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The mob mentality that prevents things improving for Pakistan's minorities

Ideally the Muslim should come in front and apologise for crime done by there ancestors and free our land. We will provide them equal size of land anywhere they want.

These sites have no significance in Islam. None of these place in India has anything to do with Prophet Muhammad or his family.

Edited: It was a trap...


Sir temple is still their they took a empty land and build a temple there yes you are unbeaten ruled for thousands of years and unbeaten :rofl::rofl:

If they want build their temple they can buy a land and built temple their no problem with that

We will discuss in some relevant thread...
What can we say, it is the Religion of Peace after all :angel:

Sometimes Pakistanis become so passionate about being peaceful, they end up killing a few minorities as well as some of their own religion too in all their peaceful pursuits :lol:
What can we say, it is the Religion of Peace after all :angel:

Sometimes Pakistanis become so passionate about being peaceful, they end up killing a few minorities as well as some of their own religion too in all their peaceful pursuits :lol:

Few minority??? Dude which world you are in??? The non-Muslims have declined to 2% from 20% (Ansar Burmi ). Christian run to USA and Hindu run towards India.

Ahmedi are declared non-Muslim , There life has no value (Abdul Salam, Nobel leurate). Muslim are stopped and killed if they have shia name (Jung, Dawn)..

In Pakistan, its not few..

In India we can say, few minorities get manhandled sometime... but for Pakistan we can't say that. Pakistani constitution is base of discrimination (Ansar Burni, Hassan Nissar). The Minorities are discriminated by constitution, then what can you expect form common mob???

I will tell you a story: Once a shia killer was presented in court,the judge tried to covered his face, he looked to Judge and said "I know who you are and where your kids study" (NAzam sethi, Jung, Hassan Nissar). The Shia killer was released (lack of evidence)...
How can we be mercifull to hindus after gujraat and babri masjid incident
How can we be mercifull to hindus after gujraat and babri masjid incident

:lol: you are going to beat up Pakistani hindus because of something Indian Hindus did ??? then you should be perfectly fine with the world treating all muslims as terrorists because of the acts of a few Muslims .. Right ??
How can we be mercifull to hindus after gujraat and babri masjid incident

Sitting in UK crying for India.. Why don't you focusing to provide some quality in society in which you are living???

@ being merciful on Hindus: Same Hindus were your anscestors, if not Hindu then some Parsi or Pagan. Show some respect to your anscestors.. Conversion doesn't mean forgeting your identity..
Indians on purpose post these kind of threads to promote non ending trolling which eventually will come down to babri mosque demolition by hindus.

It is true it has been reported worldwide, instead of blaming Indians why do not Pakistanis clean their backyard. Do u deny it did not happen.?
The venomous hate for minorities (sects or religions) is taught inside mosques and madersahs (who are supported by religious parties and NGOs) ... they are the root cause of all the evil in this country , if we will not introduce draconian discriminatory laws there is no end.

wtf is this if minorities commit blasphemy they can be killed by law however if the majority holy cows does some thing there is no protection .. this is highly hypocritical of this nations ... we see even western expat Pakistanis supporting stupid bigotry , what if they were treated the same in their home country ??
How can we be mercifull to hindus after gujraat and babri masjid incident

But we still got Hindus fleeing Pakistan instead of being the other way round. Care to explain.

It is not mob mentality, the reason is state religon of Pakistan. Minorities are on receiving in countries like BD also.
Pakistanis are just aping what has been parcticed in Arabs countries for years. We don't notice all in Arab lands because there is hardly any minortiy living there.
Arabs also teach their kids to hate Hindus,christians and jews. So pakistan have done nothing wrong they are just practising what is written in their religon.
Few minority??? Dude which world you are in??? The non-Muslims have declined to 2% from 20% (Ansar Burmi ). Christian run to USA and Hindu run towards India.

Ahmedi are declared non-Muslim , There life has no value (Abdul Salam, Nobel leurate). Muslim are stopped and killed if they have shia name (Jung, Dawn)..

In Pakistan, its not few..

In India we can say, few minorities get manhandled sometime... but for Pakistan we can't say that. Pakistani constitution is base of discrimination (Ansar Burni, Hassan Nissar). The Minorities are discriminated by constitution, then what can you expect form common mob???

I will tell you a story: Once a shia killer was presented in court,the judge tried to covered his face, he looked to Judge and said "I know who you are and where your kids study" (NAzam sethi, Jung, Hassan Nissar). The Shia killer was released (lack of evidence)...
Sir first of all they were only 3 percent in this Pakistan when Bangladesh was part of Pakistan at that time minorities were around 20 % so first get your facts right
Sir first of all they were only 3 percent in this Pakistan when Bangladesh was part of Pakistan at that time minorities were around 20 % so first get your facts right

Assume you are right, what about my other claims, are they correct or they too are flawed???
Assume you are right, what about my other claims, are they correct or they too are flawed???
Yes Sir minorities face some problem in Pakistan but mostly it is exaggerated by those who always had a problem with Pakistan in your country minorities face hell of problems

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