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The Great Press Freedom Contest: Somalia Vs China

Will China reach Somalia's Press Freedom score in the next 20 years?

  • No Way

    Votes: 24 92.3%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 1 3.8%
  • 75 years is a better estimate

    Votes: 1 3.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
President Trump: Some Call Xi Jinping the 'King of China'
Sorry, to Indians Trump might be like a second father for you , but he is joke in China and many parts of the world,just in case you don't know.
Sorry, to Indians Trump might be like a second father for you , but he is joke in China and many parts of the world,just in case you don't know.

But your emperor is actually DADDY for all of you.
Even look at him wrong and the DADDY will spank the crap out of you.

Trump is a Joke but the bigger joke are the Chinese who have a buffoon as their emperor.:haha::sarcastic:
Chinese press freedom can give you a tank for free. Whether you end up on the top or bottom of the tank depends on your loyalty to the press .
He looks like a buffoon.
Don't know how the Chinese are putting up with this clown as their emperor.

what a shame.
Slaves don't have voices his entire family is more crooked than congress

Deng Jiagui (brother in law) has 300 million $ worth real estate business & is mentioned in Panama papers , the same papers that kicked shrif from p.m seat

His entire family is like vadra level scam
He looks like a buffoon.
Don't know how the Chinese are putting up with this clown as their emperor.

what a shame.
It's not like they have a choice or say in the matter.

Slaves don't have voices his entire family is more crooked than congress

Deng Jiagui (brother in law) has 300 million $ worth real estate business & is mentioned in Panama papers , the same papers that kicked shrif from p.m seat

His entire family is like vadra level scam
Even Somalis would not let that happen I reckon.
Don't bring countries ranked way above into this debate. It is about Somalia and China - please stick to these 2 countries. Don't deviate from the topic at hand. Will China ever catch up with Somalia?
You like to keep repeating 1 or 2 line no brain drivels.
Better go check if its hereditary brain damage from that missing British Daddy.
Or is it the effects of having endured years of being called B* due to having a missing British Daddy.

I believe I am not too harsh on someone who thinks OPENSHITDESH ranked 136 out of 180 is "WAY ABOVE".
Practicing journalism can get you killed
11 Indian journalists were reportedly murdered in 2017.

Any decent folk would have squirmed in SHAME over these murdered journalists instead of taking the time to criticize the much SUPERIOR PRESS SYSTEM practiced in China.
Of course OPENSHITDESH is known to have high threshold of Tolerance for SHAME.

It would be more productive if you spent time introspect why OPENSHITDESH have so much failures instead of self pity over your missing and unknown British Daddy.
You like to keep repeating 1 or 2 line no brain drivels.
Better go check if its hereditary brain damage from that missing British Daddy.
Or is it the effects of having endured years of being called B* due to having a missing British Daddy.

I believe I am not too harsh on someone who thinks OPENSHITDESH ranked 136 out of 180 is "WAY ABOVE".
Practicing journalism can get you killed
11 Indian journalists were reportedly murdered in 2017.

Any decent folk would have squirmed in SHAME over these murdered journalists instead of taking the time to criticize the much SUPERIOR PRESS SYSTEM practiced in China.
Of course OPENSHITDESH is known to have high threshold of Tolerance for SHAME.

It would be more productive if you spent time introspect why OPENSHITDESH have so much failures instead of self pity over your missing and unknown British Daddy.
Go to Post 1. Read it. Vote in the poll. And tell me how China can catch up with Somalia. Thanks.
Despite Indians claim of the biggest decomcacy in the world, How come India's free press index ranks so low worldwide? Can anyone explain?
Go to Post 1. Read it. Vote in the poll. And tell me how China can catch up with Somalia. Thanks.
Another ONE LINE no brain drivel.
Stupid poll, trying to compare 2 incompatible press systems.
Would make me look stupid if I participate in the vote like all those no brainers from OPENSHITDESH.
Despite Indians claim of the biggest decomcacy in the world, How come India's free press index ranks so low worldwide? Can anyone explain?

Open a new thread. This is for countries pretty much at the bottom of the barrel - i.e. Somalia vs China.

Another ONE LINE no brain drivel.
Stupid poll, trying to compare 2 incompatible press systems.
Would make me look stupid if I participate in the vote like all those no brainers from OPENSHITDESH.

I know the whole voting thing is alien and scares Chinese people. Don't worry - the Chinese version of Gestapo will not send you to a concentration camp. At least I hope not. Incompatible press systems????? Hahahhahahaha - like VHS and BETA? There is only one kind of press - i.e. a press which prints all the news and informs its citizens. Now vote and let me know how China can ever catch up with Somalia.
Slaves don't have voices his entire family is more crooked than congress

Deng Jiagui (brother in law) has 300 million $ worth real estate business & is mentioned in Panama papers , the same papers that kicked shrif from p.m seat

His entire family is like vadra level scam

Makes it even worse, right?

Shows how ever flawed, we are not ruled by a mad emperor who will rule until death and kill anyone who looks wrong at him.

China has become the new North Korea and has made the Chinese people laughing stock of the world.
Despite Indians claim of the biggest decomcacy in the world, How come India's free press index ranks so low worldwide? Can anyone explain?
This thread though stupid, did serve to highlight the pathetic state of Press Freedom in OPENSHITDESH.
I am bookmarking this stupid ranking by Western liberal attackdogs to highlight how pathetic this looks for those Gangas still touting how great "FREEDOM" is in OPENSHITDESH.
Chinese press freedom can give you a tank for free. Whether you end up on the top or bottom of the tank depends on your loyalty to the press .
Its literally "press"ing to say the best.
Makes it even worse, right?

Shows how ever flawed, we are not ruled by a mad emperor who will rule until death and kill anyone who looks wrong at him.

China has become the new North Korea and has made the Chinese people laughing stock of the world.

And instead of looking up Somalia, what do the Chinese here do? Go off tangent and put up a weak defense. Has even a single one of them said that they would like a free press? That they would like to move up the rankings? Of course not. That's just how they are groomed. It's so sad to see.
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