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The Indian army must refrain from retributive violence in Manipur


Sep 20, 2014
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The Indian army must refrain from retributive violence in Manipur
Such operations have rarely achieved any objective except for renewing the cycle of violence.
Kishalay Bhattacharjee · Today · 09:05 am

Photo Credit:Parth Sanyal/Reuters
When the Indian government announces the launch of a military operation in response to an insurgent attack, it is an ominous piece of news in Manipur. Thursday's attack was one of the most deadly peacetime assaults on the army in almost three decades. A convoy of four vehicles carrying troops proceeding on leave was ambushed in a well-planned operation that employed rocket-propelled grenades. At least eight bodies were charred beyond recognition.

Given the severity of the attack on Thursday that killed 20 soldiers of the 6th Battalion Dogra Regiment, the counter attack promises to be just as vicious. If recent history is anything to go by, the military operation could end up targeting civilians while achieving little. It is absurd to think that the perpetrators of Thursday’s attack would be sitting for the army to apprehend them. By now they must have crossed over to Myanmar, given that is where they operate.

Military operations in the past have often been retributive in nature. Operation Bluebird is a case in point. Launched on July 11, 1987, it is known in the North East as the infamous “Oinam Massacre”, considered to be one of the worst examples of human-right abuses in India.

Civilians are tortured

According to anAmnesty International report, civilians were maimed, tortured and raped after the military launched an operation following an attack by National Socialist Council of Nagaland militants on Assam Rifles’ Oinam outpost, 95 kilometres north of Imphal . Nine soldiers were killed and the militants escaped with large amount of guns and ammunition.

Operation Bluebird was launched to nab the militants and recover the firearms. Instead, they carried out unprecedented excesses in Oinam and neighbouring villages for three months.

The villagers were forced to make food for the soldiers till they exhausted their supplies. Reminiscent of Mizoram and Nagaland operations of the '60s and '70s, villagers were grouped into virtual jails and harassed. Pregnant women were allegedly kicked and abused and forced to deliver still-born babies as the soldiers watched. Men were hung upside down and women buried to their necks.

The village headmen were blindfolded and executed with their hands tied behind their backs. Nobody knows how many people were killed because Oinam was put out of bounds for local authorities too. Even the chief minister couldn’t stop the excesses. The draconian Armed Forces Special Powers Act had never been used with such brutality as never before. The Act truly granted the army immunity from any prosecution.

Operation Summer Storm

As recently as 2009, when the 57 Mountain Division of the Indian Army launched the ambitious Operation Summer Storm, the army called it a “huge success”. I had covered the operation. It was dramatic in the manner it was carried out but in no way a dramatic success. Only Twelve militants were killed and five camps were busted. In terms of number and weapons recovered, it perhaps did not justify the cost involved.

Almost a decade ago, another such operation was launched in Lakhipathar in Assam, where the ULFA had killed some army soldiers. The operation they claimed was deep inside the jungle but they could not show any results. I was covering the operation and the military detained us illegally snatching our equipment.

We were paraded in front of some villagers and were accused of being militant informers. It is a long story but underlines how serious army operations are sometimes so callously driven. Such operations have rarely achieved any objective except for renewing the cycle of violence.

The army has hardly ever admitted to the excesses they are accused of. But if it recognises the futility of retribution this time, it should refrain from taking out its anger on civilians.

The Indian army must refrain from retributive violence in Manipur
If you refrain you will allow the insurgency to be cultivated. I recommend going in hard now and creating lots of collateral damage.
If you refrain you will allow the insurgency to be cultivated. I recommend going in hard now and creating lots of collateral damage.
But Is'nt it good if they refrain . More sepratist movement's mean good for us.


Thus IA would never get captured and Beheaded by Terrorist.
I beg to differ.

But haven't indian army troops been beheaded in nagaland and Assam
But Is'nt it good if they refrain . More sepratist movement's mean good for us.

I beg to differ.

But haven't indian army troops been beheaded in nagaland and Assam
You must be confusing Pak troops or FF with Indian Army.... Plz provide the source when Indian Army troops were Beheaded in North East.
Its their tradition

NAGA regiment Soldiers Beheaded many captured Infiltrators during Kargil war.
And with that you simply proved your Maj.Kalia was beheaded by your own troops. Cheers
And with that you simply proved your Maj.Kalia was beheaded by your own troops. Cheers
they dont behead deads..and nowdays they dont behead anyone at all..their culture was like mauri culture...war dance before battle,beheading the enemy in battle and then eating the body.....they havent done anything like that for atleast 1 century.
they dont behead deads..and nowdays they dont behead anyone at all..their culture was like mauri culture...war dance before battle,beheading the enemy in battle and then eating the body.....they havent done anything like that for atleast 1 century.
oh sure they changed , they became civilized !. I mean they are settlers from the great Indian space age.
They are absolutely peaceful people. All of India is a peaceful nation with sweet and rosy people.

I must say that i mistook India NOT !!!

India: Man beheaded in ritual sacrifice for a better harvest

Indian boy, 5, beheaded in suspected child sacrifice - Business Insider

Child Beheaded In India As Part Of Ritual Sacrifice : News : Headlines & Global News

A Child And A 55-Year-Old Man Have Been Beheaded As Ritualistic Sacrifice In India
Indian boy, 5, beheaded in suspected child sacrifice - Business Insider
i was taliking about the nagas,all these are related to fake BABAS who use religion to fool people and illiterates believe them.
And with that you simply proved your Maj.Kalia was beheaded by your own troops. Cheers
No That simply proved you are making a fool out of yourself.

Have some basic Knowledge before you debate firstly he was not a Major secondly He was Not Beheaded.

And Here is an excerpt from war Reporters who covered kargil war

Men from the Naga regiment, for example, decapitated the Pakistanis when they reached the heights where the intruders had established themselves; they even took photographs of themselves posing with the heads. In 'Guns and Yellow Roses', a collection of essays on the Kargil war, Sankarshan Thakur wrote:

"Troops of the Naga and Jat regiments told us quite plainly they had killed a few intruders they had captured alive in the heights above Drass. "It was rage, just rage," one Naga soldier said. "They had killed many of our mates, we were angry. When we got them, we butchered them." As and when they brought bodies of intruders back from the heights, they tied them with ropes and dragged them down. "We had enough load to carry as it was, who was going to bother carrying their bodies? Dragging them down was a favour." There was no sense of guilt or remorse there, just plain retelling; it was as if a fire of emotion had cleansed the act of murder"
P.S:There is a separate Unit in NAGA regiment called Head Hunters

War, peace, and journalism | Reporting conflict | Agenda
Its true that the militants who attacked th military convoy wil not be sitting there to get shot by arMY.And like the reports says there is heavy chance that such military exceses could happen as men in uniform are in rage,so any one they suspect as a militant sympathiser will be treated with extreme contempt.It is basic human nature and no one is a saint unles the troops alreled by good commanders.
Army should send PARA SF and SG beyond borders to conduct cross border surgical strikes to eliminate those responsible.
Torturing of civilians wil only make matters worse
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