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The Great Emu War - 1932 AD


Oct 24, 2012
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Well, it have been a while since I have done any combat/battle history report, so I decided to re-boot the series, starting with this battle in 1932. If you are interested in these type of thing, you can find my other battle report here


The Great Emu War - 1932 AD

People fight war to win, this is what war were meant to be, fought to be the winner. Some war are destined to live through history, the test of time, some war were simply, meant to be forgotten. Nonetheless, to people who seen the true face of warfare, even thought the memory become distant, and nobody ever talked about it, the experience would remain a part of you forever, for those who fought in that war, the memory are with them forever.


The years was 1932, approximately 15 years after the great war has ended, young man who were conscripted into fighting the great war were all returned, one way or another. since the ex-militiamen flocked back to Australia, there are job shortage to accommodate the influx of large scaled young group of guys.
Then the Government of Australia see this, and started to hand out land for returned servicemen. They can start their own farm and restart their own life.

Then come the 1929 great depression, where the government encourage the local farmer to increase their wheat product and subsidiary their wheat, while failing to deliver the promises made, the wheat harvest went on in 1932, however, the farmer was also threaten to boycott the wheat sale and the farmer/government relationship in Western Australia went to all time low.

The problem have been worsen by the years of neglect of culling of the national bird - The Emu, approximately 20,000 + emu running rampage in Wheatfield all over Western Australia, straining the already sour relationship between the government and the farmer, the farmer, ex-militiamen, instead of turning into local Agricultural department, requesting help from the Ministry of Defence, citing mistrust with the Ministry of Agriculture, the Government taking the chance to turn this crisis into opportunities, they acts, with extreme prejudice. By sending the Australian Army for the war on Emu.

Opposing Force

The Australian Force


Although the official figure of active participant have been disputed ever since the report of the war, the total participant were in no doubt a Brigade size of 4,000 ex-Australian Militia. Complement with this group is 2 machinegun (Lewis Machine Gun) sections of the 7th Heavy Battery of Royal Australian Artillery, commanded by Major G.P.W. Meredith.

The local ex-militia man were armed with local weaponry, mainly small arms, from .303 Lee-Enfield, Kar98 rifle to Pistol and Rifle of all Sort. While the Machinegun sections were armed with 2 Lewis Machine Gun with allotted 10,000 rounds bullet.



The Australian force aimed to have inflict a casualty of 30-50% of Emu Population and minimize the damage to the local West Australian Wheat Farmer.

The Emu - D. novaehollandiae

A reinforced Division size of Emu were estimated, although no exact number were sighted or recorded, an estimate of 20,000 + enemy combatant were in the Area during last survey.


Emu stand about 1.5 meters to 1.9 meters, weight about 20-60 kg, with an average build on 1.6 meter tall and weighted 40 kg, their tactics of choice is massive Emu-Wave attack, couple with some degree of Kamikaze attack. The weapon of choice included back kick, back flip and stampede.


Tactical Consideration

The tactical situation for the Australian is to maintain the tempo and press/pressure the attack and achieve a high kill ratio, as Emu outnumber Australian Soldier 5 to 1, (Typical estimation would see less than 2,000 Ex-militia actively engage to Emu-Combat, which Emu would then outnumber Australian 10 to 1)

Also, speed is the key, as each day Emu would consume the Wheatfield the Australian is holding, the longer it takes would mean a serious lost of profits.

On the other hand, the Emu would not have any tactical consideration on the account of well, Emu being Emu, they come, they eat and they bred. Plus, Emu outnumber Australian at least 5 to 1.

most Emu is fresh troop, just came out from the Hibernation from the long Australian Winter, this is the first thing most of them do immediately after a prolonged R&R period.

The Battle Begin

The Great Emu War, Day 1, November 2, 1932

on sighting report of a group of Emu, Platoon sized, near the Campion district, the soldiers and local militiamen, travel in formation behind the line of Emu and ready to open fire with the Machinegun. The burst, is not well placed and the Emu were amok after hearing the initial burst, burst into chaos and ran in every direction. The first battle lasted about 5 minutes, with 8 or 10 Emu being gunned down. The Australian drew first blood.

The Great Emu War, Day 2, November 4, 1932

November 3 have seen rain, which scatter the Emu population and the Army decided Nov 3 is not a good field day, instead they used that day to try and lay ambush for the Emu.

So, on the next day, they concealed gunner in Emu Hots Spot near a farm with a big pond (Location unknown), right off the bat, the concealed gunner report seeing at least 1,000 Emu gathering and having Wheat and water. The army ambush went into action.

Instead of chasing the Emu, the militia decided that they would wait until the Emu came within point blank range before opening fire. There they are, the Emu enter the kill zone with the first group almost just past the ambushing soldier, the Australian gunner thought he died and gone to heaven, he cannot believe his eyes, tree to tree Emu walking toward their Machine Gun kill zone. Then they open fire

The dream lasted almost as long, before the gun jammed after firing off about 20 rounds, the Emu upon entering the Ambush site have retreated, leaving behind countless of Emu Feather and some of their dead comrade, numbered between 10-12. The Gunner, having jamming the gun, almost gone home empty handed. Decided to call off the ambush.

