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The flaws in India’s plan to diplomatically isolate Pakistan


Nov 26, 2016
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The Express Tribune > Pakistan

By Imdad Hussain
Published: March 28, 2017
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Indian premier Narendra Modi. PHOTO: AFP

For those wanting to see Pakistan isolated in the international arena such as Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, nothing could have been more frustrating than to watch the multinational Pakistan Day celebrations. To show solidarity with Islamabad, China and Saudi Arabia unprecedentedly sent their troops, while Turkey sent a band to participate in the 77th Pakistan Day parade. South Africa’s Chief of the National Defence Forces General Solly Zacharia Shoke was also in attendance and authorities in Dubai decided to decorate world’s tallest tower Burj al-Khalifa with the colours of Pakistani flag on the occasion.

Luckily for Pakistan, the parade was not the only time when Modi’s wishful plan to corner Pakistan fell flat on its face. In October last year, India faced a setback over its policy of isolating Pakistan at the BRICS Summit in Goa, attended by head of states from Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. Given its friendly relations with Pakistan, China opposed the Indian stance and refused to buy Modi’s remarks of “mothership of terrorism” against Islamabad. Similarly, India had lobbied in the US to sanction Pakistan for sponsoring terrorism, but the global power refused as it acknowledges Pakistan has been engaged in a serious fight against terrorism. In September, New Delhi also tried to interrupt Pakistan-Russia ties and urged Moscow to not carry out a joint military exercise in Pakistan. Nevertheless, the Indian plea was frustrated by Moscow.

Ironically, even with all these setbacks, New Delhi has been claiming that it is succeeding in its efforts against Pakistan.

Why Modi’s policy is harmful to India itself

Despite its failure to isolate Pakistan, India is still continuing with its blame game and arrogantly avoiding dialogue over outstanding issues including Kashmir. Practically speaking, such a policy is not even in the interest of New Delhi for several reasons.

Firstly, New Delhi wants to establish itself as an economic power in the region. Such dreams can never be realised in an environment where Pakistan and India – two nuclear-armed nations – are in conflict. Moreover, in the case of better ties, Pakistan can interconnect the country with other regions through land and sea routes that are very important for corporate India.

Secondly, conflicts never resolve issues or defeat terrorism, which is a serious threat to the entire region. It is the terrorists India needs to isolate, not Pakistan; the conflict between the two countries will only strengthen extremism both in India and Pakistan. What is needed is joint efforts and cooperation between the two countries; refusing to talk will only help violence to spread across the region engulfing India as well eventually.

In the last two years, India has reportedly arrested dozens of suspected global militants who allegedly wanted to establish their cells in the country. The country has also been facing the threat of terror attacks for long. Similarly, Pakistan itself is one of the worst victims of terrorism with about 22,000 civilians and 6,600 soldiers killed. In addition, the country has incurred losses worth Rs12.3 trillion in the war on terror, besides the destruction of its infrastructures in different parts of the country. It is only logical for the two countries to come together for peace and development.

Thirdly, India’s strategy has reflected negatively on its own image. Last year, Russian diplomat Zamir Kabulov praised the speech of foreign policy adviser Sartaj Aziz at the Heart of Asia Conference in Amritsar as “a friendly one” and cautioned the participants against indulging in a blame game over the critical issues of terrorism and peace in Afghanistan in which everyone has an important stake. Similarly, China and the US have opposed Modi’s stance against Pakistan.

Can Pakistan be isolated?

For the global community, Pakistan’s role against terrorism is vital as it is connected to the security situation in China, India, Middle East and Central Asia. The world also realises the importance of Pakistan for stabilisation and reconciliation in Afghanistan.

Economically, Pakistan is considered important for interconnecting Central Asia and South Asia as desired by the international community especially China, Russia and the US. Its sea and land routes can interconnect different regions of the world in the future as well; apart from the much-popular China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, the Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation Program – to interconnect Europe and the Middle East with Central Asia and South Asia – plans to make use of Pakistani ports.

Additionally, Pakistan’s role in South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation, Economic Cooperation Organisation, Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, and other regional arrangements can never be overlooked. The stabilisation of South Asia region is essential for global connectivity, peace and development and no country in the world can afford to isolate Pakistan and further destabilise the region.

Epic Fail.
India's isolate Pakistan policies main aim is to destroy Pakistan's Kashmir diplomacy and it has worked wonderfully.
Pakistan sent envoy to 5 UNSC perm members last year but not a single one if their gov't issued a statement on Kashmir in Pak favour.
Similarly Pakistan claimed, that Saudi Arabia, Turkey & UAE are determinedly behind Kashmir cause but just in 2017 alone head if states if all those nations coming to India on bilateral visit.
India's isolate Pakistan policies main aim is to destroy Pakistan's Kashmir diplomacy and it has worked wonderfully.

This is actually an epic fail and rest of all is bravado otherwise, we would have seen a lot of happenings as per wish of India. Kashmir cause is still active and world acknowledges the same that never favoured Indian version of Kashmir as well. However, you can believe whatever you want to as well as listen whatever you wish.

