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The History and Disappearance of the Jewish Presence in Pakistan

I encounter this pretty often. Past sympathy for Jews O.K., present sympathy for Jews non-existent.

Solomon as usual you twist and read what you want into posts that people put up. I DO NOT HAVE A PROBLEM WITH JEWS. I have had a partner in biz that was a jew and it was my pleusure and is a pleusure to call him and his family freinds. However I do have a problem with Zionists and the abhorent treatment of palestinians.

If there was a campaign to welcome pakistani jews back to pakistan I would be at the forefront of that. Just as I am at the forefront of supporting Palestinians their rights.

It is you americans and zionists that FXXX things up by having double standards.

Its quite simple really injustice is injustice immaterial of what religion the victim is.
Jews ok as individuals yet despised as a people. goreing had excellent relations with his Jewish banker. That didn't stop him from helping hitler exterminate Europe's Jews.
All Pakistani Jews most welcome to Pakistan, if they want to back in Pakistan. Here is no hate against the Jews.
Jews ok as individuals yet despised as a people. goreing had excellent relations with his Jewish banker. That didn't stop him from helping hitler exterminate Europe's Jews.

replace muslims with jews and how is that not true?

are you a good internet windup, or really that delusiuonal, hard to tell.
Jews ok as individuals yet despised as a people. goreing had excellent relations with his Jewish banker. That didn't stop him from helping hitler exterminate Europe's Jews.

You have a warped mind and you are a broken record. I thought it really strange that you copied our posts from pdf to more partisan zionist audiences to show pakistanis and muslims in a bad light. You are an agent provocateur. How much do americans pay you to disseminate your crap. You come her provoke get people her to respond to you and then you just show these comments out of context. You are old and no doubt will meet your maker sooner than rest of us. You are evil and no doubt end in hell or whatever bad place exists for people like you. You are doing a disservice to jewish people by encouraging zionists in their abuse of palestinians. Because mark my words if the Zionists keep attacking moslem palestinians as they are the muslims will eventually get their act together as they did last time after a 100 years and took jerusalem back. We just have to wait for another salluhdin.

Your suggestion that if we do not support israel and or zionist in their abuse of palestinians is flawed and untenable and your suggestion and comparison of us to nazis is a gross insult as a result i will now report you for being an abusive troll.
. .
can we ban him??

He should be for coming on here provoking us. some excitable memebers tell him to FXXXX off. He then copies this to zionist etc audiences and says yea yea look at how bad these pakistanis and muslims are. I am sure he is on the pay of american government. Please report him I have done just now. I mean the nerve of the guy to compare us to nazis. If we compare the zionist to hitler in the west we get censured immedietly for being racist
He should be for coming on here provoking us. some excitable memebers tell him to FXXXX off. He then copies this to zionist etc audiences and says yea yea look at how bad these pakistanis and muslims are. I am sure he is on the pay of american government. Please report him I have done just now. I mean the nerve of the guy to compare us to nazis. If we compare the zionist to hitler in the west we get censured immedietly for being racist

can you direct me to when and where this has been done?
I am ok with Real Jews...Those who recite Torah and practice their religion...and go to their Synagogue...we got many here in Manchester..i regularly do business with some..They are cool people,and as normal as anybody else..But the Zionists and two faced jews are the ones i have problem with..They are not jewish but a political cult who are always plotting for world domination.
can you direct me to when and where this has been done?

It was pointed out to me on pdf on another thread where he was winding people up on by another member who copied the post he had copied to another site and then copied it back to here. I will try to find it but it should be on pdf somewhere. i will try search function on here. but if not there it might take me a few days to track it
can you direct me to when and where this has been done?

Sorrey mate just tried It would take me ages, however I am going to try emailing thee mods see if they know a way to search for it.
ok, he sounds like he does the crime, that chastises those who point it out to him.

not clever.
can you direct me to when and where this has been done?

Bingo found one place his blogging site by googling his name: Solomon's House

The following is what he copied from here I think:

“# Saudi Jawa Said: May:02:2011 - 14:13 What an interesting story. Not only in the developing details, but on its impact on the world. Americans are (understandably) celebrating, but the effect on Saudis (and Muslims in general) is curious indeed. Most Saudi and Muslims I’ve talked to seemed kind of shell shocked at the moment. While most of them did not agree with his acts, OBL had become a symbol of the Anti-American Muslim. Its an often used tactic when debating how powerful the US is by saying: “They can’t even find OBL!”. I wouldn’t be surprised to see Che Guivara style postmortem worship cults to arise. Expect to see conspiracy theories breed like rabbits.

# Solomon2 Said: May:02:2011 - 14:31 “Most Saudi and Muslims I’ve talked to seemed kind of shell shocked at the moment. While most of them did not agree with his acts, OBL had become a symbol of the Anti-American Muslim. Its an often used tactic when debating how powerful the US is -” So for “most Saudis and Muslims” OBL represented a never-dying ambition for domination over all others? A goal they feel is suppressed only by the power of non-Muslim nations? And thus these Muslims feel shocked and depressed by the demise of this symbol of their hope, whose tactics they disagreed with but whose publicly-declared goals they shared?”

