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The greatest Indian woman in history.

There is always the danger that we may just do the work for the sake of the work. This is where the respect and the love and the devotion come in - that we do it to God, to Christ, and that's why we try to do it as beautifully as possible. ~ Mother Theresa

Some other quotes by her :

There must be a reason why some people can afford to live well. They must have worked for it. I only feel angry when I see waste. When I see people throwing away things that we could use.

Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies

I try to give to the poor people for love what the rich could get for money. No, I wouldn't touch a leper for a thousand pounds; yet I willingly cure him for the love of God.

Let us touch the dying, the poor, the lonely and the unwanted according to the graces we have received and let us not be ashamed or slow to do the humble work.

exactly my point, people are and have been doing good things in the name of God, for personal gains from serving the almighty, not so much out of compassion. Perhaps people need this belief and world needs them to believe so they can continue doing good to others.
No doubt Mother Teresa is among the most respected woman India ever had but Savitribai Phule, Maharani Tarabai, Razia Sultan, Mata Jijabai & Indira Gandhi deserves better positions than Mother Teresa !!
Hell's angel ? Sir, she has done far more to alleviate poverty and evils of castiesm in India than ANYONE else in our entire 65 years of history. Mother Theresa relied on modern medicines and medical practices to care for the poor.

About the Bhopal tragedy, condemning anyone is not her job. In her entire life she has never condemned anyone for anything. She does what she does and no more, and that is helping the poor, the sick and the unwanted.
that's simply not true.mother Teresa did nothing to eradicate casteism. Casteism is not present in Bengal because of reformers like Sri Chatyana deb, lalon fakir, Vivekananda, Brahma samaj to name a few.

what mother did is to provide a shelter for the dying. she didn't open schools for destitutes or worked to eradicate leprosy. but gave a place to die in peace to those who have no where else to go.

I respect her for that, although sometimes I think the bad publicity that has been attached to Calcutta didn't. worth it.
Hell's angel ? Sir, she has done far more to alleviate poverty and evils of castiesm in India than ANYONE else in our entire 65 years of history. Mother Theresa relied on modern medicines and medical practices to care for the poor.

About the Bhopal tragedy, condemning anyone is not her job. In her entire life she has never condemned anyone for anything. She does what she does and no more, and that is helping the poor, the sick and the unwanted.

she didn't help them... she used them as a showcase to gain popularity...she neither cured them rather gave them a shelter in destitute...she started her work in Kolkata some 60 years ago...how can you show me the statistics of her work...the change in poverty levels in Kolkata after she came...please furnish some facts..
she didn't help them... she used them as a showcase to gain popularity...she neither cured them rather gave them a shelter in destitute...she started her work in Kolkata some 60 years ago...how can you show me the statistics of her work...the change in poverty levels in Kolkata after she came...please furnish some facts..

Sir, atleast she was better than the blood sucking politicians who did nothing but talking only. Kindly follow the link

Mother Teresa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Cant Criticize her... How can we say she did more or less... She did what ever is in her limits for a Country which didnt belong to her... What ever she did was great even if she Just provided Shelter for the dieing...

Atleast she didnt Try to Convert People by bribing them which Most missionaries do in India...

I respect her as much as i respect Satyam Sai Baba or Mata Amritanandamayi... all went wrong in some or the other place but it doesnt mean We who did nothing for Humanity can Criticize them in full length ...
1. Tariq Ali, Pakistan born British activist doesn't think too highly of this lady. She is hardly known in the slums of Kolkata. Her activities have been limited to Christian missionary NGos and christian community.

2. On taking over, the last Pope had stated, "The first millennium Europe, the second Africa and the third Asia". Soon thereafter this Albanian lady received the Nobel. And the Indians went gaga just as they have done over Italian Sonia.
Wow Mother Theresa was good. Ok. But nowhere near the title "greatest". No where. And then there are allegations of her conversionary activities.
1. Tariq Ali, Pakistan born British activist doesn't think too highly of this lady. She is hardly known in the slums of Kolkata. Her activities have been limited to Christian missionary NGos and christian community.

2. On taking over, the last Pope had stated, "The first millennium Europe, the second Africa and the third Asia". Soon thereafter this Albanian lady received the Nobel. And the Indians went gaga just as they have done over Italian Sonia.
Get a Life Noob Troller...

Who told u no one in Kolkata knows her ... Thousand if not Millions attended her Funeral procession in Kolkata...

Do know what Nawaz Sharif, the Prime Minister of Pakistan said about her "a rare and unique individual who lived long for higher purposes. Her life-long devotion to the care of the poor, the sick, and the disadvantaged was one of the highest examples of service to our humanity.

GOI gave her a State Funeral ...
Another Dumbf*ck Evangelist. Nothing More this Stupid Lady was!
U have ur Right to Criticize her But Cant agree with Using Such Pathetic words to describe her ... Keep it reserved for the Congress & The Italian Blow Job...
I am very reserved in regard to Mother Teresa and anyone who does good deeds expecting rewards in the afterlife. There are many critical voices in Germany regarding Mother Teresa.

Here is a German website and many articles from reputed magazines and newspaper dedicated to criticism against her.

Mutter Teresa - Der Todesengel von Kalkutta

Zur Seligsprechung von Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu, alias Mutter Teresa | Telepolis

Mutter Teresa: Fundamentalistin der Nächstenliebe - Mutter Teresa - FOCUS Online - Nachrichten
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