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The Grand Mosque Seizure (Masjid al-Haram)

Dont be so lost in praising Saudis. Just one paragraph ago you berated Red Mosque mullahs. They too are indoctrinated from same Islamic ideology that emanated in Saudi Arabia. Its the same ideology that fuels Al Qaeda, Al Nusra and ISIS. Other than oil, Saudi Arabia's biggest export is terror. Since that terror is most of the times used as a tool in the hands of Western imperialists, it does not get mentioned beyond muted protestations.
praise is for their handling of situations and their treatment of the perpetrators.
if your personal biases and disagreements decide your judgments then they wont be objective but a matter of opinion which others have very right to disagree

still with me?

how Saudis conduct their foreign policy is irrelevant to the subject of this thread
how much Pakistan is affected by Saudi Persian sectarian proxy war is also not relevant

what is relevant is how their forces with or without foreign help.. have dealt with terrorists and the desired results afterwards. leading to a handful of terror attacks or foiling of plots before they become a threat.

in contrast to an apologetic approach by Musharraf regime (in my personal opinion) on Lal Masjid actually encouraged the terrorists to increase their operations at massive scale.
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