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The Fighter Plane Powerful Enough to Destroy a Satellite in Space

In theory...But not in practice.

Am not an Army guy but I am a gun owner. If you want to be merely proficient -- not a master -- of your rifle, try passing about 1,000 rounds thru the barrel.

How many practice satellites are there for a planned ASAT system?

No, we do not need 1,000 ASAT tests. But the point is clear, that an ASAT weapon system, outside of nuclear, is the second most difficult project to accomplish. The most difficult is how to destroy a post WW II aircraft carrier. When you think about it, we shot down more satellites than sink a post WW II aircraft carrier.

But if we want to talk about methods, then the air launched method is the best, especially in terms of flexibility.

I have read the "Red Storm Rising" recently and in one chapter they use F 15s to carry ASAT missile to a high altitude and then fires the missile when it pass over head them. In the story though they could destroy the satellite.
hope pakistan test this kind of satellite destroying techniques ... so that in the time of need indian satellite or anyone else, can be destroyed.. pak needs to test and acquire it..
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