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The Indian Sage who developed Atomic Theory 2,600 years ago

It was a THEORY ( aka a Hypotheisis ) Period.
Based on "Observations" Theories CAN be carved, Verifying them is alltogether a different realm.

Intelligent Individuals on PDF may not recognize it, but Morons like Einstein do :


So this quote vindicates existence of theory of relativity 1000s of years ago ? How stupid of you to think like that !
Do not reveal what you have thought upon doing, but by wise council keep it secret being determined to carry it into execution.
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the scythian who invented electric battery , for religious festivals :

Baghdad Battery - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The term Baghdad Battery is used to refer to three artifacts which were found together: a ceramic pot, a tube of one metal, and a rod of another. The current interpretation of their purpose is as a storage vessel for sacred scrolls from nearby Seleucia on the Tigris. Those vessels do not have the outermost clay jar, but are otherwise almost identical.[2][a]

Wilhelm König was a professional painter who was an assistant at the National Museum of Iraq in the 1930s. When he returned to Germany in 1940 he authored a paper offering the hypothesis that they may have formed a galvanic cell, perhaps used forelectroplating gold onto silver objects.[2][3] This interpretation is generally rejected today.[4][5]

In March 2012, Professor Elizabeth Stone, of Stony Brook University, an expert on Iraqi archaeology, returning from the first archaeological expedition in Iraq after 20 years, stated that she does not know a single archaeologist who believed that these were batteries.[6][7]
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No one has seen atom, it is called "atomic theory", like a philosophy.

Now atomic theory is not given importance, because particle and quantum nature of matter cannot explain most of the properties of the universe. Now a new theory is being proposed called "String theory".

And this string theory is similar to what Kapila Maharshi proposed long time ago.

String theory has been superceded by Super string theory, which has also been superseeced by M theory. String theory is old school now brother :)
. . .
String theory has been superceded by Super string theory, which has also been superseeced by M theory. String theory is old school now brother :)

You are not getting my point, The point here is that the guidance is there in the scriptures.

These theories are philosophies backed with mathematical equations plus some observations to back them up.
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Newton's law of universal gravitation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Understand exactly WHAT he was credited with. This is unreal.

PDF, a military forum, has members who has trouble understanding high school science. Time for me, a color blind man to join a fashion forum.
I don't want to discuss anything about it and that too with a Chinese poster who doesn't know the background of this story.I was quite good in Physics and i know exactly what i wrote in the above post.
Btw,if you really want to know the whole story then you should probably read about the ancient Indian astronomer and mathematician Aryabhatta and his discovery of the Laws of Gravitation mre than a thousand years before Sir Issac Newton:coffee:!!
Aryabhatta knew about gravity before Isaac Newton: ex-ISRO chief G Madhavan Nair - The Economic Times
Aryabhatta discovered gravity before Newton, says former ISRO chief G Madhavan Nair - Firstpost
You are not getting my point, The point here is the guidance is there in the scriptures.

These theories are philosophies backed with mathematical equations plus some observations to back them up.

No no, I get your point. I for sure know that we have theorized many things of present way before they were even thought of. I am waiting for a day when we actually get some solid prrof to back that up.
So this quote vindicates existence of theory of relativity 1000s of years ago ? How stupid of you to think like that !

Well, Stupidity lies in the fact , that "you think" you can read my mind.
The Quote merely signifies the credit of Indian mathematics and related "scientific" achievements ( of that period ).
Well, Stupidity lies in the fact , that "you think" you can read my mind.
The Quote merely signifies the credit of Indian mathematics and related "scientific" achievements ( of that period ).

:lol: :lol:

another stupid indian trying to make a sense of their hubris history !
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