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The Great Game Changer: Belt and Road Intiative (BRI; OBOR)

Russian offer joint develop to China, because China is a big customer.
So the meaning of that is selling big quantity to China.

Stop derail pls. stop refer to Vietnam. It doesn't make sense here.
Russian offer joint develop to China, because China is a big customer.
So the meaning of that is selling big quantity to China.

If so, russia should offer all joint projects to India but not China.
Lemme explain:
Recently, Russia follow China in marketing their weapon in advance, when getting big order, getting the deposit, they start to develop the item. The customer pay for high cost with failures, flaws ... before they could get the right ones, maybe there're not good ones afterall.

If the development is good, Russia would mass produce that with improvement in their army/airforce with Zero cent of development cost. If not, they don't lose the development cost.

Su-30MKI is the project for Su-30SM, as you know. Indian pays

Good example of how Russia milk the Indians. Let's see if Vietnam is also smart enough to milk the Indians as well.
Russia: China is Russia's key strategic and economic partner - Putin

China is Russia's top strategic partner, Russian President Vladimir Putin said in Moscow, Friday. Speaking at a joint press conference with Chinese President Xi Jinping, following the signing of some 40 documents on enhancing the strategic partnership between the two countries, Putin highlighted the economic partnership between Russia and China announcing the figures of mutual trade in 2014, which amounted $88.4 billion (€78.5 billion). Putin added that the economic partnership between the countries will be expanded in both the energy and the investment sector. The Russian leader concluded his statement saying that the ultimate objective is to create a common economic space within the Eurasian continent.

You never know what Putin is up to??? He can turn the guns against China. Just like Crimea, Russia annexed Siberia into their territories in the 19th century.
Russian Helicopters, China's AVIC to Collaborate on Development of Advanced Heavy-lift Helicopter

Russian Helicopters (part of State Corporation Rostec) and Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC) have signed a framework agreement to work together on creating an advanced heavy helicopter. The agreement was signed at the Moscow Kremlin today in the presence of Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping by the CEO of Russian Helicopters, Alexander MIkheev, and the Chairman of the Board of Directors of AVIC, Lin Zuoming.

The manufacture in China of a heavy-lift helicopter developed jointly by the two countries has been an important component of Russian-Chinese collaboration in the aviation industry, and today's signing ceremony marks the start of practical work on the project. Under the agreement the parties will work on all areas of development and preparation to launch serial production of the new aircraft, named the Advanced Heavy Lift (AHL).

"China is one of the fastest-growing helicopter markets worldwide, and we are interested in establishing long-term multilateral strategic relations with China so that both sides benefit from working together on helicopter-building projects," Russian Helicopters CEO Alexander Mikheev said. "It is vital that the idea of building an advanced heavy-lift helicopter has been supported by the presidents of both our countries. We firmly believe that implementation of this project will open new horizons for collaboration between China and Russia."

"Russian Helicopters is uniquely well-qualified when it comes to building heavy-lift helicopters," Chairman of the Board of Directors of AVIC Lin Zuoming said. "The legendary Mi-26 type helicopters, for example, have no equals, and the Mi-26TS played an important role in the aftermath of earthquakes in Sichuan province in 2008 and 2013. I believe that working together with Russian Helicopters to create an advanced heavy-lift helicopter will prove to be a productive project and one that will have a positive influence on the development of China's helicopter industry."

Experts estimate that demand for the new helicopter in China could exceed 200 aircraft by 2040. The AHL is planned to have a take-off weight of 38 tons, and to be able to carry 10 tons of cargo inside the cabin or 15 tons on an external sling. The helicopter will be designed to operate round-the-clock in hot climates, mountainous terrain and all weather conditions, and will be able to fly a highly varied range of missions
from transportation to medevac, firefighting and much more.

As of now Russian Helicopters and AVIC have drawn up the preliminary technical specifications of the new helicopter and are continuing work on finalising its figure. The parties plan to sign a general contract later this year.

Russian Helicopters, (part of State Corporation Rostec), is one of the global leaders in helicopter production and the only helicopter design and production powerhouse in Russia. Russian Helicopters was founded in 2007 and is headquartered in Moscow. The company comprises five helicopter production facilities, two design bureaus, a spare parts production and repair facility, as well as an aftersale service branch responsible for maintenance and repair in Russia and all over the world. Its helicopters are popular among Russian ministries and state authorities (Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Emergency Control Ministry), operators (Gazpromavia, UTair), major Russian corporations. In 2014 its IFRS revenues increased 22,8% to RUB 169,8 billion. Deliveries reached 271 helicopters.