Pakistan sent envoy to 5 UNSC perm members last year but not a single one if their gov't issued a statement on Kashmir in Pak favour.

Repeated the same narration however, Pakistan never asked to Favour itself but Kashmir is always there and none of the Foreign Powers declared Kashmir as whatever India wanted so despite several failed attempts of India to brand Kashmir struggle as terrorism or etc, the matter is still not acknowledged by any party in favour of India which is actually a Favour to Kashmir.

Similarly Pakistan claimed, that Saudi Arabia, Turkey & UAE are determinedly behind Kashmir cause but just in 2017 alone head if states if all those nations coming to India on bilateral visit.

By the same logic, how many of countries Official's denied to visit Pakistan, None... so it is not called any win and by the way, except the bravado, read about our relations with Turkiye, KSA and recent Pakistan-UAE meetings, you will be surprised. Unlike India, we never demanded any country to cut ties with India
in our Favour but we always maintained good relations with everyone even, read about Pakistan-Russia-Iran relations and newly meet-ups that you will be surprised. These are few of the writings on the wall contrary to whatever you deny due to whatever reason and selective reading. Every country visits other countries so that should be counted as isolation for the rest of the parties? Turkiye Military Band and Chinese Tri services, participated in last Pakistan Day Parade and few months back, Russian Military took part in exercise in Pakistan for the First Time so shall we claim India is actually being Isolated in this regard, No but we only keep in view our own national interest and foreign relations which are growing furthers from Africa to Europe to Middle-East and all as in Asia. Post a single country that actually cuts ties with Pakistan to prove your claim. Let me tell you something interesting, actually this Isolation claim helped us
a lot to strengthen our Ties/Relations further than before that I must say, counter strategy paid it well that our Officials being pushed to adopt better policy than good which was a-slept before NaMO's Isolation claim. The reality of the day is, none can ever claim to cut other sovereign nation from the world but only India does so often even knowing that it is not possible but those statements of NaMO's were in conti-nuation of his political campaign during election and yet trying to keep the pace by issuing weekly or monthly statements knowing that opposition will exploit such claim for its own point scoring. That said, never claim a thing which is not possible so except Indian gang (countries like Afghanistan and BD) we have good relations with everyone and reality is far different than NaMO's dream.
India's isolate PakWNqkW5HTXqA
ies main aim is to destroy Pakistan's Kashmir diplomacy and it has worked wonderfully
Wrong - It worked "wonderfully" for Pakistan as dispute of Kashmir has been highlighted internationally and "wonderfully" AND THAT IS PAKISTAN POLICY AS INDIA ALWAYS AVOID AND CRY TO HIGHLIGHT KASHMIR ISSUE INTERNATIONALLY.

Similarly Pakistan claimed, that Saudi Arabia, Turkey & UAE are determinedly behind Kashmir cause but just in 2017 alone head if states if all those nations coming to India on bilateral visit.
You are living in lala land... China, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Azerbaijan all support Pakistan's stance on Kashmir..
Epic Fail.
India's isolate Pakistan policies main aim is to destroy Pakistan's Kashmir diplomacy and it has worked wonderfully.
Pakistan sent envoy to 5 UNSC perm members last year but not a single one if their gov't issued a statement on Kashmir in Pak favour.
Similarly Pakistan claimed, that Saudi Arabia, Turkey & UAE are determinedly behind Kashmir cause but just in 2017 alone head if states if all those nations coming to India on bilateral visit.

The fact of CPEC shows China's position on Kashmir. It's now China's core interest that Kashmir remain in friendly hands. And China is part of P5 the last time I checked.
This is actually an epic fail and rest of all is bravado otherwise, we would have seen a lot of happenings as per wish of India. Kashmir cause is still active and world acknowledges the same that never favoured Indian version of Kashmir as well. However, you can believe whatever you want to as well as listen whatever you wish.

Repeated the same narration however, Pakistan never asked to Favour itself but Kashmir is always there and none of the Foreign Powers declared Kashmir as whatever India wanted so despite several failed attempts of India to brand Kashmir struggle as terrorism or etc, the matter is still not acknowledged by any party in favour of India which is actually a Favour to Kashmir.

By the same logic, how many of countries Official's denied to visit Pakistan, None... so it is not called any win and by the way, except the bravado, read about our relations with Turkiye, KSA and recent Pakistan-UAE meetings, you will be surprised. Unlike India, we never demanded any country to cut ties with India
in our Favour but we always maintained good relations with everyone even, read about Pakistan-Russia-Iran relations and newly meet-ups that you will be surprised. These are few of the writings on the wall contrary to whatever you deny due to whatever reason and selective reading. Every country visits other countries so that should be counted as isolation for the rest of the parties? Turkiye Military Band and Chinese Tri services, participated in last Pakistan Day Parade and few months back, Russian Military took part in exercise in Pakistan for the First Time so shall we claim India is actually being Isolated in this regard, No but we only keep in view our own national interest and foreign relations which are growing furthers from Africa to Europe to Middle-East and all as in Asia. Post a single country that actually cuts ties with Pakistan to prove your claim. Let me tell you something interesting, actually this Isolation claim helped us
a lot to strengthen our Ties/Relations further than before that I must say, counter strategy paid it well that our Officials being pushed to adopt better policy than good which was a-slept before NaMO's Isolation claim. The reality of the day is, none can ever claim to cut other sovereign nation from the world but only India does so often even knowing that it is not possible but those statements of NaMO's were in conti-nuation of his political campaign during election and yet trying to keep the pace by issuing weekly or monthly statements knowing that opposition will exploit such claim for its own point scoring. That said, never claim a thing which is not possible so except Indian gang (countries like Afghanistan and BD) we have good relations with everyone and reality is far different than NaMO's dream.