“Saudi Jawa Said: May:02:2011 - 15:32 ”
“In a word; yes. A lot of Muslims still harbor the fantasy of the “Mulsim Umma” coming back as a super power. To most, the main obstacle in that road is the “Great Devil” AKA the USA. So a lot of them cling to any Anti-US symbol. I mean look at the level of hero worship Saddam got after he was executed. All his evil past deeds were forgotten, and he was elevated to the level of a celestial hero who got his face imprinted on the moon. The moon for chrissakes! A lot of them are hiding their shock under the guise of “speak no ill of the dead”, but it’s not particularly hard to spot.”

“Solomon2 Said: May:02:2011 - 19:27 “A lot of Muslims still harbor the fantasy of the “Mulsim Umma” coming back as a super power. To most, the main obstacle in that road is the “Great Devil” AKA the USA. So a lot of them cling to any Anti-US symbol. I mean look at the level of hero worship Saddam got after he was executed. All his evil past deeds were forgotten, and he was elevated to the level of a celestial hero who got his face imprinted on the moon. ” Jawa, do you agree with the words of one commentator: “Year after year, since 9/11, Osama Bin Laden was at the top of the list of most admired figures in the Islamic world, along with Saddam Hussein and Yasser Arafat, especially in mostly Sunni nations, but even in Shi’ite ones. That’s because he “did it” to America…sure sounds like Bin Laden is an Islamic leader to me. To deny that is simply more Obama Osama politically correct Islamo-pandering. Muslims loved Bin Laden. In a world dominated by conspiracy theories, they wanted it both ways, insisting that the Jews, the CIA, the Bush Administration and the Mossad did 9/11, not Bin Laden; and yet at the same time cheering on and admiring Bin Laden for murdering 3,000 Americans, because they knew he really did it…Osama Bin Laden was not only AN Islamic leader, he was THE Islamic leader.””

“Saudi Jawa Said: May:02:2011 - 23:27 @Solomon2 Hmmm. While I do agree in principal with the comment (where is it from BTW?), I’m not sure about the strength of the feeling he describes in Muslims. While it is true a lot of them admired OBL, I would say very few *loved* him. And I am not sure I would agree with the “THE Muslim leader”. He was definitely influential, and the lack of other strong Islamic figures around its easy to make that assumption. But I think that enough Muslims disagree with the lengths he went to that only a radical few would consider him in that light. An interesting thought exercise is to imagine what would happen if Bin Ladin had restricted his actions to purely non-Muslim targets.”

“Solomon2 Said: May:03:2011 - 13:43 S2: “Muslims loved Bin Laden. In a world dominated by conspiracy theories, they wanted it both ways, insisting that the Jews, the CIA, the Bush Administration and the Mossad did 9/11, not Bin Laden; and yet at the same time cheering on and admiring Bin Laden for murdering 3,000” SJ: While I do agree in principal with the comment (where is it from BTW?), I’m not sure about the strength of the feeling he describes in Muslims. Source: lawyer and movie reviewer Debbie Schlussel.”

Read more about Usama Bin Laden Dead | Crossroads Arabia on:
Crossroads Arabia

The emperors’ clothes
...Some do try and clutch at straws. Maybe they didn’t know. Maybe they’re so daft they didn’t really take this whole business of
pursuing Al Qaeda seriously. Maybe they just didn’t think it was their problem.

But those voices, unconvinced by their own words, quickly trail off … They knew. They knew he was there....

...Why would they do it? What did they hope to gain? Pakistan has nothing in common with Al Qaeda. They serve no purpose to us; there is no confluence of interests that can be imagined.

Did we think we could produce him like a rabbit out of the hat when we needed to? Did we think if we turned him over, the American attention span would lapse and they’d move on, leaving us unable to suckle at the teats of the superpower?

Or, assured in our assumptions about the world around us, did we simply think we could get away with it?

It makes no sense. And yet, perhaps there was an inevitability to this. Did the 1965 war make any sense? It was hard to find any sense to it then, even less so today.

Did Kargil make any sense? Not then, not today.

Did hawking nuclear paraphernalia on the international market make any sense? Buying did perhaps, but selling? And now we
have the world’s most-wanted terrorist recovered from the bosom of the Pakistani security establishment.

So maybe it does make sense after all. The establishment has flirted with irrationality in the past. Now it appears to have
perfected it.

Where do we go from here as a country?

As long as national security and foreign policy remain in the hands of a cabal of generals — unaccountable and untouchable, a
lay unto themselves, and in thrall to their own irrational logic — what future can this country have? Surely, not much of a

Is self-correction an option? Good luck trying to find anyone in the homeland or beyond with even a modicum of knowledge
and understanding of the institution who believes it is capable of reforming itself.

What you will find are retired officers who will tell you what it feels like to be the masters of the universe, part of the inner core
of the establishment. How your feet leave the ground as the world gathers beneath you, bowing and scraping for crumbs
thrown their way. The view from the inside, the inner core, is of limitless power. The view from the outside is of a perch almost
^^^^ yaar leave it.....whatever he says or does on his blogs or other forums is not our problem...But we do know now that the member has an ulterior motive...
Copying from here,also advertises the forum which is ok ;)
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