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The hopelessly romantic dead poets' society :)

I'm not MIA...I'm doing my job very well.I'm here ,with all o' my being to applaud all the "raunchy stuff" and report as much "decent" stuff that sans romance and hopelessness ,as I can.Now the Chairperson my want to call the moderaters to account for my reporting has not been taken note of as yet.The exquisite piece of poery is still intact owing to their negligence.In that case (as I have not been able to play my role as a HRDPS member) I see myself as an embarassment to the hopeless romantics.

"I see myself as an embarrassment to the hopeless romantics/HRDPS" — :rofl:

Thanks for the acronym, I was getting tired of writing the entire name repeatedly :tup:

Supporting raunchy stuff and reporting decent ones — jaisay aap ki marzi. My pet line: this is :pdf:, just about anything goes.

Which exquisite piece of poetry are you referring to, me want to check it out as well!

Alright people, time for a very powerful piece which I truly admire. Dedicate this to your lost ones. Be it your loved ones, relatives, friends, parents, anyone! The author wrote this for her mother who passed away but I believe that anyone can relate to this for ANY situation. Enjoy!

How I needed you
How I grieve now you're gone
In my dreams I see you
I awake so alone

I know you didn't want to leave
Your heart yearned to stay
But the strength I always loved in you
Finally gave way

Somehow I knew you would leave me this way
Somehow I knew you could never.. never stay
And in the early morning light
After a silent peaceful night
You took my heart away
And I grieve

And somehow I knew you could never, never stay
And somehow I knew you would leave me
And in the early morning light
After a Silent peaceful night
You took my heart away
I wished, I wished you could have stayed[/FONT]


Sir! can i launch

''The hopefully romantic live poet's society''

Yes, you can. Use the new thread option ;)

[P.S.: The title is inspired from the movie The Dead Poets' Society [Sharukh Khan's flick Mohabbatein was inspired from that! Don't worry it isn't about dead poets.]

Jilting of love16

hopelessly i wonder in the Pakistan defense forum,
contribution i make and make.

to no avil to nadja,
I give thanks and applaud to even ranchy stuff.

Give time to report romance and hopelessness,
do mods give a care,

But my poetry is intact mind you,
but it slids into negligence.

Jilted, Jilted I scream out loud in the forum,
in the thread of romantic dead poets.

By jeypore


You so aren't hopeless :rofl: :rofl:

Common Qsaark, I know you can easily understand them. It's just that you folks are doing such a great job in the Urdu department that I'm stuck with the English sector. Great stuff nonetheless, be it in English or Urdu.

Bezerk you are doing a great job in the English dept.! Keep it up!
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Nadja the love guru !!!!!!

where art thou ?


i think HRDPS is good one given by -f16 , why would you promote the raunchy stuf and report the decent stuff ??????
The title is inspired from the movie The Dead Poets' Society [Sharukh Khan's flick Mohabbatein was inspired from that! Don't worry it isn't about dead poets.
Well i am glad you didnt miss that!
Well i am glad you didnt miss that!

Hahahaha... So Mr. Enigmatic dropped by, went through the thread and deemed it prudent to highlight this teensy-weensy comment. So I don't know "if [you'll] do this when [you] retire...", me not "refer[ring] to [your] job below ;-)," but you certainly are "near", obviously "fully farig..." and ready to "create confusions" :woot:

So now what exactly are you glad with? :azn:

And have you run out of your stock of Punjabi poetry... post some :)

(P.S. I haven't watched Mohabbatein or The Dead Poets' Society — just pop culture references that were inspirations ;). Me as unromantic as it can get)

this is an absolutely amazing song....!!

p.s.1. it is weird seeing all the hardcore Nationalist, fundamentalists, fascist, marxists & the rest be so OVER THE TOP ROMANTIC....we should encourage the TALIBAN to do some poetry maybe we can make them soften up and weep and lay down arms....:cheesy:

P.s.2. Nadja jii...kuddos to you that u have made all these hard headed boys show a softer side that people thought didn't exsist!! :chilli::chilli:

p.s.3. I got no P.s.3
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this is an absolutely amazing song....!!

p.s.1. it is weird seeing all the hardcore Nationalist, fundamentalists, fascist, marxists & the rest be so OVER THE TOP ROMANTIC....we should encourage the TALIBAN to do some poetry maybe we can make them soften up and weep and lay down arms....:cheesy:

What say you: should I be part of the anti-Taliban operations? Put some sense into those barbarians ;)

P.s.2. Nadja jii...kuddos to you that u have made all these hard headed boys show a softer side that people thought didn't exsist!! :chilli::chilli:

I take that as a compliment :)

p.s.3. I got no P.s.3

Yes, very pragmatic, she kept PDF in sight, where we have ISI, RAW, FBI, COIN, ANA, FATA.... why not HRDPS, makes this venture sound cool nah ;)

The brilliant idea solely emanates from my clear head and its vivid imagination.:enjoy:
The brilliant idea solely emanates from my clear head and its vivid imagination.:enjoy:

Really, last I checked pragmatism also came from one's top floor :agree:

If you contend otherwise, well jaisay aap ki marzi, this is :pdf:
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A Kiss to build a dream on!!! One of the most fantastic song by Louis:

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And thIS songs is dedicated to all the real unromantics.

WHAT YOU SAY!!!!!!!!

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WHEN I am dead, my dearest,
Sing no sad songs for me:
Plant thou no roses at my head,
Nor shady cypress tree:
Be the green grass above me
With showers and dewdrops wet;
And if thou wilt, remember,
And if thou wilt, forget.

I shall not see the shadows,
I shall not feel the rain;
I shall not hear the nightingale
Sing on, as if in pain;
And dreaming through the twilight
That doth not rise nor set,
Haply I may remember,
And haply may forget.

Christina Rossetti
REMEMBER me when I am gone away,
Gone far away into the silent land;
When you can no more hold me by the hand,
Nor I half turn to go yet turning stay.
Remember me when no more day by day
You tell me of our future that you plann'd:
Only remember me; you understand
It will be late to counsel then or pray.
Yet if you should forget me for a while
And afterwards remember, do not grieve:
For if the darkness and corruption leave
A vestige of the thoughts that once I had,
Better by far you should forget and smile
Than that you should remember and be sad.

Christina Rossetti
De Profundis

OH why is heaven built so far,
Oh why is earth set so remote?
I cannot reach the nearest star
That hangs afloat.

I would not care to reach the moon,
One round monotonous of change;
Yet even she repeats her tune
Beyond my range.

I never watch the scatter'd fire
Of stars, or sun's far-trailing train,
But all my heart is one desire,
And all in vain:

For I am bound with fleshly bands,
Joy, beauty, lie beyond my scope;
I strain my heart, I stretch my hands,
And catch at hope.

Christina Rossetti
Dream Land

WHERE sunless rivers weep
Their waves into the deep,
She sleeps a charmed sleep:
Awake her not.
Led by a single star,
She came from very far
To seek where shadows are
Her pleasant lot.

She left the rosy morn,
She left the fields of corn,
For twilight cold and lorn
And water springs.
Through sleep, as through a veil,
She sees the sky look pale,
And hears the nightingale
That sadly sings.

Rest, rest, a perfect rest
Shed over brow and breast;
Her face is toward the west,
The purple land.
She cannot see the grain
Ripening on hill and plain;
She cannot feel the rain
Upon her hand.

Rest, rest, for evermore
Upon a mossy shore;
Rest, rest at the heart's core
Till time shall cease:
Sleep that no pain shall wake;
Night that no morn shall break
Till joy shall overtake
Her perfect peace.

Christina Rossetti
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