Yeh to ulta us ke mun pe thapar mar dya
Pakistan is too important to be isolated. Let Indians keep dreaming. :disagree:

There are many countries that support Pakistan's Kashmir stance.
This is actually an epic fail and rest of all is bravado otherwise, we would have seen a lot of happenings as per wish of India. Kashmir cause is still active and world acknowledges the same that never favoured Indian version of Kashmir as well. However, you can believe whatever you want to as well as listen whatever you wish.
Actually not a single country gives any importance to.Kashmir in their foreign policies and has never moved a resolution against India.
This is a major defeat for Pakistan.
Actually not a single country gives any importance to.Kashmir in their foreign policies and has never moved a resolution against India.
This is a major defeat for Pakistan.

I read it as matter was settled in previous post yet, don't know what forced you, but you still repeat the same narrative. Let it say, just calm and read, actually despite of India's non-stop propaganda against Kashmir Struggle, not a single country acknowledged India's stance on international level as to declare the same as terrorism, is actually a win for Pakistan on diplomatic level and never moved a resolution against Pakistan support for cause of Kashmir. This is called a major defeat.
I read it as matter was settled in previous post yet, don't know what forced you, but you still repeat the same narrative. Let it say, just calm and read, actually despite of India's non-stop propaganda against Kashmir Struggle, not a single country acknowledged India's stance on international level as to declare the same as terrorism, is actually a win for Pakistan on diplomatic level and never moved a resolution against Pakistan support for cause of Kashmir. This is called a major defeat.
Wrong again.
You need a major update.

Israel & Russia two most powerful nations support on stance on Kashmir.

Also not a single country has stated Kashmir is an integral part of Pakistan.
A massive defeat for Pakistan.

How about massive holes in indian herbis....

How on Earth can this modi regime...for that matter any power can isolate Pak?

A great regional South West Asian power with one of the strongest millitary in the world, with economy coming out of the cold and about to launch....with 200 million people...and at the Heart of Eurasian, ME, South West Asia...

How can anyone isolate Pak?

With madness first thing that perishes is reason. indians are mad.

Kashmir is FREE. It is just under brutal indian occupation. This FACT alone testifies to Kashmiri FREEDOM.

The indians will always remain in the plains...heat and dust only!!!
Wrong again.
You need a major update.

Israel & Russia two most powerful nations support on stance on Kashmir.

Also not a single country has stated Kashmir is an integral part of Pakistan.
A massive defeat for Pakistan.

I have no time for your repetitive rants. The thing is, none favoured India with any stance except diplomatic statements that too for personal interests which mostly based upon Business/Money. However, now you changed your statement further to integral part of Pakistan but that is what India always claimed and none acknowledged but always stated as Indian Held Kashmir. The writing is on the wall though you can close your eyes to feel good about that. Israeli reference is wrong w.r.t. Pakistan never accepted the same as a State at all. NaMO has already seen defeat hence, useless statements and fake claims of so-called isolation.

Side-note: There is no need to repeat your rant again & again only to prove nothing. Even if you update or yourself or not but do not troll with meaningless and self-satisfaction posts.
Wrong again.
You need a major update.

Israel & Russia two most powerful nations support on stance on Kashmir.

Also not a single country has stated Kashmir is an integral part of Pakistan.
A massive defeat for Pakistan.

Kashmir is clearly recognized as disputed territory by the world community. The important aspect of the issue is whether it is a bilateral issue after the Simla Agreement or not.
It was an epic fail everyone saw that coming. India is no super power it can't isolate anyone. Only 2 countries stood by Indias stance and that was bangla and namak haram afghanis.
With Bangladesh you can see it was some sort of incentive to them by Modi for them to raise the 71 issue, Afghanistan on the other hand well can the the PM of Afg even leave Kabul let alone control his own country.

just like the surgical strikes the whole world laughed at India when they spoke about isolating pakistan

Actually not a single country gives any importance to.Kashmir in their foreign policies and has never moved a resolution against India.
This is a major defeat for Pakistan.

lool. here you go buddy this is the Uk parliament condemning India for its brutalities against Indian occupied kashmiris just last month. just because your awful indian media doesn't show you whats happening in the real world regarding Indian kashmir doesn't mean the world isn't condemning india
Is UK big enough super power for you ?

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