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The JH7B---Rashid Minhas---Navy Frigates---Less Subs

You haven't said anything that is not generally known. PAF also rejected the J-10, the Rafale, MiG-29s among many other aircraft. Doesn't mean that the PAF cannot be wrong. But you've branched out - your original contention was low level strike is obsolete. Now you've tempered it down to JH-7 being obsolete. After the JH-7, a JH-7A was built, and there is speculation of a JH-7B. Which was what Mastan Khan wrote about.

Since you are a professional in the field, and conduct low level strike missions, please do give us a more informative post about your role and technical information. Right now you've simply posted at the level of a newbie. Tell us, for instance, why the Rafale is so dangerous as a low level strike aircraft. Since you said that low level strike is obsolete, perhaps you can add the bit about how the Rafale was falsely designed with an obsolete role in mind, etc.
J10 was not rejected simply PAF doesn't has the finances to justify the j10...if it get 36 j10 the question would be to get the additional 100 thunders first..
But jh-7 is completely outdated...better spend that money on updating the block 3 engine and load
Get CFTs a 100kn engine slight increase in wing span and you will get thunder which can carry 3 antiship without fuel tank(vs 2 these days)...commonality and multiple role advantage to face the IN airarm which might get rafales as well
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