State Corporation Rostec is a Russian corporation founded in 2007 for the purpose of promoting the development, production and export of hi-tech civilian and military industry products. It comprises 700 organisations, nine of which have now been formed as holding companies of the military-industrial complex, five of them are involved in civil industries and 22 are directly controlled. Rostec's portfolio includes recognised brands such as Avtovaz, Kamaz, Russian Helicopters, and VSMPO-AVISMA. Rostec's organisations are located in 60 constituent entities of the Russian Federation and supply their products to the markets of more than 70 countries. The revenue of Rostec in 2013 amounted to RUB 1.04 trillion. The tax deductions into the treasuries at all levels exceeded RUB 138 billion.
‘Belt and Road’ initiative moves forward with Xi's Eurasian trip
May 08, 2015


President Xi at the Boao Forum for Asia 2015. (Photo/Xinhua)

As another starting point, President Xi Jinping's Eurasian trip will once more present the world with China's idea of advocating cooperation and win-win, as well as the openness and inclusiveness of Chinese diplomacy. May 7, 2015 marks a new milestone in the construction of "One Belt and One Road" with President Xi's visit to Russia, Belarus, and Kazakhstan.

It was in 2013, when visiting Indonesia, that President Xi first unveiled to the world theidea of building the Silk Road Economic Belt and the cooperation of 21st century maritime Silk Road.

"One Belt and One Road" corresponds to the needs of China's development, as well as those of the other countries and regions along the line. It also serves the interests of all parties and conforms to the trend of global cooperation.

In the past year, China has proved to the world with its actions that "One Belt and OneRoad" is not just an idle dream. President Xi officially published "Vision and proposed actions outlined on jointly building Silk Road Economic Belt and 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road" at the Boao Forum for Asia 2015; focusing on the China-Pakistan economic corridor, which is an important part of the project, President Xi made his first visit in 2015 to Pakistan and injected new vigor. His upcoming visits to Russia, Belarus, and Kazakhstan will also give fresh momentum to the advocacy of "One Belt and One Road".

The project has succeeded in connecting with the national strategies of many other countries in the past year. The President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev wants to combine the New Economic Policy of Kazakhstan with China's "One Belt and One Road",Vladimir Putin, President of Russia, has shown his willingness to connect the construction of Eurasian railway to the building of the Silk Road Economic Belt, and President of Indonesia Joko Widodo wants to enhance maritime cooperation in the spirit of Indonesia's Global Maritime Fulcrum concept and China's 21st century Maritime Silk Road…

"One Belt and One Road" keeps marching forward: in Russia, leaders of both countries will discuss the simultaneous construction of the Silk Road Economic Belt, the Eurasian railway,and the development and cooperation of the Eurasian Economic Union; in Kazakhstan, President Xi and President Nazarbayev will plan out a blueprint for cooperation in all fields between China and Kazakhstan, as well as the construction of the Silk Road Economic Belt; in Belarus, President Xi will pay a visit to the China-Belarus industrial park, which is the biggest investment project between the two countries, and is promising to become a vital element of the Silk Road Economic Belt.

In 2014, China's outward investment surpassed the inflow of foreign investment for the very first time, and China has become a net exporter of capital. In the same year, China's commodity imports reached about 2 trillion dollars, which equates to the scale of a moderately developed country. Statistics released by the Ministry of Commerce show that the bilateral trade volume between China and countries along the "One Belt and One Road" in the first quarter of 2015 was 236 billion dollars, which represents 26 percent of the total volume of China’s foreign trade. All of these numbers demonstrate China's sincerity and determination to build the "One Belt and One Road" together with other countries.
Don't derail. Can China design and manufacture all by themselves ?
Simple answer, yes. If we can build a master piece like a 5th gen stealth fighter, I think we deserve at least some credit for building a heavy lift helicopter. Don't you agree, my friend? LOL Listen. Why would we need to spend money on designing and time researching when we can collaborate with Russia to build a bigger and better existing model? It is economically and a smarter thing to achieve a priority item. It is a win-win collaboration.
Simple answer, yes. If we can build a master piece like a 5th gen stealth fighter, I think we deserve at least some credit for building a heavy lift helicopter. Don't you agree, my friend? LOL Listen. Why would we need to spend money on designing and time researching when we can collaborate with Russia to build a bigger and better existing model? It is economically and a smarter thing to achieve a priority item. It is a win-win collaboration.

At this moment only USA succeeded in building gen 5th stealth fighters f22, f35.
Prove me wrong, if you can
At this moment only USA succeeded in building gen 5th stealth fighters f22, f35.
Prove me wrong, if you can

1. F-22 is the first and only finished 5th gen fighter. None can deny that.
But US have to buy Russian rockets to go to space.

2. I am not sure F-35 can be finish faster than J-20.
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1. F-22 is the first and only finished 5th gen fighter. None can deny that.

2. I am not sure F-35 can be finish faster than J-20.

And I am not sure China could finish J-20 as a gen 5 fighter.
1. F-22 is the first and only finished 5th gen fighter. None can deny that.
But US have to buy Russian rockets to go to space.

2. I am not sure F-35 can be finish faster than J-20.


FORT WORTH, Texas (May 12, 2015) An F-35A Lightning II aircraft known as AF-73, rolled out of Lockheed Martin's aircraft final finishes facility on April 29, with the first set of vertical tails manufactured by the Australian company Marand.
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