend the country.”

Earlier, France said it would deploy its Rafale fighters in the UAE for aerial reconnaissance missions and to defend the country's airspace against threats from drones and missiles.

And French Defense Minister Florence Parly announced on Twitter that Paris would provide military support to protect Emirati airspace from intrusion. "The UAE was the victim of serious attacks on its soil in January," Parly wrote on Twitter.

France has a permanent military base in Abu Dhabi and maintains strong economic and political relations with it. Paris also signed a landmark deal with the United Arab Emirates and agreed to sell 80 Rafale combat aircraft to the Emirates in December, the largest export deal ever for any French company.

Israel, the only country to operate F-35s in the Middle East, has also provided security and intelligence support to the UAE. “We stand ready to provide security and intelligence support to the UAE in order to help it protect its citizens from similar attacks,” Bennett wrote. I have ordered the Israeli security establishment to provide any assistance to its counterparts in the UAE.”

Meanwhile, the US mission in the UAE issued a warning to Americans in the country about reports of new missile attacks or possible marches in Abu Dhabi.

The embassy said: “There are reports of a possible missile or drone attack on Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. The Embassy advises US citizens to immediately follow the safety procedures listed below and to remain alert in the event of future attacks.”


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If you need this kind fighters to protect your self from donkey with sandals, you are the biggest failure of the middle east.
If you need this kind fighters to protect your self from donkey with sandals, you are the biggest failure of the middle east.

The weakness of Arab millitary doctrine is the failure to implement irregular militia doctrine which Iran has done so successfully.

Iran has both conventional and asymetric forces and there lies its advantage against the Gulf.
The weakness of Arab millitary doctrine is the failure to implement irregular militia doctrine which Iran has done so successfully.

Iran has both conventional and asymetric forces and there lies its advantage against the Gulf.

Nonsense. The conventional firepower of all combined Arab armies could flatten tiny Iran (in comparison) within hours. Just take a look at the firepower available for small GCC states alone such as Qatar and UAE. It is absolutely ridiculous.

It is a joke/insult to compare 500 million Arabs and the Arab world with tiny Iran in comparison. No offense.


Last time I checked bro, the most successful irregular militias in the Middle East are Arab in origin, not Iranian. Iran has not fought a single war since they got a beating by the much smaller Iraq (1 single Arab country out of 20) during the Iraq-Iran war. BTW in that war the Iranian Arabs played an important role for Iran to make it even funnier.

Why do you think that their entire foreign policy evolves around proxies? Because they simply do not have any capability to invade a country. Take Yemen as an example, they would not be able to launch such a operation to begin with.

The key thing hereis that Iran is a sanctioned and impoverished entity ruled by a rabid Iranian Mullah regime whose Mullah's proudly claim Arab ancestry (see their black turbans and surnames) that has nothing to lose financially in case a war erupts, as they are already a pariah and have beenthat for 40+ years.

On the other hand the GCC alone are almost a 3 trillion USD economy with trillions of assets and great relations with all world powers. Iran cannot win a war against KSA (KSA alone is 1.5 times the size of Iran) let alone the GCC combined which would not stand alone (Arab World and other powerful allies).

KSA/GCC has no interest in any wars, rather stability and economic growth is preferred and this has been the modus operandi for decades, even more so now with new young rulers at the helm and even more so given the growth on all fronts.

Lastly, the usual trolling here is not surprising. UAE does not NEED this help, however which idiot, in particular if you are a small country like the UAE, would refuse help from allies? The UAE is not KSA neither in size, population, military power or reliance on tourism.
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Nonsense. The conventional firepower of all combined Arab armies could flatten tiny Iran (in comparison) within hours. Just take a look at the firepower available for small GCC states alone such as Qatar and UAE. It is absolutely ridiculous.

It is a joke/insult to compare 500 million Arabs and the Arab world with tiny Iran in comparison. No offense.

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Last time I checked bro, the most successful irregular militias in the Middle East are Arab in origin, not Iranian. Iran has not fought a single war since they got a beating by the much smaller Iraq (1 single Arab country out of 20) during the Iraq-Iran war. BTW in that war the Iranian Arabs played an important role for Iran to make it even funnier.

Why do you think that their entire foreign policy evolves around proxies? Because they simply do not have any capability to invade a country. Take Yemen as an example, they would not be able to launch such a operation to begin with.

The key thing hereis that Iran is a sanctioned and impoverished entity ruled by a rabid Iranian Mullah regime whose Mullah's proudly claim Arab ancestry (see their black turbans and surnames) that has nothing to lose financially in case a war erupts, as they are already a pariah and have beenthat for 40+ years.

On the other hand the GCC alone are almost a 3 trillion USD economy with trillions of assets and great relations with all world powers. Iran cannot win a war against KSA (KSA alone is 1.5 times the size of Iran) let alone the GCC combined which would not stand alone (Arab World and other powerful allies).

KSA/GCC has no interest in any wars, rather stability and economic growth is preferred and this has been the modus operandi for decades, even more so now with new young rulers at the helm and even more so given the growth on all fronts.

Lastly, the usual trolling here is not surprising. UAE does not NEED this help, however which idiot, in particular if you are a small country like the UAE, would refuse help from allies? The UAE is not KSA neither in size, population, military power or reliance on tourism.

Bro i wasnt saying Iranians have better figters or have better army and tech. Which imo is clear that they dont have.

