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The Hindus: An Alternative History by Wendy to be destroyed

Invasion yes, but there's no dispute about Aryan migration.

I agree with that but its not like all of them suddenly came in 1500BC, they came in number of waves intermarrying with earlier inhabitants.
Anything that disrespect anyone's religion or feelings and beliefs should be avoided.

Hindus are the one of the greatest people who believe in peace, coexistence and harmony. :tup:

Hindus have enriched this world with lots of science, technology and culture.

And one should respect that. :angel:
I agree with that but its not like all of them suddenly came in 1500BC, they came in number of waves intermarrying with earlier inhabitants.

It may not be a full scale invasion war, could have been several small battles as the Aryans settled down. Rig veda made references about these battles.
I am not saying anything about suppressing the freedom.....my only concern is about the western propaganda.....west always want the east to feel inferior......neither we are insecure ,...we can well defend of history and culture...but you never know there are many middle man who ready to sell the country for few green notes....

For some reason I don't look at it as propaganda, when its based on historical facts...

See if a noted scholar comes to certain conclusions based on researched accounts of history, it's not propaganda as much as his or her inference based on those accounts....it is our job to correct such inaccuracies through academic and editorial means...but that's just me and my vision for India...

Mind you, propaganda wreaks like a pile of garbage from a mile away...

Anything that disrespect anyone's religion or feelings and beliefs should be avoided.

Absolutely agreed...but don't you feel that in a country like India, "disrespecting and insult" to religion are freely thrown statements to simply avoid introspection?

I'm not defending any particular group or persons here, but I believe the same argument was stated when practices like sati were objected to initially...because it takes away the power from religious elites and allows the masses to think about their religion
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When did it take roots is quiet another debate my question was why BAN book just for taking about caste system?

I believe neither you nor me could comment without actually knowing what was written in that but people are very much accustomed to discuss caste system in India, so something different must be there in that book.
Our Indian society is free and open and we accepted anything from scientific achievements to sciences in sex too.
Maybe we should have allowed the contents to be read. From what I have heard, the author is too fond of Hinduism, and ancient Hindu texts, that she considers other religious texts as not so great in its scientific quality wrt Hinduism. She do not have a grasp of modern Hinduism yet, but she have a good grasp on old texts,
Absolutely agreed...but don't you feel that in a country like India, "disrespecting and insult" to religion are freely thrown statements to simply avoid introspection?

I'm not defending any particular group or persons here, but I believe the same argument was stated when practices like sati were objected to initially...because it takes away the power from religious elites and allows the masses to think about their religion

Bhai, U can't change society through the law and regulation only.

The social evils can only be changed through social movement with the involvement of people. Like the movement by raja ram mohan roy or mahadev govind ranade or namdev were successful because they were tolerant and wise people they involve people and induce the knowledge and wisdom.

Like Muslims in India are target of Dr. Zakir Naik type petro dollar funded radical and this can only be countered by the Muslims themselves and if govt. or hindus tries to interfere or oppose or make any law it will have reprecution, and will benefit the evil.
Yes and this is freedom of information and expression in the world's largest democracy, atleast when we regulate our people's access to certain books etc we dont claim to be champion of democracy and human rights in Pakistan, Indian hypocrisy is startlingly evident.....
Bhai, U can't change society through the law and regulation only.

The social evils can only be changed through social movement with the involvement of people. Like the movement by raja ram mohan roy or mahadev govind ranade or namdev were successful because they were tolerant and wise people they involve people and induce the knowledge and wisdom.

Like Muslims in India are target of Dr. Zakir Naik type petro dollar funded radical and this can only be countered by the Muslims themselves and if govt. or hindus tries to interfere or oppose or make any law it will have reprecution, and will benefit the evil.

Even though I agree with your statements my friend, in a country like India where a majority of people are illiterate (signing ones name doesnt count, critical thought is more important in my opinion) its hard for sane people like Raja Ram Mohan Roy etc to really create an influence. If you notice, he had to work closely with british lawmakers to abolish Sati as a practice...it wasnt the people who changed their opinion of sati...it had to be banned!
With religion playing such an important role in Indian lives (poverty might have a lot to do with it), and not to mention the stronghold gurus and false prophets hold here, I feel its a disservice when literary pieces written with critical tones are banned as it only supports and pushes people into the grasp of blind religion.

I realize my position is very critical of organized religion, but there is some truth to my words..hope you agree.
I am pretty miffed over it . It should not have been banned . Everybody has a right to voice their research and yes it's a research . She has devoted her life studying these texts . One might call her interpretation superficial but thats one's point of view .

This is not a ban from the govt, the publishers have abandoned the book. Personally I don't agree with banning books, be it the Satanic Verses or this.

That makes two of us .
For some reason I don't look at it as propaganda, when its based on historical facts...

See if a noted scholar comes to certain conclusions based on researched accounts of history, it's not propaganda as much as his or her inference based on those accounts....it is our job to correct such inaccuracies through academic and editorial means...but that's just me and my vision for India...

Mind you, propaganda wreaks like a pile of garbage from a mile away...
I can't say about this book because I haven't read it....but yes there is a lot of western propaganda going on.....
many time people realize about about it when its too late ..and that when when situation become grim and dark ...
so, it's better to take measure ahead...

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