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The Kurds of PYD/PKK in ethnic cleansing of non-Kurds in Syria.

Apr 22, 2013
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By deliberately demolishing civilian homes, in some cases razing and burning entire villages, displacing their inhabitants with no justifiable military grounds, the Autonomous Administration is abusing its authority and brazenly flouting international humanitarian law, in attacks that amount to war crimes,” said Lama Fakih, Senior Crisis Advisor at Amnesty International.


Satellite images obtained by Amnesty International illustrate the scale of the demolitions in Husseiniya village, in Tel Hamees countryside. The images show 225 buildings standing in June 2014 but only 14 remaining in June 2015a shocking reduction of 93.8%.


In February 2015, the Autonomous Administration’s military wing, the YPG (the People’s Protection Units), took control of the area, which had been under IS control, and began demolitions, displacing villagers...

“They pulled us out of our homes and began burning the home… they brought the bulldozers... They demolished home after home until the entire village was destroyed,” said one witness.

In villages south of the town of Suluk, some residents said YPG fighters had accused them of supporting IS and threatened to shoot them if they did not leave.


Is there any one who can claim PKK/PYD/YPG is any better than ISIS?

Is there any one who can claim YPG/PKK/PYD is fighting against terrorism for humanitarian reasons?

Is there any one who can claim PYD/PKK/YPG do not commit war crimes and violate int. laws?

Then Why to support them?
Following the demonstrations, some protesters including a political bureau and members of the Kurdish Union Party were arrested by PYD militants.

Biro said on Wednesday the PYD is violating human rights and Western nations are ignoring their actions.

"They’re exploiting the [international] fight against the DAESH terrorist group to attack their opponents," he said.

"We will not remain silent about the PYD’s aggression against our people. The Kurds of Syria didn’t revolt against Damascus just to bring another dictator.”


They use the USA support not only to fight against ISIS, but also to commit deadly crimes against who ever stands against their agenda.
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Based on information provided by local and international organizations, Human Rights Watch compiled a list of 59 children, 10 of them under 15, who were allegedly recruited by or volunteered for YPG or YPJ forces since July 2014. Human Rights Watch confirmed seven of these cases by speaking directly with the children’s relatives.

“My daughter went to school and was taken from there by a group of YPJ,” a father of a 14-year-old girl near Qamishli said. “We knew nothing about her until a YPJ commander called and informed us that she had joined YPJ.” ''

Look, its simple, thanks to sectarian war going haywire, the ultimate sustainable result is only ethnic or sectarian devide of both Syria and Iraq. Kurds effectively have a free country in north however, Iraqis should let them go for the sake of themselves,Syrians,Turks and the Iranis. A free Kurdistan, A sunni Iraq bordering KSA and A shia Iraq bordering Iran seems like the only solution to the problem. Kurdistan is even more essential because having a free and defined border of Kurdistan would help in maintaining the insurgencies in Border regions. Otherwise the greater Kurdistan will always remain alive and troublesome for the above countries.

Terrorizing everybody for the agenda without caring human rights, laws is not ignored by any human being or country who have those rights and laws serious.
Look, its simple, thanks to sectarian war going haywire, the ultimate sustainable result is only ethnic or sectarian devide of both Syria and Iraq. Kurds effectively have a free country in north however, Iraqis should let them go for the sake of themselves,Syrians,Turks and the Iranis. A free Kurdistan, A sunni Iraq bordering KSA and A shia Iraq bordering Iran seems like the only solution to the problem. Kurdistan is even more essential because having a free and defined border of Kurdistan would help in maintaining the insurgencies in Border regions. Otherwise the greater Kurdistan will always remain alive and troublesome for the above countries.
Why allow a Kurdistan that even Kurds in Turkey dont aspire to? Sure, let's allow a 'Kurdistan' that will only serve as a proxy/vassal state of the US and others. Pkk/ypg do not even represent the average Kurd as this organization is Marxist and has nothing to do with islam, which is the religion of most Kurds, who by the way are conservative muslims, even more than Turks in general. Other non-violent Kurdish organizations are suppressed by the pkk. There's more to be said, but if you dont know the reality on the ground in Turkey and only follow pkk and western media, then it's waste of time and no wonder that you make such a comment.
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