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The Lesser Know US Naval Services


Oct 24, 2012
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When you talk about US military. 4 branches always comes into people minds. They are

United States Army
United States Air Force
United States Navy
United States Marine

However, little do people know, actually there are 7 Uniformed Armed Service within the US Military, 1 more people usually heard of, especially if you had watched "The Guardian" and 2 more are virtually NEVER even know it's existence, even to American.

United States Coast Guard



Technically it's not an Armed Force per say and neither do they belong to the Department of Navy in Peace Time, the history of US Coast Guard bored in the Department of Treasury, where it's main role are maritime law enforcement. Believe it or not, the first duty they were assigned to is to chase down smuggler and people who avoided taxes. Back then when they are formed, air travel is not as popular and as affordable as now, hence the USCG was borne.

However, after WW2, there is a need to form a unified Naval Command to try to push the USCG and USMC into the Navy Department. But the deal fell thru and USCG remain in US Treasury Department until 1962 when they were transferred to Transport Department. And finally in light of 9-11, USCG were once again transfer to Department of Homeland Security in 2002

In Wartime, USCG will be folded into the command structure of US Navy, while the Navy deal with the Blue water matter (ie, open ocean) and the USCG took care of the inland water navy role of the USN. It helps the Normandy landing by manning landing ships and have been actively patrolling the Mekong delta during Vietnam war.

US Revenue Cutter Service merged with US Life Saving Service in 1915 into the modern United States Coast Guard

Little know fact.

USCG wear the same utilities than the US Navy (Blue Overall and now NWU) but they have a different Dress Uniform, While the Navy wear Dress white and Dress Black. USCG wear Dress Whit and Dress Blue. They uses the same rank as with the Navy but without the rating with the Enlisted rank

@Reashot Xigwin

at http://www.defence.pk/forums/china-far-east/249971-vietnam-patrols-spratly-islands-su-30-mkv-2.html

USCG boat DOES NOT CARRY MISSILE or VLS system, the vessel you quote have a 57mm bofor gun, CWIS, M240 Machine gun and M2 Machine gun. All USCG Boat only have defensive armament onboard, some vessel are unarmed. (like the polar class ice breaker)

National Security Cutter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Commissioned Corps




NOAA Corp in short, the reason why NOAA Corp exist is because then president Thomas Jefferson do not want these NOAA man, which survey in nature be tried as spy and get executed during war. Thus, the then Survey officer are all commissioned to Military Officer to gain POW status if captured in War.

NOAA main job is to survey the sea and chart the ocean, they were a part of U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey when they were formed. They were to deploy at war to survey the sea and maintain log so that the Navy know which ship can cross which sound and not to run aground.

In Peacetime, however, these NOAA guy are tasked for scientific research on maritime engineering, marine biology and marine science. One major take they perform now is to implement a buoy system act as an early warning system of tsunami.

Every NOAA member is a Commissioned Officer. They have their own Aviation branch which flew some Military (P-3 Orion) or Civilian Aircraft (Cessna Citation or Gulfstream Jet) Also operate on active Navy ship and maintain a fleet of Ex-Naval Ship as surveillance ship.

Little know fact about NOAA Corp.

They are all Commissioned Officer, so if a NOAA officer deployed into Navy, he or she would have same rank and command ability as with any male/female officer on board a navy ship. Due to its naval characteristic, they dress in Naval Uniform (Both field and Dress) and have the same rank an interchangeable with any Naval officer in their field.

The only different between the NOAA and the Navy is, NOAA attend BOTC (Basic Officer Training Corp) and they were all degree or above qualified and There are no Enlist element of NOAA. While Naval candidate often Attend Naval Academy in IN or NROTC and may or may not be professional qualified.

NOAA Corps

United States Public Health Service Commissioned Corps



USPHS in short. USPHS is a former Marine Medical Service somewhere around 1871 and operate to and form different coastal States service Merchant Marine sailor. However, soon enough with enough expanding, and enough migrant, USPHS, then know as Marine Medical Service, expand its role to safeguard the Medical health services of the United States, by putting up onshore quarantine station to make sure the new incoming is of sound health before releasing them into the mainland US.

With Civil war break out, many more medical health professional is needed to serve in the battlefield and normal army medicine personnel are not enough to go around, the then Surgeon General were appointed Supervising Surgeon of Union States, thus evolving the USPHS into Military Medicine.

In recent development, USPHS is under the Department of Human and Health Service (HHS) which is the same service that oversee the CDC. and the contribution of USPHS today include a surgeon general in CDC, manned the USNS Mercy and USNS Hope naval Hospital Ship and also nation wide health care program.

USPHS employ both officer and civilian employee. Its role include everything medical form Doctor to Nurse and to specialist.

USPHS, same as NOAA Corp, are an officer only corp.

Little know fact with USPHS.

They have a deep maritime relation contributed them to wear the US Naval uniform. However, they should not be confused with USN medical personnel where those doctor are combat trained and can be forward deployed. While the USPHS is not combat trained and hence they cannot be deployed in front line. They usually resident in USNS vessel not USN vessel for this matter.

An all Officer corps.

U.S. Public Health Service Home
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@Reashot Xigwin

at http://www.defence.pk/forums/china-far-east/249971-vietnam-patrols-spratly-islands-su-30-mkv-2.html

USCG boat DOES NOT CARRY MISSILE or VLS system, the vessel you quote have a 57mm bofor gun, CWIS, M240 Machine gun and M2 Machine gun. All USCG Boat only have defensive armament onboard, some vessel are unarmed. (like the polar class ice breaker)

National Security Cutter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You summoned me? I never mention that the USCG have any missile on their boat. I merely pointed out to Visom whom doesn't seems to know that a Coast Guard ship can have a mounted gun.
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Just Saying USCG is a defensive force with no Offensive weapon.

If you have a Frigate in your group that is not a standard Coast Guard
As FRAMmed in the 1980s under Reagan, the Hamilton class got 1xOto 76mm, 2x 324mm triple ASW torpedo tubes, 2x4 Harpoon, 1x Phalanx CIWS with associated radar and sonar fit. For all intent and purpose, it was turned into a frigate. The new 4k+ tons NSC can very easily be turned into a frigate.



They always proposed all kind of upgrade and up-whatever version of the same class of ship, ship company wanted to sell them not only to Coast Guard in the world but also navies.

Once they received offensive armament, they will be transfer out of the Coast Guard and enter Navy littoral combat ship. However, in time of war, they will probably got transfer back to the Coast Guard as they will be folded into the Navy.....
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