The Great Emu War, Day 3, November 8, 1932

By November 8, the Commanding officer, Major Meredith realise their enemy is faster and quicker than then they original thought, now, instead of laying static ambushes, which to dismal result, the Major decided to mount the Machine gun on the back of a truck and trying to out run the emu and gun them down at the same time.

However, this is more or less easier to say then actually have to do it, on one hand, the truck gone off-road and the bumpy ride means bullet fired would not hit the target, also the recoil of the Lewis Machinegun means the gunner have to hold the gun in place while shooting with one hand, further destabilise the gun, and as a result, no emu was kill that day

After expanding 2,500 rounds of ammunition with less than 200 kill, the Army recall Major Meredith and planning to call off the whole War.

The Great Emu war, Part 2 November 13 to December 10.

After the Army wrapped up operation Emu on November 10. the Farmer again request MOD intervention for the Emu Problem they are facing, having red faced by the previous failure, Major Meredith had 3 days to go back to the drawing board and reform an attack plan that make sense.

The war was restarted on the 13th of November, with 40 Emu KIA. Now with a modified plan for mechanised attack, mounting another machinegun on top of a truck and stabilise it with make shift mount. Also employ ground troop to cull the Emu setting up ambush zone, the final battle see the extraordinary tactics used by the Emu.

The last operation see the Gun Truck having moderate success on killing Emu, with that mission, one Emu suddenly broke off from the pack it was running with. And charge the truck and slam head on toward the truck. The Emu, killed Instantly, but by its effort, jammed the steering column of the truck, resulting the truck veer off and crashed on some Farmers gate.

The extraordinary heroism for that Emu have effectively ended the Australian campaign on Emu in Western Australia. And the war is over, the major was recalled back on Dec 10 once again.


Perhaps the words said by Major Meredith is pretty much well rounded for the whole campaign. He was on record saying

"If we had a military division with the bullet-carrying capacity of these birds it would face any army in the world...They can face machine guns with the invulnerability of tanks. They are like Zulus whom even dum-dum bullet could not stop" Major G.P.W. Meredith

The original tactics was seriously underestimate the Emu capability, thought the can't fly, they still run pretty damn quick. And a machine gun cannot deal maximum damage unless the Emu pack was travelling enfilade toward the machine gun. Hence the dismal result.

Also the Australia have seriously underestimated the command structure and the tactics employed by the Emu, where the head honcho Emu would direct half of its force to charge the Australian Machinegun, some resulting overheat and jamming, the head honcho would also instruct another group to take advantage of the situation and get off with the wheat. And by the end of the conflict, the Emu also smart enough to understand well the range of a Lewis Machinegun and post non-essential combatant just outside the range. Couple with the fact that Emu Stampede was actually quite scary, it contribute the result of 987 emu kill, unknown wounded over 19,000 bullet, a rate that did not even remotely put a dent in the population. And defeated the Australian Effort.
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Please stick to real wars sir @jhungary you have great posts why you make one with butchering of birds. I am sorry this is not the best of posts of yours... Just for that you will have to write about the guns used in world war 1 :P
Please stick to real wars sir @jhungary you have great posts why you make one with butchering of birds. I am sorry this is not the best of posts of yours... Just for that you will have to write about the guns used in world war 1 :P

lol, this is a real war..........

soldier with guns and casualty on both side :) And in fact there are a medal commemorating it..

soldier with guns and casualty on both side :) And in fact there are a medal commemorating it..
Just for that you will have to write about the guns used in world war 1 :p:angel:
Just for that you will have to write about the guns used in world war 1 :p:angel:

okay, now seriously, I will write about battle in Korea War next, just need some off and laugh about something.

By the way, I got most of the information about the Emu war from Australian War Memorial....that show you how serious these aussie see this "so-called" war...
By the way, I got most of the information about the Emu war from Australian War Memorial....that show you how serious these aussie see this "so-called" war...
lol, this is a real war..........

soldier with guns and casualty on both side :) And in fact there are a medal commemorating it..

Please ,make few more like that-excellent post:D
Man vs bird 1:10 ratio,round 1 ,10 emu down .
Although this looks lighter post with a decent humor .However, it has a lot serious things to discuss:
1-Military professionals adapted to live a farmer life.They were not much aware of conservation,selective breeding,making hybrid cultivar( superior progeny).
Ever heard of Norman Borlaug.Of course you do.He was a plant breeder who succeed in producing a wheat variety with semi dwarf height to resist lodging-as a result of which more seeds were retained and increase number of wheat variety.His contribution has saved million lives across the world including Maxico,India,Pakistan etc.Pakistan become self sufficient in wheat production.I encourage you to read green revolution.
Mr.Gary, this was the reason due to which these farmers failed to meet government's need.
2-Now,they should have contacted to private organizations of animal conservation first and warn them that they will eradicate their entire population in this region if not taken.These agencies could have taken them and sold out at a good price to different countries by the help of higher authorities.
3-Since they were soldiers, all they knew was killing. It wasn't their fault.Government must have established committee to understand and fulfill their needs.They must be given proper training of plant breeding and farmer techniques which they haven't.
So,it is a good post as it covers huge tag cloud: war,battle,emu,agriculture, management ,conservation, plant breeding etc.
Mr.Gary,you think big and unique ,and very less people understand this.You have tendency to think besides killing and rage,unlike some other M.PS.You have great adaptive skills as well as leadership as well.You can proceed ahead in life if you think about yourself seriously.
Legendary thread.:rofl::omghaha:

well, the Aussie see this as a war, I see this as a war..........lol

Believe it or not, we do lost the Emu war.........probably the Aussie need to get in some heavy artillery to deal with the emu problem in hind sight...