Arabs as a people have a fighting spirit that cannot be compared with ethnic iranians. Arabs also have far more advanced conventional millitary power.

BUT the issue here is that Arabs are NOT in a conventional war with Iran. Iranians are playing a assymetric war. A guerilla war is very hard to win for conventional armies. US defeat in Afghanistan is the latest example.

Thats the problem you have to deal with. Iranians are using Arab Yemeni, Iraqi and Lebanese irregular millitias. Wether its the right thing to do or best strategy is not up me to judge. But the results speaks for itself: Iran have through these proxies waived a significant influence that they otherwise wouldnt be able to. Its a fact that Hezbollah is creating problems for Israel and Houthis are doing the same in UAE and Saudi Arabia.

I am not choosing sides here, just giving my observations.

In order to win a guerilla warfare, you usually have to have your own guerilla that can fight for you. In that way you can check your opponent and keep them bogged down.
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Protect my a$$. Emaratis are having their installations blown up by Yemeni Mujahideen while Saudis were getting their foot soldiers getting crunched in Yemen until they took em out

Saudis have no forces on the ground... It is just the yemeni armed forces crushing the Houthis

The commander of the US Central Command, General Kenneth McKenzie, said the US recently decided to deploy F-22 Raptor aircraft to the UAE amid missile and drone attacks by Houthi rebels.
Last week, US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said the Pentagon would deploy combat aircraft and the USS Cole guided missile destroyer to help the UAE fight regional threats.

"Over the next week or so, we will be bringing in a squadron of F-22 fighter jets, the best air superiority fighters in the world," McKenzie said in an interview with the Emirates News Agency. It will work alongside Emirates aircraft to help defend the country.”

Earlier, France said it would deploy its Rafale fighters in the UAE for aerial reconnaissance missions and to defend the country's airspace against threats from drones and missiles.

And French Defense Minister Florence Parly announced on Twitter that Paris would provide military support to protect Emirati airspace from intrusion. "The UAE was the victim of serious attacks on its soil in January," Parly wrote on Twitter.

France has a permanent military base in Abu Dhabi and maintains strong economic and political relations with it. Paris also signed a landmark deal with the United Arab Emirates and agreed to sell 80 Rafale combat aircraft to the Emirates in December, the largest export deal ever for any French company.

Israel, the only country to operate F-35s in the Middle East, has also provided security and intelligence support to the UAE. “We stand ready to provide security and intelligence support to the UAE in order to help it protect its citizens from similar attacks,” Bennett wrote. I have ordered the Israeli security establishment to provide any assistance to its counterparts in the UAE.”

Meanwhile, the US mission in the UAE issued a warning to Americans in the country about reports of new missile attacks or possible marches in Abu Dhabi.

The embassy said: “There are reports of a possible missile or drone attack on Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. The Embassy advises US citizens to immediately follow the safety procedures listed below and to remain alert in the event of future attacks.”


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qouting an anti UAE article
Gain some knowledge but I guess you better stick to business and evading tax, that's what you guys are good at.
Yes its necessary to feed the bhukey nangay so they can praise their Persian and white masters :lol:
Yes its necessary to feed the bhukey nangay so they can praise their Persian and white masters :lol:

Whatever you say mate but you guys should just focus on business and fooling the FBR. Yemeni Ansarullah Mujahideen will keep up their work.

Also, your hatred for them being Shias is foolish. They're Zaydi Shias who follow Fiqh Hanafi and follow the political ideology of Shias of Zayd whom they believe as 5th Imam.
The commander of the US Central Command, General Kenneth McKenzie, said the US recently decided to deploy F-22 Raptor aircraft to the UAE amid missile and drone attacks by Houthi rebels.
Last week, US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said the Pentagon would deploy combat aircraft and the USS Cole guided missile destroyer to help the UAE fight regional threats.

"Over the next week or so, we will be bringing in a squadron of F-22 fighter jets, the best air superiority fighters in the world," McKenzie said in an interview with the Emirates News Agency. It will work alongside Emirates aircraft to help defend the country.”

Earlier, France said it would deploy its Rafale fighters in the UAE for aerial reconnaissance missions and to defend the country's airspace against threats from drones and missiles.

And French Defense Minister Florence Parly announced on Twitter that Paris would provide military support to protect Emirati airspace from intrusion. "The UAE was the victim of serious attacks on its soil in January," Parly wrote on Twitter.

France has a permanent military base in Abu Dhabi and maintains strong economic and political relations with it. Paris also signed a landmark deal with the United Arab Emirates and agreed to sell 80 Rafale combat aircraft to the Emirates in December, the largest export deal ever for any French company.

Israel, the only country to operate F-35s in the Middle East, has also provided security and intelligence support to the UAE. “We stand ready to provide security and intelligence support to the UAE in order to help it protect its citizens from similar attacks,” Bennett wrote. I have ordered the Israeli security establishment to provide any assistance to its counterparts in the UAE.”

Meanwhile, the US mission in the UAE issued a warning to Americans in the country about reports of new missile attacks or possible marches in Abu Dhabi.

The embassy said: “There are reports of a possible missile or drone attack on Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. The Embassy advises US citizens to immediately follow the safety procedures listed below and to remain alert in the event of future attacks.”


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I am personally offended. Why did UAE brothers not ask PAF to provide air defence to them. Must they rely on Gora, Westerners and ebil Americans.

What happened to brown Muslim brotherhood?
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