seriously tho, I am writing a series of battle that change the Korean war, stay tune :)
Legendary thread.:rofl::omghaha:
It was different and new concept to us.I like this idea.We read about war stuff everyday which gets boring sometimes, but he taught us a new concept of war.I didn't knew that this kind of war was also there?:D
Unique post anyway, different idea.:)
Please ,make few more like that-excellent post:D
Man vs bird 1:10 ratio,round 1 ,10 emu down .
Although this looks lighter post with a decent humor .However, it has a lot serious things to discuss:

1-Military professionals adapted to live a farmer life.They were not much aware of conservation,selective breeding,making hybrid cultivar( superior progeny).

Ever heard of Norman Borlaug.Of course you do.He was a plant breeder who succeed in producing a wheat variety with semi dwarf height to resist lodging-as a result of which more seeds were retained and increase number of wheat variety.His contribution has saved million lives across the world including Maxico,India,Pakistan etc.Pakistan become self sufficient in wheat production.I encourage you to read green revolution.

Mr.Gary, this was the reason due to which these farmers failed to meet government's need.


To start they should not have give out land to the ex-soldier in the first place, farming is quite difficult, and the parcel of land the government is giving out is not small too. Maybe the government should start with some collective effort, like Co-Op farm.

but the problem is, if you have no farming experience, what would you grow, most will just go for barley or wheat. But some would try their hand on harder stuff like maze or strawberries.

But at the end of the day, they could probably maintain a level of harvest, green farming is one thing (Guess that probably too difficult to those soldier-farmer) if the Emu is out of the way, the whole Emu War saga involving in the military is simply the Minister of Agriculture lies to the soldier about subsidiaries that would be given to wheat grower, but instead nothing has been given....

2-Now,they should have contacted to private organizations of animal conservation first and warn them that they will eradicate their entire population in this region if not taken.These agencies could have taken them and sold out at a good price to different countries by the help of higher authorities.

Lol, what I did not say in that story is that, in the end, the Emu Crisis subsided is due partly the emu have ate majority amount of corps. and also in the end the soldier really turn to Ministry of Agriculture

They didn't in the beginning simply because they don't trust those people in MOA...

3-Since they were soldiers, all they knew was killing. It wasn't their fault.Government must have established committee to understand and fulfill their needs.They must be given proper training of plant breeding and farmer techniques which they haven't.
So,it is a good post as it covers huge tag cloud: war,battle,emu,agriculture, management ,conservation, plant breeding etc.
Mr.Gary,you think big and unique ,and very less people understand this.You have tendency to think besides killing and rage,unlike some other M.PS.You have great adaptive skills as well as leadership as well.You can proceed ahead in life if you think about yourself seriously.

lol, apparently, they aren't good at killing too....

yeah, EMU...


In part of West Australia, T-Shirt have logo saying "I fought Emu and I lost" were selling pretty good in stalls.....

To start they should not have give out land to the ex-soldier in the first place, farming is quite difficult, and the parcel of land the government is giving out is not small too. Maybe the government should start with some collective effort, like Co-Op farm.

but the problem is, if you have no farming experience, what would you grow, most will just go for barley or wheat. But some would try their hand on harder stuff like maze or strawberries.

But at the end of the day, they could probably maintain a level of harvest, green farming is one thing (Guess that probably too difficult to those soldier-farmer) if the Emu is out of the way, the whole Emu War saga involving in the military is simply the Minister of Agriculture lies to the soldier about subsidiaries that would be given to wheat grower, but instead nothing has been given....

Lol, what I did not say in that story is that, in the end, the Emu Crisis subsided is due partly the emu have ate majority amount of corps. and also in the end the soldier really turn to Ministry of Agriculture

They didn't in the beginning simply because they don't trust those people in MOA...

lol, apparently, they aren't good at killing too....

yeah, EMU...


In part of West Australia, T-Shirt have logo saying "I fought Emu and I lost" were selling pretty good in stalls.....
I have heard once that Aussies have troubles with Ostriches ,but never knew that much.True-we laugh at nature as it means to nourish us,but we have to admit, that even nature gets nasty sometimes.
Instead of heavy weapons,I believe that they should have used light weight guns.Their strategy was faulty for fast running birds. :)
I have heard once that Aussies have troubles with Ostriches ,but never knew that much.True-we laugh at nature as it means to nourish us,but we have to admit, that even nature gets nasty sometimes.
Instead of heavy weapons,I believe that they should have used light weight guns.Their strategy was faulty for fast running birds. :)

Ostrich and EMU are not same

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